Modification of Natural Graphite and Artificial Graphite

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The difference in processing technology and raw materials will determine the final product. graphite powder Natural graphite is separated from artificial graphite. Graphite is an ideal anode for lithium-ion batteries because of its low lithium cost and high efficiency.

Analyse of natural graphite

Natural flake graphite can be used to make natural graphite. It is then modified to produce spherical natural Graphite. However, natural graphite has many disadvantages.
Natural graphite exhibits many defects on the surface, large surface areas and low efficiency.

PC-based electrolytes can cause serious problems such as solvated lithium Ion co-embedding. This leads to graphite peeling and expansion, and ultimately, battery performance failure.

The anisotropy of natural graphite means that lithium ion is difficult to embed from the end faces. It also makes it easy for lithium ions to be precipitated. Artificial graphite generally contains dense petroleum coke, needle coke, or other precursors. However, there are some issues such as poor magnification, poor low-temperature performance, and easy separation of lithium.

Modifications to natural graphite

Different surfactants were applied to the graphite to fix its surface imperfections and toler electrolyte well.

To improve magnification of natural graphite, the first step is to modify the surface of the pores and to increase micropores as well as the lithium intercalation pathway on the graphite. After etching with strong alkali (KOH), the high temperature oxygen-free environment sintering process has been completed.

You can also use strong oxidants to treat the surface of graphite. This will passivate it and make natural graphite more efficient.

Third, fluorinate natural graphite by using ClF3. Effectively, the cycle life and charge/discharge ratio are improved.

The amorphous graphite can also be coated to form “coreshell” structures. The carbon source for amorphous Carbon is typically pitch, phenolic or other low-temperaturepyrolytic carbon materials. Because of the long distance between carbon layers, the presence of a carbon coating can reduce interfacial impedance and isolate electrolyte from the particles. Enhance the intercalation or diffusion of lithiumion.

To solve the anisotropy problem in natural graphite, mechanical treatments are often employed to shape the particle morphology. An air flow shaping device uses wind to create particles that rub against each others and to cut corners. The method doesn’t introduce any doping impurities. However, this will result in the pulverization a large amount of particles with low yield.

Mechanical fusion machines use the material to spin at high speeds in a rotor. The material clings on to the wall with the help of centrifugal force and then passes between the stator extrusionhead and the rotor at high velocity. This is when the material will be subject to extrusion force and shear pressure. To achieve the goal of spheroidization, the surface is subject to the friction between particles and other particles.

Natural graphite’s particle sizes are reduced to 15-20 mm after the spheroidization process. The first efficiency and performance of the cycles is clearly improved. Magnification performances can also be greatly enhanced.

Modifications to Artificial Graphite

Modifications of artificial graphite. The modification process of artificial graphite has a different structure than that of natural graphite. The organization of particles can reduce graphite’s OI value (position degree) generally. A needle coke precursor of 8-10mm in diameter is chosen. The carbon source for the binder is typically made from easily graphitized materials like asphalt. A number of needle coke particles can be bonded using drum furnace treatment. The secondary particles, with a size of between 14-18mm, are used for graphitization. This will reduce the Oi values of the material.

Graphite Powder Pricing

Price is affected by many things, such as the demand and supply in the market and industry trends. Economic activity. Unexpected events.
You can email us to request a quotation if you want the current graphite price. (

Graphite Pulver Supplier

Technology Co. Ltd. has over 12 years of experience as a reliable natural graphite supplier and manufacturer. All of our products can be shipped worldwide.

You can find high-quality, natural flake graphite powder here. Get in touch You can also send us an inquiry. (