Molecular Weight of Ferrocene

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molecular weight of ferrocene

The ferrocene molecule is a sandwich-containing compound with the iron atom “sandwiched” between two cyclopentadienyl rings. This is a very important feature of the ferrocene and is also observed in decamethylmetallocenes such as ruthenocene (light-yellow, mp 199degC) and osmocene (white, mp 229degC).

In crystalline ferrocene, the Cp rings freely rotate around the Fe-C bond axis. The ring rotation occurs because of the strong interaction between the two cyclopentadienyl groups. However, when some substituents were introduced into the Cp rings, there is a noticeable change in the rotation property.

One example is the (o-hydroxyphenyl)ferrocene derivative with a hydroxyl group. When the hydroxyl group is replaced by an Al3+, the 1’/b value decreased significantly. In addition, the Al3+ chelate structure reduces the rotation of the unsubstituted Cp ring.

Other ferrocenes with different hydroxyl groups showed similar relationships to the (o-hydroxyphenyl)ferrocene. The Cp ring of these derivatives freely rotates around the Fe-C bond axis, but when a strong chelating metal cation was added to the ferrocene, the Cp ring of the ferrocene would be prevented from rotating by the chelate structure.

The ferrocene derivatives are widely used in the field of organometallic chemistry as bidentate ligands to bind d-block transition metals such as Ni, Pd, and Pt. In this way, ferrocene has been used to promote electrophilic aromatic substitution and nitrosative reduction reactions. It is 100,000 times more reactive than benzene in these reactions. The ferrocene derivatives are also useful as solvents in a variety of chemical and biological applications.