Zinc Powder Formula

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Zinc powder is used in the paint industry to prevent the rusting of metals. It is also used in the textile industry as a white pigment. It protects the paint from ultra violet light, delays its fading and increases hardness of the coating. It is also useful in the ceramic and glass industry. It improves the optical properties of glass and gives a bright color. In addition, it is an important component in the chemical industry as an activator in vulcanization.

Zinc is an essential trace element in the body, involved in nutrient synthesis and metabolism, cell and organ structure, enzyme function and immune system response. It is found in nearly 100 specific enzymes. Acute ingestion of high amounts may cause loss of appetite, nausea, abdominal cramps and diarrhea. Chronic ingestion may result in copper deficiency, altered iron function and reduced immunity. Zinc dust and fume are nontoxic to humans but may irritate the nose, throat and eyes.

The aim of this study was to characterize the zinc content in the soluble proteins of 4 types of infant formula (2 based on cow milk and 2 on soy protein) in terms of Zn bound to lipids and proteins by size exclusion chromatography using UV-visible and ICP-MS detectors. The results showed that the majority of the Zn in both soy- and milk-based infant formulas was bound to biomolecules with low molecular weight. This may have an impact on the nutritional value of these formulas since it is important to bind biomolecules with high water solubility in order to have a greater absorption of the mineral in the gut.