Calcium Sulfate Boiling Point

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The boiling point of calcium sulfate is a measure of the temperature at which it is able to dissolve in water. This information is useful in determining the efficiency of scale inhibitors for wellbore corrosion control.

The anhydrous form of calcium sulfate is widely used in industrial applications, especially as a desiccant (a substance that removes water from other substances). It occurs naturally in the minerals anhydrite, angelite, muriacite, and karstenite; and also in the natural mineral gypsum.

It is also a common ingredient in plaster of Paris. The anhydrous and dihydrate forms of calcium sulfate are very poorly soluble in water, but the hemihydrate form is slightly soluble. This is because when the hemihydrate is heated in water, it reacts with the water to form a hard, solid mass called plaster of Paris.

Soluble calcium sulfate is an essential ingredient for making resorbable bone-graft materials such as OsteoSet. This resorbable material is made by dissolving a commercially available calcium sulfate hemihydrate, which is then mixed with a diluent to form pellets of 4.8 mmphx3.3 mm or 3 mmphx2.5 mm size.

It is a white, solid compound that has permanent hardness when it is dissolved in water. This property has a major impact on its use in construction, especially as a binder for thin-layer plates of silica gel for the production of drywall and plaster of Paris. It also is used to make cement. This crystalline compound is found in a number of industrial and agricultural applications, including as a filler for paper.