Preparation Scheme and Application of Amorphous Solid Germanium Oxide

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Germanium Oxide: What Does It Do? Germanium oxide, also known as white powder, is made up of hexagonal, tetragonal, and amorphous crystals. The hexagonal morphology has a relative densitivity of 4.228 and its melting point is (1115+-4degC). The melting point for germanium oxide is (1086+-5degC). Germanium dioxide is not soluble in water or hydrochloric acids. However, it can dissolve in an alkaline solution to create germanate.

Germanium Oxide

Germanium oxide materials consist of two varieties: germanium monoxide (GEO) and germanium dioxide (GEO2). Germanium monooxide is a dark, needle-like crystal that sublimates at 710°C. One crystal form of germanium dioxide is a white, hexagonal, tetragonal crystal. It has a melting value of 1086°C with a density at 6.239g/cm3, but is not soluble in water. Germanium monoxide easily becomes germanium dioxide by heating in air. Disproportionment reactions can occur easily when the material is heated alone. Germanium monooxide dissolves easily in acids and strong alkali solutions. This product is known for its reducing capabilities. Germanium dioxide remains stable under heating and in the air. Although it is not easily dissolvable in acid, germanium dioxide can dissolve well in alkali to create germanate. Germanium dioxide may be produced by burning the metal germanium, germanium sulfuride or in the air or by oxidizing or dehydrating germanium with concentrated citric acid. Germanium monooxide is made by heating germanium dioxide and hydrogen to make it.

Germanium Oxide

Preparation Germanium tetrachloridehydrolysis: Mix 6.5-fold of distilled water with germanium tetrachloride. Let it stand overnight to produce germanium dioxide precipitation. After the time has expired, wash the lotion in cold water. Germanium oxide can then be dried at 200°C in order to make germanium dioxide products. Here is how to make germanium dioxide products: GeCl4 +2H2O=GeO2

Germanium Oxide

Germanium dioxide substances are used for preparations of metal germanium, other germanium compounds and as catalysts to prepare polyethylene Terephthalate resins. Rmcplant advanced materials Tech Co., Ltd. is a leading supplier of germanium powder. It has over 12 years of experience in chemical product research and development. We are happy to assist you in your search for the highest quality germanium dioxide powder.
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