The Properties and Main Application Fields of Microsilica

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What is micro silica vapor?
Micro-silica Also known as silica or condensed fume, fume is a form of silica. The mine thermoelectric oven produces many gases, including SiO2 and SiO2, when ferroalloys (metal silica) are used to melt ferrosilicon. It is formed through rapid oxidation. It is produced by large-scale industrial melting. It is necessary to recycle this entire process with the help of dust removal equipment and environmental protection gear. Encryption equipment is needed because of the low density.

What are the main applications of microsilica?

It is used widely in the refractory industries because it has excellent properties like high refractoriness. It is mainly utilized to prepare high temperature ceramics, ladle material, high temperature wear-resistant materials and refractory castables. Wang Tao et al. By using micro-silica and Al2O3 powder in a 3:2.5 ratio and a 1450degC sintering heat, they prepared high-purity mullite porous ceramics. Its compressive strength is 260.93MPa. The porosity of the material is 21%. The micro-silica can improve bulk density, strength, cohesion, and high temperature performance of refractory products. It can also be used to extend the service life and achieve internal digestion of dust produced by ferrosilicon or industrial silicon smelting companies.
Several North American companies also use mixed micro-silica and silica fume pellets for the reduction of electric furnaces and silicon melting. They found the silicon recovery is normal and that the unit product’s energy consumption is unchanged. Elkem in Norway will agglomerate micro-silica with water into pellets about 4 cm long, which are then reduced and smelted directly in an electrical furnace without any roasting or dryness. Sintered ore can be produced at a higher temperature without any problems such as bursting. In a Russian factory, micro-silica fumes and liquid waste from paper pulp are mixed into pellets. They then undergo reduction smelting using an electric furnace. This production shows that pellets can be transported without breaking because they are more durable than other materials. In Northern Europe, an enterprise that produces chromium used the microsilica powder slurry from the electric furnace wet silicon smelting method to mix with the chromium ore and pelletize. The micro-cassia was found to improve the cohesiveness of chromium pellets.

The majority of companies in the metalworking industry use microsilica fume to return materials. While this method can reduce environmental pollution due to micro-silica, it doesn’t fully exploit the magical properties of micro-silica. This is an extensive use.

(aka. Technology Co. Ltd., a global chemical material manufacturer and supplier with over 12 year’s experience in providing high quality chemicals and nanomaterials. The SiO2 powder The products produced by our company are of high purity and have a low impurity level. Please, lower your voice. Contact us if necessary.