Boiled Point of KCl

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Boiled Point of kcl

The boiling point of a liquid is the temperature at which it begins to transform from a solid to a gas. This is an important temperature for campers and hikers as they ascend in elevation due to changes in atmospheric pressure.

KCl has a higher boiling point than water because of its lower vapor pressure at the same temperature (see figure below). It is an ionic salt, meaning that it has a chemical bond between an alkali metal and a halogen. It is also a popular food additive as it adds flavor and can help treat low blood potassium in some people.

Potassium chloride has a higher molality than water because it is more concentrated, and therefore its van’t Hoff factor will be greater. If you have two solutions of the same mass of KCl in water, the one with the highest molality will have the highest boiling point.

Ion Pairing:

If a solution has ion pairing, then it will have a smaller van’t Hoff factor than an ideal solution. This will result in the actual boiling point of the solution being lower than the theoretical value.

The difference between the boiling point of a solution and that of the pure solvent can be estimated by using Raoult’s law. The change in boiling point with addition of a solute is known as the boiling point elevation, and it can be calculated by multiplying the morality of the solution (in moles) with the ebullioscopic constant of the solvent to get an estimate of the change in temperature.