Antimony Tin Oxide and Its Opto-Electric Properties

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antimony tin oxide is a fine light blue powder material with unique conductive properties. As such, it has received exceptional study in recent years from academics and engineers in a wide range of applications. It is a key component in LEDs and other lights and display devices. It can also be added to coatings and materials to improve scratch resistance, electromagnetic (EM) shielding, and chemical resistance.

In addition to its conductive characteristics, it is also highly transparent. This makes it ideal for use in glass and optics. Additionally, it is thermally stable making it suitable for ceramic structures. In addition, it is a candidate for use in electrochemical applications such as solid oxide fuel cells where its ionic conductivity is useful.

We investigated the effect of antimony doping on the opto-electrical properties of tin oxide films deposited by spray pyrolysis (SnO2:Sb). The electrical conductivity increased significantly with increasing antimony doping. This was primarily due to an increase in the carrier density and mobility of the films. The antimony doping also had a negative impact on the transparency of the film.

The SnO2:Sb films were characterized by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray spectroscopy. The X-ray spectra of the SnO2:Sb films showed that the peak positions of the Sb 3d5/2 and O 1s peaks were overlapping, demonstrating the presence of both oxidation states in the film. The X-ray diffraction patterns of the SnO2:Sb film also showed that the crystal structure had a hexagonal lattice.