Molybdenum Fluoride IR Absorption Spectra

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molybdenum fluoride is a binary compound of molybdenum and fluorine. It is a major public health problem in many countries, including India. It is a potent anti-tumour agent and has a therapeutic effect on the treatment of fluorosis.

The IR absorption and difference spectra of the reaction products of molybdenum atoms with an argon matrix doped with 0.5% F2 after photolysis and annealing are presented in Fig. 8. The most intense band is at 573.8 cm-1 (A) and there are also weak bands at 684.6 cm-1 (E), 676.0 cm-1 (D), 616.7 cm-1 (C’), 608.3 cm-1 (B’), 737.2 cm-1 (G) and a wide band at 650 cm-1.

ESI-6 shows that there is no change on photolysis and only a slight increase in intensity of the 573.8 cm-1 feature after annealing to 15, 20 and 30 K. The 676.0 cm-1 (D), 684.6 cm-1 (E) and 694.3 cm-1 (F) bands are unchanged, but the peak at 737.2 cm-1 (G) increases in intensity.

The 737.2 cm-1 (G) band is not present in the 0.2% F2/Ar experiments on deposition, but it is very weak in the 0.5% and 1% F2/Ar matrices and is most intense in the 2% F2/Ar spectra. This feature is formed by a reaction of the molybdenum atoms with the hot surface of the argon matrix.