Iron (Fe) 58

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Iron is an important atom in the periodic table of elements. It is a malleable metal, and can be formed into many alloys. It is also an essential element in living organisms. It oxidizes in moist air, displaces hydrogen from dilute acids and combines with nonmetallic elements to form oxides and sulfates.

fe 58

Iron has four naturally-occurring stable isotopes. These are 54Fe, 56Fe, 57Fe and 58Fe. The most abundant of these is 58Fe, which accounts for about 2% of the total iron in the Earth’s crust.

fe 58 has one of the longest half lives of all the Fe isotopes. It is also the most abundant of all the naturally occurring metallic isotopes.

iron (Fe) is a relatively silvery malleable and ductile metallic transition metal with 28 isotopes, 4 of which are naturally stable. It is an essential element in living organisms, and a crucial component of hemoglobin. It oxidizes in moist and reducing environments, displacing hydrogen from dilute acids and combining with other metals to form sulfates and oxides.

The most interesting fe 58 feature is the fact that it can be produced in large quantities from fission.

Most importantly, fe 58 can be used for a variety of interesting applications, such as the production of radioactive isotopes. This element is an excellent candidate for use in metabolic tracer studies to identify genetic iron control mechanisms and to assess energy expenditure.

This material is not approved for use in humans.