What is Inconel 625 Alloy?

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Introduction to Inconel625 Alloy Inconel 625 It is high-performance nickel-chromium-molybdenum alloy This alloy is known for its strong strength, high temperature resistance and resistance to corrosion. Superalloys are mainly made of nickel (min. 55 %, followed by nickel, molybdenum (min.

Inconel 625 Alloy Composition
Nickel 58.0 Min Silicon Max 0.50
(Cr.) Chromium 2.0 to 23.0 (C.) Carbon Maximal 0.40
(Fe-Iron) Maximum of 5.0 (Ti) Titanium Maximal 0.40
(Mo. Molybdenum 8.0 to 10.0 Aluminum (Al) Max 0.10
(Nb+Ta) Niobium+Tantalum 3.15 to 4.15 (Phosphorus) Max. 0.015
(Co) Cobalt* Maximum of 1.0 (Sulfur Max. 0.015
(Mn) Manganese Max 0.50

Inconel 625 Alloy Properties
Material with special strength
Inconel 625 has a strength that is due not only to its NiCr matrix, however also to the hardening mechanism niobium/molybdenum. Because of the interactions between molybdenum niobium amolium, the alloy matrix provides increased strength and resistance to precipitation. The alloy has a yield strength of 690 MPa, and a tensile resistance of 275 MPa.
Resistant to extreme temperatures
Inconel 625 can withstand extreme temperatures, from extremely low to very high. It has a melting temperature of about 1300degC.
Inconel 625 is formed naturally by a protective layer of titanium and nickel when exposed to high temperatures of an oxidizer.
It resists corrosion
Inconel 625’s unique mixture of components renders it highly resistant against corrosive substances. The Inconel 625 superalloy performs well in salty water, particularly in more mild environments like freshwater or standard atmospheric conditions.
Nickel-chromium’s substrate in Inconel 625 protects the material from oxidants. The material is also protected from pitting by molybdenum. 15.5% sulfuric acid has a min. Material corrosion occurs at 0.188 mm/year in 15% sulfuric Acid.
Capacity to manufacture at high levels
Inconel 625 has a better weldability rating than other alloys. It shows no cracking when subjected to heat and strain. The superalloy’s excellent creep resistance and yield strength makes it a popular choice for factory equipment and piping that requires welding.
Inconel 625 Alloy Powder Properties
Additional Names INCO 625
Appearance Metallic powder
Melting Point 1290-1350 degC
Density 8.44g/cm3
3D Printing Inconel Alloy In625 Powder

Inconel 625 Alloy Application
Inconel 625 was invented in the 1960s in order to make a material suitable for steam pipes. To make the material more resistant to creep and easier to weld, some modifications to its original composition were made. Inconel625 is being used across a variety of industries including the chemical processing and marine nuclear sectors to produce pumps and valves as well as other high pressure equipment.
Inconel alloy 625 has remarkable resistance to corrosion and oxidation. It can withstand high stress in and out water as well as a broad temperature range. Additionally, it is highly resistant to corrosion when placed in acidic environments. This makes it an excellent choice for marine and nuclear applications.
Alloy625 can be found in numerous industries such as automotive, aviation, marine, air, chemical processing, nuclear and oil and gaz. Heat exchangers include bellows and expansion joints as well as exhaust systems. Fasteners and quick-connect fittings are also common applications.

Inconel 625 Alloy Powder Price
Price is affected by many things, such as the demand and supply in the market and industry trends. Economic activity and market sentiment are also important.
Are you looking for the? latest Inconel 625 Alloy powder price You can email us to request a quote. (brad@ihpa.net)

Inconel 625 Alloy Powder Supplier
Technology Co. Ltd. (), is a trusted supplier of global chemicals and manufacturer. It has over 12-years experience providing high-quality chemical products. This includes silicon powder, graphite dust, graphite, zinc sulfide or calcium nitride as well as 3D printing powder.
Send us an enquiry if you’re looking for Inconel 625 Alloy Powder of high quality. (brad@ihpa.net)