Aluminum Vs Titanium For CNC Custom Parts and Prototypes

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The type of material you choose for CNC custom parts and prototypes has a major impact on the geometry, finish and strength of your final product. Aluminum is a great option for many industrial applications but titanium also has some unique properties that make it ideal for specific situations. Let’s look at the pros and cons of each to help you determine which is the best choice for your application.

Alloys are metals that are essentially stews of different elements. The constituents vary depending on the alloy but they can include things like iron, nickel, chromium, manganese, vanadium, molybdenum and more. Alloying processes can change the way a metal behaves including its strength, corrosion resistance and more. Heat treatments – heating and cooling the metal in prescribed ways – can further enhance a material’s properties.

Titanium is inert which means it doesn’t react with corrosive chemicals. It also resists corrosion because it forms a thin layer of oxides that protects the underlying metallic structure. It is also lightweight, making it ideal for aerospace and marine applications.

The tensile strength of titanium is one of its most significant benefits. This is the ability to resist deformation that permanently affects its shape and can range from 3,000psi to 200,00psi in some cases. Aluminum, on the other hand, can only withstand up to 18,000psi before its structural integrity is compromised. In addition, titanium is more resistant to brittle fractures than aluminum. This makes it ideal for CNC machining projects.