Chromium 4 Oxide

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Known by the chemical formula CrO2, this black, crystalline compound is insoluble and exhibits magnetic properties. It has been used in a variety of industries, such as magnetic data storage tapes. However, it is not suitable for human consumption and should be kept out of reach from children. It is toxic if swallowed and can be absorbed through the skin. If exposed, it may cause irritation and burns. It should be stored away from combustible materials, bases and foods. It can react violently with reducing agents, generating fire and explosion hazard and is highly corrosive.

This chemical compound has a high melting point and boiling point at above 1,200 degrees Celsius. It also has a low vapor pressure. It is used in a wide variety of industrial applications, including metallurgy and ceramics. It is often mixed with other ingredients to form refractories. Chromium oxide refractory is commonly used in flash melters, converting furnaces, slag cleaning furnaces and smelting furnaces. It is also a component of the refractory material chromium carbide (Cr2C3), which is commonly used in smelting processes.

Chromite ore is the primary source of chromium 4 oxide. It is a key ingredient in chromates and other corrosion inhibitors and is also used in stainless steels. In addition, it can be found in glass, ceramics and certain types of magnetic data storage media. This compound is also used in the manufacture of ferrochrome and ferrochromic alloys. Some perovskite structured oxides of chromium are electronically conductive and find use in solid-oxide fuel cells and oxygen generation systems.