What color are ytterbium oxide and erbium oxide?

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Introduction to the knowledge about ytterbium Oxide and Erbium Oxide Ytterbium oxide It is also called ytterbium dioxide and has the chemical formula: Yb2O3. It is a white powder when pure, but turns yellowish-brown if it contains some thorium oxyde. Insoluble in cold acid and water, soluble with warm dilute acid.
Erbium oxide The chemical formula of Er2O3 is pink powder. It is a pink powder with the chemical formula Er2O3. When heated up to 1300, it turns into a hexagonal, non-melting crystal. The lanthanum is first synthesized. Carl Gustaf Mosander isolated it partially in 1843. Georges Urbain & Charles James demonstrated for the first in 1905 its pure pink cubic structure. Under certain circumstances, oxidation may also take a hexagonal form.
How to prepare Erbium oxide and ytterbium dioxide
The preparation method of ytterbium oxid
The Ytterbium Oxide is prepared by separating oxalic acids, filtering, burning, and separating thulium from aqueous solutions.
Method of preparation of erbium dioxide
After separation and burn, erbium dioxide is obtained from nitric or sulfuric acid solutions by reacting them with alkali.

Uses for ytterbium Oxide and Erbium Oxide
Ytterbium-oxide: Used mainly in the production of magnetic bubble materials for computers, magnetic bubble storage is characterized by high speed, compact size, large capacity and multi-function.
Erbiumoxide: Erbiumoxide is used as an additif for yttrium ferr garnet as well as as a control for nuclear reactors. Also, it is used in the production of special light-emitting and infrared absorbent glasses. It is used to color glass. Er2O3 remains the only stable substance. Oxidation occurs as a powdery substance that has a cubical and monoclinic shape centered in the body. Er2O3 also has a greater magnetic moment (9.5MB). These properties, as well as the preparation methods for oxidation, are identical to those of lanthanides. The pink color of glass can be achieved by oxidation.

How to store powder
A humid environment can affect the dispersion and the use of the powder. The powder should be kept in a sealed vacuum package in a cool, dry environment. The powder should not be left exposed to the atmosphere. Use powder only under pressure.
Prices of ytterbium dioxide and erbiumoxide
On the market, nano-powders raw materials are priced transparently. You will receive powders of the highest quality. Please contact us for a competitive quote.
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