What’s the Melting Temperature of Copper?

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There are many important temperatures a metal reaches as it undergoes metalworking or exposure to high heat, but one of the most crucial is its melting point. This temperature is when the particles of a solid start to vibrate and collide with each other more and more, until they finally break apart and melt. Knowing what this melting point is for different metals can help you decide how much heat to apply and what type of equipment to use when trying to melt them.

Copper wire is a popular electrical conductor and is used in all kinds of applications, but what is its melting point? Knowing this can help you choose the right grade of copper for your project, as well as determine how much heat you need to apply to ensure it reaches this point.

The melting point of copper is at 1085 degrees Celsius. This is when copper becomes a liquid, as the copper molecules lose their binding energy and begin to vibrate and collide with each other.

To test the melting point of a sample, it is placed in a thin glass capillary tube with an internal diameter of 1 mm and a wall thickness of 0.1 – 0.2 mm. This is then introduced into a heated stand in close proximity to a high accuracy thermometer. The temperature is then ramped at a user-programmable fixed rate and the melting process is visually inspected to determine the melting point of the sample.