Copper Lead Alloy

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copper lead alloy is a popular pairing of metals, combining the advantages of both: copper is strong, ductile and malleable while lead has low melting point, good corrosion resistance, high fatigue resistance, machinability and excellent electrical conductivity. The result is a highly versatile alloy that can be fabricated by most commercial processes. Extruded products include pipe, rod, wire, ribbon, traps and special shapes; rolled products range from foil some 10 micrometres (0.0004 inch) thick to sheets 5 centimetres (2 inches) or more thick.

The most significant applications of lead and lead alloys are in the production of lead-acid storage batteries, ammunition, cable sheathing and building construction materials. The alloys are also used in casting, for counterweights and in the manufacture of cast or wrought products such as bearings, ballast, solder, type metal and terneplate. In addition, the alloys have important uses as vibration dampers and in building construction for soundproofing and control of moisture or chemical attack.

Most of the lead and copper alloys are fabricated by sintering, in which an alloy powder is spread on steel back metals that are rolled to thicknesses ranging from about 8 to 15 millimetres (1/3 to 3 inches), and sintered at 700-900 degrees Celsius (900-1200 deg F). The alloys are then rolled or extruded into the desired form and used in various applications. Some of the alloys are also used to produce bimetal bearings, in which a layer of the copper-lead alloy is sandwiched between layers of a softer or harder metal, such as tin, zinc, silver or arsenic, to make a more robust product with better wear properties.