What are the Main Application Areas of Boron Carbide

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What is Boron Carbide?

Boron carburide (also known as black diamand) is a substance that has the molecular formula B4C. It’s a gray-black fine powder. It is among the three hardest substances known (the two others being diamond and cubic boron-nitride). Tank armor, bulletproof vests, and other industrial uses are all made of it. Boron carbide absorbs a lot of neutrons but does not produce radioisotopes. This makes it an ideal neutron absorption material for nuclear power plants. Neutron absorbers are used to regulate the rate of nuclear fusion. Boron carbide, which is used in nuclear reactors, is mostly made in a controlled rod shape. But sometimes it’s made as powder due to the increased surface area.

What are the main applications of Boron Carbide?

(1) The field is national defense. Bullet-proofing has been done with boron carbide ceramics since the 1960s. Comparing it to other materials, its characteristics are easy portability and high toughness. It plays an important role in the lightweight armour of armed aircraft and the bulletproof body armor of helicopters. The British used this material as a raw materials to manufacture armor that can protect against armor piercing projectiles.

(2) In terms of raw chemical materials. To increase the wear-resistance and strength of alloys boron carbide has been used as an agent to boronize alloys. This can be done on the metal surface by generating a thin layer iron boride.

(3) Wear-resistant field. Boron carbide ceramics are visible in a number of industrial nozzles. These include desander nozzles to remove rust and nozzles designed for high-pressure water gun cutting. They are often chosen by factories for their durability under extreme conditions, and cost-effectiveness. . It can also be used to avoid pollution due to abrasive waste during grinding. As a diamond abrasive substitute, boron carbide can be used to reduce the cost of processing various metals as well as jade glass.

(4) Nuclear energy. Because of its excellent capacity to absorb neutrons, boron carbide is often used as a neutron absorption rod, safety rod and other components in order to control nuclear fission rate and protect human safety.

(5) Aviation. The gyroscope, which is an essential component of the navigation system for aircrafts, can be effectively extended by using boron-carbide as a material additive.

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