Sodium Sulfate Anhydrous Molecular Weight

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sodium sulfate anhydrous molecular weight is a white, monoclinic crystal or powder that can be dissolved in water and is also soluble in glycerol. It is used as a drying agent in organic synthesis and in the manufacture of paper, glass, and textiles. It is also an important raw material in the manufacturing of sodium sulfide, for removing moisture from organic solvent extracts during instrumental analysis (Kjeldahl nitrogen determination), and as a chemical reagent to prepare other sodium salts.

It is an essential ion in all living organisms, and the intracellular concentration of sulfate ions is regulated by sulfoconjugation(1). Sodium and sulfate ions are normally excreted from the body in the urine and feces.

Natural sodium sulfate is produced from the evaporation of brines and crystalline deposits in California and Texas, and it is a constituent of many saline lakes. It is also an ingredient in the production of glass and as a flux to remove small air bubbles from molten glass, and it assists with levelling, reducing negative charges on fibres so that dyes penetrate evenly.

The acute and chronic toxicity of sodium sulfate anhydrous was determined in diluted well water (hardness of 100 mg/L) by subcutaneous injection of the ion to a cladoceran (Ceriodaphnia dubia; 2-day and 7-day exposures), a midge (Chironomus dilutus; 4-day and 41-day exposures), a unionid mussel (pink mucket, Lampsilis abrupta; 4-day and 28-day exposures), and a fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas; 4-day and 34-day exposures). Both cladocerans and the mussel were more sensitive to sulfate than the minnow.