What is Aluminium-Silicon Alloy?

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What is an Aluminium-Silicon Alloy ? Silicon alloy is made up of silicon and alm. It can preserve the exceptional properties of each.
Silicon is good for metal alloys that are used for casting. Silicon increases the fluidity and melting temperature of the melts, decreases shrinkage, and is very inexpensive as a raw material. Silicon is also very dense (2.34g/cm3). This may help reduce the weight of casting pieces. It is very solubile in aluminum. Therefore, silicon precipitates in the form almost pure silicon. This makes it more wear-resistant. This material is rich in silicon and aluminum, and has a mature preparation technology.
Si-Al alloy has a density of between 2.4g/cm3 & 2.7g/cm3. It also has a coefficient of thermal extension (CTE) of between 7-20ppm/. Si-Al alloy’s density and thermal expansion factor decreases with increasing silicon content. Si-Al alloy has great properties like good thermal conductivity and high specific strength. It can also be coated with gold, silver or copper. Si-Al alloy can be weldable with substrate and allows for easy precision machining.
Silicon-aluminum alloy is a promising option for electronic packaging materials, particularly in high tech fields like aerospace, space technology, portable electronic devices, and other high-tech industries.

What types of Silicon-Aluminum Alloys is Available?
Four categories can be used to describe the industry’s important silicon-aluminum alloy:
Hypoeutectic silica aluminum alloy. The silicon content can range from 9% to 12 percent.
Auxiliary silicon aluminum alloy. The silicon content can range from 11%-13%.
Hypereutectic silica aluminum alloy. The silicon content can range from 15% to 20 percent.
High silicon aluminium alloy. The silicon content is higher than 22%, mostly 25-70%, and up to 80%.

What is Aluminum-Silicon Alloy?
High silicon-aluminum alloy material can be used to make lightweight, wear-resistant materials for all types of transport tools, power machinery and special fasteners.
High silicon-aluminum alloy is widely used in automobile engine cylinder liners, pistons, rotors and brake discs due to its low specific gravity, light weight and low thermal conductivity.
It can also serve as a packaging material for high-power integrated circuits.
Optic frame.
Heat sink parts
Al-Si is a strong, compound deoxidizer. It is possible to replace pure aluminum in steelmaking processes, which can increase deoxidizer utilization rate, purify molten Steel and improve steel quality.

What series is an Aluminium Silicon Alloy?
4XXX series.

What is Silumin, you ask?
Silumin, a series of aluminum alloys that are lightweight and strong made from aluminum-silicon systems like aluminum-silicon, is one such group. Aluminum-silicon alloys typically contain between 3 and 25% silicon. Al-Si alloys are used primarily for casting. However, they can also be used in rapid solidification and powder metallurgy. The silicon content of alloys that are used in powder metallurgy may be higher than for casting. Silumin is suitable to be used in wet environments due to its high corrosion resistance.

Si Al Alloy Price
Price is affected by many factors, including supply and demand in a market, industry trends and economic activity.
For the most recent SiAl alloy powder price please send us an inquiry. (brad@ihpa.net)

Si Al Alloy Powder Provider
Technology Co. Ltd. is a trusted global supplier and manufacturer of chemical materials. We have more than 12 years experience in producing super high-quality chemicals.
Send us an inquiry if you’re looking for Si-Al alloy powder of high quality. (brad@ihpa.net)