Boronization Process of Iron Boride

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What’s iron Boride? Iron boride has a molecular formula of BFe with a molecular mass 66.656. This is a gray orthogonal crystal. But it also can be insoluble in liquid water. You can use it as a chemical agent, or as a catalyst to hydrohydrogenation. Two main types of iron Boride exist. One form has high magnetic, electrical conductivity and corrosion resistance. Another is used for hardening iron. Iron Boride is a ceramic-hardening iron boride, which also has high thermal conductivity or electrical conductivity. Excellent mechanical properties and friction resistance make iron boride a great coating.

Boron iron alloy

While iron is mostly composed of boron and steel, it can also contain impurities including aluminum, silica, carbon, manganese and even copper. Iron Boride is an iron additive that can be used in iron and steel casting, iron and iron smelting, and amorphous alloys as well. Non-toxic, odorless and non-irritating are the main properties of iron Boride. They also have good heat resistance and thermal stability, excellent dispersion, weather resistance and obvious sterilization against harmful bacteria.

Puffing process

By thermochemical reaction, iron boride can be formed on its surface as a mixture from boron-rich compounds. This is known as boronization. A variety of methods can be used to create a boride layer, including filling boronizing and gas boronizing. The most common type of boride coating is carbon tetraboride, or crystalline Boron. It is created by sintering iron in a tetrafluoroboric acids flux. In the range 1023-1373 K, Boron atoms are capable of absorbing into the iron matrix. By simply reacting iron, boron and heat in an inert gas furnace/microwave, bulk iron boride is possible. Boronization can often be used for wear resistance. It also helps to prevent corrosion, wear resistance, wear resistance, and oxidation. You can use it in many industries, including oil and natural gas refining and chemical extraction. The unique characteristics of iron-based coatings, such as their resistance to corrosion, mechanical friction and corrosion resistance have attracted a lot attention within the industry. Iron-based materials can be produced economically using a variety of thermal processes and are simple to make and process.

Use of iron Boride

1. This light stabilizer is often used in sunscreen plastics. It can be found in sporting goods, outdoors facilities and fabrics, as well as carpets. It’s also used frequently in photovoltaic and solar power conversion. 2. This can be used to enhance the adhesion of inks, paints, and textiles. 3. It’s used by the paper industry for improving the printability of the papers. 4. This can increase the strength and anti-aging capabilities of plastics, rubbers, and functional fibers, as well as maintain the product’s color gloss and extend the product’s service life. 5. The material has excellent transparency, strong UV shielding and virtually no scattering effects on incident visible light. This material is new and has been extensively used in cosmetics, paints, as well as paints. Rmcplant advanced Material Tech Co., Ltd. is a leading manufacturer of Iron Boride. It has over 12 years of experience in the development and research of chemical products. We can help you find high-quality Iron Boride. Please contact us to send an inquiry.
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