The difference between nanoparticles and nanomaterials

What is nanopowder? Nanopowder It is also known as nanoparticle and refers to ultrafine particle sizes between 1-100nm. Some people refer to it as ultrafine particle. It is bigger than atomic particles and smaller than normal particles. Nanoparticles are absorbed into the body by the outer layer, such as the skin or the lungs. The amount of migration they undergo from the exterior to the internal depends on their physical and chemical properties.
What’s the difference between nanomaterials & nanoparticles
Nanomaterials Refers to materials that are in the nanoscale (1nm100nm), in at most one dimension, in three-dimensional space. They can also be composed of these basic units. The particle diameter of 10 nanometers contains 4000 molecules and the surface-atoms are 40%. For a particle with a diameter of 1 nanometer it contains 30 molecules and the surface-atoms are 99%.

Introduction of Nano Cobalt Powder
Nano cobalt is a powder that can be gray, black or spherical. Cobalt Nanoparticles can be used for a variety applications, such as sensors, imaging and more. Cobalt is classified as a hazardous substance and can cause skin allergies. Inhalation has been shown to cause breathing difficulties and asthma symptoms.
Laser evaporation creates spherical metal particles. Cobalt does not have a high abundance, but it is found widely in soil, rocks, mineral water and oceans, as well as in meteorites, sunlight, star atmosphere and coal.

Applications of nanocobalt particles
1. Medical sensors
2. Magnetic resonance imaging for biomedical applications
3. Agents of targeted drug delivery for cancer treatment
4. Coatings for textiles, high-performance magnetic recording material, nanofibers and nanowires
5. As a magnet fluid: nanoparticles containing iron, nickel, cobalt or their alloys
6. Materials that absorb microwaves
7. Cobalt dioxide particles are also used in military applications. They can be used as high-performance, invisible materials which absorb ultra-high-frequency (EHF) millimeter-waves (MMW), visible and infrared lights.

How to store Nano Cobalt Particles
Powder will agglomerate if it is stored in an environment that is humid. It should therefore be vacuum packed and kept in a place where the air is dry. Customers can customize the packaging to meet their needs.

Price of nano cobalt particle
(aka. Technology Co. Ltd., a trusted global chemical supplier & manufacturer has over 12 years’ experience in providing super-high-quality chemicals and nanomaterials. Currently, we have developed a successful series of powdered materials. Our OEM service is also available. If you’re looking for Nano cobalt powder Please contact us. Please click on Needed products Send us an inquiry.

The Preparation and Application of Nanoparticles

What are nanoparticles, and how are they used? Nanoparticles The use of ceramic coatings in solar cells, scratchproof eyeglasses (and other products) is increasing.

What is a Nanoparticle?
Nanoparticles or ultrafine particles are defined as a matter particle that has a diameter of between 1 and 10 nanometres. The term is also used to refer to larger particles (up 500 nm) or fibers or tubes with a diameter less than 100nm in just two directions.

What is the effect of nanoparticles in the body on health?
Inhalation of a substance can cause adverse reactions Nanoparticles Inflammation of the lungs and heart problems are possible. Human studies show that breathing soot triggers a generalized inflammatory response, and changes the system which regulates involuntary cardiovascular functions such as heart rate control.

What are examples nanoparticles of?
There are two types of nanoparticles: hard (e.g. titania, silicon dioxide, fullerenes), and soft (e.g. liposomes.
Some of the most common food products that contain nanotechnology are candies (M&M’s and Skittles), plastic containers, and baby bottles.

Nanomaterials also have many applications in medicine and bioengineering.Targeting drugs with nanometer magnetic materials as drug carriers have been successfully developed, which are called “biological missiles”.In other words, drugs are carried on the protein surface coated by magnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles, injected into human blood vessels, and delivered to the lesion site through magnetic navigation to release drugs, which can reduce the side effects caused by drugs in the liver, spleen, kidney, etc.The information of various biochemical reactions and electrochemical information can be obtained by using nanosensors.Nanoparticles can be used as a nano robot, into the person’s blood, to human body health checks, dredge in cerebral thrombosis, remove fat deposits in the heart arteries, viruses, and even can eat kill cancer cells, etc., can be predicted that with the development of the preparation of nanometer materials technology development and function, there will be more and more new nano material has been widely used in many high-tech fields.

The growth of gold nanoparticles within tumors can help fight cancer
In many studies, gold has shown to be effective at fighting cancer. Researchers have developed a method to grow gold nanoparticles within cancer cells. They can aid in imaging, and they can even be heated to kill the tumours.

Previously, nanotubes, gold nanostars and other nanoparticles were used to battle cancer. However, one of the major challenges is getting these nanoparticles inside tumors. They can be equipped with peptides which hunt down the cancer or they can sneak inside by attaching themselves to white blood cell.
Researchers found that they could grow gold inside cancer cells. This method is quicker and doesn’t need as much gold.

The team used PEG as a vehicle for ionic Gold, which is basically gold salts dispersed in a liquid. When the acidic cellular environment is exposed to this, it converts the ionic gold into plasmonic gold particles. The team claims that this can be done in just 30 minutes. It is much faster than traditional treatments which take up to 24 or more hours.

(aka. Technology Co. Ltd., a trusted global chemical supplier and manufacturer with more than 12 years of experience in providing high-quality Nanomaterials and chemicals. Currently, we have developed a number of materials. The Nanoparticles The products produced by our company are of high quality, with low impurity levels and fine particle sizes. Send us an e-mail or click the desired products to Send us an inquiry

What are gold nanoparticles used for?

What exactly is colloidal or sol gold? It is a colloidal suspension (or colloidal solution) of nanoparticles of gold in fluid (usually water). Colloid colors are typically wine red for spherical particle sizes less than 100nm or blue/purple (for more spherical particles, or nanorods).

Property of Colloidal Gold
Colloid gold nanoparticle properties and applications are affected by their shape and size. A rod-shaped particle, for instance, has transverse and longitudinal absorption peaks. Their anisotropy will impact their ability to self-assemble.

How are gold nanoparticles utilized?
Drug delivery system
The biological distribution of drugs can be optimized to target diseased cells, tissues and organs with gold nanoparticles. If drug distribution is not sufficient, nanoparticles are able to deliver drugs. This includes targeting unstabil drugs like proteins, siRNA, and DNA. It also allows for drug delivery to more difficult locations (brain, retina or tumors). Their size and function determine the properties of nanoparticles. The properties of nanoparticles can also vary depending on their surface function and size. This is due to the variability in drug release or particle disintegration (e.g. biodegradable, sensitive to pH) An optimal nano-drug distribution system will ensure that active drug is accessible within the appropriate time and duration at the site of action. The concentration must be more than min. The effective concentration (MEC), should be lower than the min. Toxic concentrations (MTC)
For drugs like Paclitaxel, nanoparticles of gold are being investigated. Hydrophobic drugs can only be delivered by molecular packaging. The nanoparticles were found to have a high efficiency in bypassing the reticuloendothelial systems.

Enhancer for Radiotherapy
It has received a great deal of interest to use gold nanoparticles and others containing heavy elements to raise the dosage to cancer patients. Due to the fact that gold nanoparticles can absorb tumors more than those in healthy tissue, it is possible to increase the dose. Local deposition of radiation near nanoparticles seems to account for the biological effects of the treatment. It is similar to heavy ion therapy.

Toxic gases
Researchers developed an inexpensive and easy method of detecting hydrogen sulfide in the atmosphere based upon the anti-aggregation properties of gold nanoparticles. Hydrogen sulfide is dissected in an alkaline buffer solution. The solution creates HS,HS- which stabilises AuNPs. It also ensures they stay red. This permits visual assessment of hydrogen sulfide levels.

What do gold nanoparticles consist of?
Turkevich, et al.1951 devised a procedure for the production of AuNPs. This involved treating tetrachloroauric acids (HAuCl4) by boiling water with citric Acid. Citric acid is able to not only reduce but also act as a stabilizer. Frances modified the ratio of citric acid to gold to improve the process. It has been used extensively to produce moderately stable, spherical AuNPs. However, it is also capable of producing larger AuNPs (e.g. 100 nm).

Why is gold nanoparticles so red?
The visible spectrum is where gold nanoparticles have their resonance frequency. Because smaller gold nanoparticles are more sensitive to violet, blue, green, and yellow wavelengths they appear red.

Price for colloidal gold
Price is affected by many things, such as the demand and supply in the market and industry trends. Economic activity. Unexpected events.
You can email us to request a quote for the colloidal price. (

Silver Nanoparticles Supplier
Technology Co. Ltd. (), is a trustworthy gold nanoparticles manufacturer, and gold nanoparticles suppliers. It has over 12-years of experience. All of our products are available for shipment worldwide.

You can contact us to request high-quality gold nuparticles. (

How Can Gold Nanoparticles Be Used to Kill Bacteria

One team discovered that bacteria can be exposed to nanoparticles of gold, which causes their cells to burst and leak material, leading to death.

Each year, more than 25,000 people die from bacterial infection that cannot be treated with antibiotics. Drug resistance is increasing. Researchers are looking for other ways to combat the bacterial threat.
Since ancient Egyptian times gold has been used for many medical purposes. Recently, doctors have started to use gold to treat and diagnose cancer. It is an inert metallic that doesn’t react or change to contact with living organisms. It can be used in nanomedicine to make cancer cells grow.

New research has revealed a mechanism whereby gold nanoparticles kill bacteria.
The researchers made nanoparticles the size of stars and near perfect spheres in the lab. Each was approximately 100 nanometers across, which is one eighth of the width of a human hair.
“We found that the bacteria surrounding these nanoparticles started to deform, then deflated and finally died like an inflatable. Vladimir Baulin of University of Rovira Wilhelli Chemical engineering department said, “It seems that the cell wall explosion.”

This theory was tested by researchers who built bacteria models and observed the interactions of these bacteria with tiny gold particles measuring just 100 nanometers.
The results showed that the uniformity in the surface layers of these nanoparticles creates a mechanical force which stretches the cells of surrounding bacteria. This causes the bacteria to burst much like a balloon when it is stretched beyond its limits.

The study was performed by The Universitat Rovira I Virgili (Spanish), the University of Grenoble (France), and the Universitat der Saarlandes (German), RMIT University, Australia. The article was published in Advance Materials.

The gold nanoparticles, which are tiny particles made of gold, have a diameter between 1 and 100nm. They are highly electron dense, have dielectric properties and catalytic activity. They can bind with many biological macromolecules and not affect their biological activity.
Two types of gold nanoparticles are available: solid powder and liquid solution.
Solution of gold nanoparticles are sols that have been dispersed in an alkaline solution. The color of the nanoparticles depends on a variety of factors. Its color is determined by a number of factors. Smaller gold nanoparticles (2-5nm), medium-sized gold nanoparticles (10-20nm), appear wine red and larger gold particles (30-80nm), appear purplish. Additionally, it exhibits the characteristics of nanoparticles: quantum size effect; surface effect; volume effect; and macroscopic quant tunneling effect.

Technology Co. Ltd. is a trusted global supplier and manufacturer of chemicals and Nanomaterials. They have over 12 years experience in producing super high-quality chemicals, such as silicon powder.
You can contact us to request a high-quality gold solution. (

Aluminum Nanoparticles Nano Al Powder CAS 7429-90-5

About Aluminum Nanoparticles Nano Al Powder:
In recent years, as potential applications in many fields have become more and more obvious, nano-aluminum powder has attracted extensive research interest. Nano aluminum powder particles appear in the form of spherical gray or black particles and are aggregated together in the form of gray or black powder, and the size is usually 10nm to 5um.
Aluminum nano-powder improves the sintering process of ceramics, has higher heat transfer performance, higher density, and improves the thermal conductivity of the sintered body, and has good sintering ability and sunlight.
Aluminum nanopowders add aluminum (AI) to lead selenide (PbSe), and in the past few decades, the n-type PbSe thermoelectric material thermoelectric (TE) materials and devices produced have attracted people’s attention because they The combination of solar energy and waste to convert heat into electricity has potential application value. The performance of thermoelectric materials depends on electrical conductivity, absolute temperature, lattice thermal conductivity and electronic thermal conductivity.
Aluminum nano-powder can be used as an environmentally friendly generator, a highly reliable and accurate temperature controllable refrigerator electronic device. Because it is one of the simplest energy conversion technologies, it can be used for electrical energy conversion. Widespread concern. The thermoelectric efficiency depends on the basic characteristics of thermoelectric materials and the quality factor of thermoelectric materials. For centuries, because the thermoelectric effect can realize the direct conversion between thermal energy and electrical energy, thermoelectric materials have attracted widespread attention, thereby providing another method of power generation and cooling.
The Seebeck coefficient of aluminum nanopowder is a parameter that measures the efficiency of a material to generate a voltage from a specific temperature gradient. The effect of aluminum nanoparticles on the Seebeck coefficient of silicon-based thermoelectric generators was studied. This application is partly due to the inability to obtain effective thermoelectric materials and partly due to the high power required by biomedical equipment. Feel free to send an inquiry to get the latest price if you would like to buy Aluminum Nanoparticles Nano Al Powder in bulk.

Product Performance of Aluminum Nanoparticles Nano Al Powder:

Aluminum nanoparticles are light, have high floating power, strong hiding power, and has good light and heat reflection properties. Aluminum powder is a large class of metallic pigments due to its wide use, large demand and many varieties.

Technical Parameter of Aluminum Nanoparticles Nano Al Powder:

Product NameMFPurityParticle SizeCASMelting PointColor
Aluminum NanoparticlesAl99%50-70nm, 150nm7429-90-5660℃Gray

How is Aluminum Nanoparticles Nano Al Powder produced?
Nano aluminum powder is a product produced by the arc method and the electric explosion method. Compared with ultra-fine or larger particles of the same material, aluminum nanopowders have an enhanced size dependence. Aluminum nanoparticles are used as ingredients in solid rocket propellant formulations and explosives. Aluminum nanoparticles are produced through various physical and chemical methods. Line explosion, laser ablation, combustion flame and aerosol synthesis, but micro EDM system has not been studied to generate aluminum nanoparticles.

Application of Aluminum Nanoparticles Nano Al Powder:

1. Efficient catalyst: Nano aluminum powder is added to the solid fuel of the rocket, which greatly increases the fuel combustion speed and improves the combustion stability;
2. Activated sintering additives: 5-10% nano aluminum powder is mixed into AlN powder to reduce the sintering temperature and increase the density and thermal conductivity of the sintered body; if nano aluminum is used as the substrate for integrated components, the thermal conductivity will increase by about 10 times. Can solve the integration problem of integrated components.
3. Surface conductive coating treatment of metal and scrap metal: Due to the high activation surface energy of nano-aluminum, the coating can be applied at a temperature lower than the melting point of the powder under oxygen-free conditions. This technology can be applied to the production of microelectronic devices.
4. Widely used in high-grade metal pigments, composite materials (thermal spraying composite metal powder, ceramic composite steel pipe) military industry (filler), chemical industry (various chemical catalysts, pesticides), metallurgy (thermite metallurgy, steelmaking deoxidizer), Shipbuilding (conductive coatings), refractory materials (magnesia carbon bricks for steelmaking furnaces), new building materials (aerated concrete gas generators), anticorrosive materials, etc.

Storage Condition of Aluminum Nanoparticles Nano Al Powder:
The damp reunion will affect aluminum nanoparticles’ dispersion performance and using effects, therefore, nano Al powder should be sealed in vacuum packing and stored in cool and dry room, the nickel nanoparticles can not be exposure to air. In addition, the Al Nanoparticles should be avoided under stress.

Packing & Shipping of Aluminum Nanoparticles Nano Al Powder:
We have many different kinds of packing which depend on the aluminum nanoparticles’ quantity.
Aluminum nanoparticles packing: vacuum packing, 1kg/bag, 25kg/barrel, or as your request.
Aluminum nanoparticles shipping: could be shipped out by sea, by air, by express as soon as possible once payment receipt.

Aluminum Nanoparticles Nano Al Powder CAS 7429-90-5插图


Aluminum Nanoparticles Properties

Other NamesAluminium nanopowder, nanoaluminum,
Al nanoparticles, Nano Al Powder
CAS No.7429-90-5
Compound FormulaAl
Molecular Weight26.98
AppearanceGray to Black Powder
Melting Point660 ℃
Boiling Point2467 ℃
Specific Surface Area40-60 m2/g
Solubility in H2ON/A
Thermal Expansion(25 °C) 23.1 µm·m-1·K-1

Aluminum Nanoparticles Health & Safety Information

Signal WordDanger
Hazard StatementsH228
Hazard CodesF
Risk CodesN/A
Safety StatementsN/A
Transport InformationUN1309 – class 4.1 – PG 2 
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Iron Nanoparticles Nano Fe Powder CAS 7439-89-6

About Iron Nanoparticles Nano Fe Powder:
Nanometer iron particles are submicron particles of the metal iron. Because of their large surface area, they are highly reactive. In the presence of oxygen and water, they rapidly oxidize to form free iron ions. They are widely used in medical and laboratory applications and are also being studied for the remediation of industrial sites contaminated by chlorinated organic compounds.
Nano iron is the iron atoms in accordance with the nanometer level (E-9m) one by one superposition of the formation of iron, there is no difference in physical properties, the difference in chemical properties, for example, ordinary iron will not burn easily, but nano iron can spontaneously ignite in the air; Ordinary iron is weak in corrosion resistance, while nano iron is corrosion resistant, and so on. Rmcplant is a trusted global Iron Nanoparticles Nano Fe Powder supplier. Feel free to send an inquiry about the latest price of Iron Nanoparticles at any time. 

Product Performance of Iron Nanoparticles Nano Fe Powder:

Iron nanoparticles have a large specific surface area, a strong tunneling effect and a small boundary effect, and also have the general properties of ordinary iron. Iron nanoparticles have a uniform particle size, narrow particle size distribution, high purity and low content of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur, phosphorus and other harmful elements. It also has good fluidity, good oxidation resistance and low sintering temperature.

Technical Parameter of Iron Nanoparticles Nano Fe Powder:

Product NameMFPurityParticle SizeShapeSSAColor
Iron NanopartilesFe99%80nmSpherical8-14m2/gBlack


How is Iron Nanoparticles Nano Fe Powder Produced?
The preparation method of nano-iron can be divided into the physical method and chemical methods.
Physical vapor deposition method: also known as evaporation condensation method, is the use of vacuum evaporation, laser heating evaporation, electron beam irradiation, sputtering and other methods to gasification of raw materials or the formation of plasma, and then rapid condensation in the medium. The nanometer particles obtained by this method have high purity, good crystalline structure, and are beneficial to the control of particle size, but the technical equipment is relatively high.
Chemical reduction method: is the use of a certain reducing agent will be metal ferric salt or its oxide reduction of nano iron particles, this method can be divided into solid-phase reduction method, liquid-phase reduction method and gas-phase reduction method.
Applications of Iron Nanoparticles Nano Fe Powder:
1. Absorbing material: metal nanoparticles have a special absorbing function. Iron, cobalt, zinc oxide powders and carbon-coated metal powders can be used as stealth materials with millimeter-wave properties for military applications. Iron nanoparticles can be used as infrared stealth material, structural stealth material and mobile phone radiation shielding material.
2. Magnetic medium: the high saturation susceptibility and permeability of nano-iron make it a good magnetic medium, which can be used as the combined structure of a fine magnetic head.
3. High-performance magnetic recording material: nano-iron has the advantages of correction coercoerity, high saturation susceptibility, high specific saturation susceptibility, good oxidation resistance and so on, which can greatly improve the performance of magnetic tape and large capacity hard and soft disk.
4. Magnetic fluid: Magnetic fluid is made of iron, cobalt, nickel and alloy powder, with excellent performance, can be widely used in sealing damping, medical equipment, sound control, light display and other fields.

Storage Condition of Iron Nanoparticles Nano Fe Powder:
The damp reunion will affect Iron nanoparticles dispersion performance and using effects, therefore, this iron powder should be sealed in vacuum packing and stored in cool and dry room and it should not be exposure to air. In addition, the Fe Nanoparticle should be avoided under stress.

Packing & Shipping of Iron Nanoparticles Nano Fe Powder:
We have many different kinds of packing which depend on the iron powder quantity.
Iron nanoparticles packing: vacuum packing, 1kg/bag, 25kg/barrel, or as your request.
Iron nanoparticles shipping: could be shipped out by sea, by air, by express as soon as possible once payment receipt.

Iron Nanoparticles Nano Fe Powder CAS 7439-89-6插图


Iron Nanoparticles Properties

Other NamesIron nanopowder, iron nano-particles,
Fe nano-powder, nanoiron, nano-Fe
CAS No.7439-89-6
Compound FormulaCo
Molecular Weight55.85
AppearanceBlack Powder
Melting Point1535 ℃
Boiling Point2750 ℃
Poisson’s Ratio0.29
Solubility in H2ON/A
Thermal Expansion(25 °C) 11.8 µm·m-1·K-1

Iron Nanoparticles Health & Safety Information

Signal WordDanger
Hazard StatementsH228
Hazard CodesF
Risk CodesN/A
Safety StatementsN/A
Transport InformationUN 3089 4.1/ PGIII
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What is Colloidal Gold?

What is Colloidal Gold ? Colloidal Gold refers to a sol- or colloidal suspension made of gold nanoparticles in water. The most common colloids are wine red for spherical particle sizes less than 100nm and blue/purple for larger spherical particles, or nanorods. The optical, electronic, molecular recognition and molecular recognition properties of gold nanoparticles make them a subject of extensive research in many fields, including electronics, nanotechnology, biomedicine and electron microscopy.
The size and shape of colloidal silver nanoparticles are critical to their properties and their potential uses. The rod-like particles are characterized by transverse and longitudinal absorption peak structures, while anisotropy in shape can affect their self-assembly.

Because of the interaction between nanoparticles of visible light and colloidal gold, artists have been using it for centuries. Depending upon the particle size, shape, local index and state of aggregate, gold nanoparticles absorb light and produce colors that vary from bright red (smaller particles), to blue (larger ones), and finally transparent and uncolored (larger ones). These colors are due to a phenomenon known as local surface plasmon reflection (LSPR), where conducting electrons on the nanoparticles emit incident light.
In general, the wavelength of absorbed light increases as the nanoparticles get larger. For example, pseudospherical gold nanoparticles have a diameter of around 30 nm and peak LSPR absorbtion at approximately 530 nm.
A colloidal gold suspension may also cause apparent changes in color of the gold-nanoparticles solution. The optical properties and optical properties are dependent on the refractive indices near the nanoparticles’ surfaces. This means that two molecules (nanoparticles ligand and/or nanoparticles with solvent) can affect the observed optical characteristics. NP LSPR shifts to longer wavelengths when the refractive Index near the surface of gold increases. However, this is not possible in solvent environments. Nanoparticles can be coated non-conductive shells (biomolecules or alumina) to adjust the extinction peak.
Gold nanoparticles become more visible when they are aggregated. The optical properties of these particles change as the effective particle size, shape and dielectric environmental all change.

What does Colloidal Gold do?
Drug delivery system
Nanoparticles of gold can be used for optimizing the biological distribution drugs in diseased organs, tissues or cells. This will allow for better drug delivery. Only if drug distribution is insufficient, nanoparticle mediated drug Delivery is possible. Examples of this include drug targeting against stability (proteins, siRNA and DNA). Delivery to hard sites (brains, retinas, tumors, intracellular organismelles) and drugs with severe side effects (e.g., antibiotics for cancer) are examples. Nanoparticles’ performance is affected by their surface function and particle size. Additionally, drug release and particle degradation can differ from one system or another (e.g. ph sensitive biodegradable materials

Radiotherapy dose increaser
To increase tumor-specific doses, there has been much interest in gold and other particles containing heavy elements. The dose is selectively increased as the gold nanoparticles absorb more from the tumor than the surrounding healthy tissue. Local deposition near the nanoparticles is responsible for the treatment’s biological efficacy. This process is similar to heavy ion treatment.

Toxic gas detection
Based on the AuNPs characteristics of gold nanoparticles, a simple and affordable method has been developed to detect H2S in the atmosphere. The formation of HS- occurs when H2S is dissolved in weakly acid buffer solution. This can stabilize AuNPs, and allow for naked detection of H2S toxic level.

What’s the Difference Between Colloidal Silver And Colloidal Gold
The widespread use of colloidal silver for treatment of a wide range conditions includes viral and bacterial infection, allergies, burns, skin conditions and even cancer.
Colloidal gold has been shown to improve memory and cognitive function as well as reduce stress and headaches.

Is Colloidal Gold Natural?
The gold nanoparticles are an all-natural substance, without any chemical additives.

Colloidal Silver Price
Price is affected by many factors, including supply and demand, market trends, economic activity and unexpected events.
You can email us to request a quote for the most recent colloidal silver price. (

Colloidal Gold supplier
Technology Co. Ltd. is a trusted global supplier and manufacturer of chemical materials. We have more than 12 years experience in producing super-high-quality chemicals.
Contact us if you’re interested in high-quality colloidal silver. (

Silver Nanoparticles Nano Ag Powder CAS 7440-22-4

About Silver Nanoparticles Nano Ag Powder:
Nano Silver is a metal Silver with a particle size of nanoscale. Nanosilver is a powdered silver elemental, particle size is less than 100nm, generally between 25-50nm. The properties of silver nanoparticles are directly related to their particle size. It was found that the smaller the particle size of silver nanoparticles, the stronger the bactericidal performance.
The size of the nanosilver is mostly about 25 nanometers, which has strong inhibition and killing effect on dozens of pathogenic microorganisms such as Escherichia coli, Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis, and will not produce drug resistance. Silver nanoparticles play an important role in the field of microelectronics because of their excellent electrical conductivity. Due to the surface effect and quantum size effect, silver nanoparticles also have some special applications, such as surface-enhanced Raman applications and medical applications. Is Nano Silver dangerous? Silver nanoparticles may be absorbed through the lungs, intestine, and through the skin into circulation and thus may reach such organs as the liver, kidney, spleen, brain, heart and testes. Nanosilver may cause mild eyes and skin irritations. It can also act as a mild skin allergen.
Nano-silver particles directly enter the bacteria and combine with the oxygen metabolism enzyme (-SH) to suffocate the bacteria and kill most of the bacteria, fungi, molds, spores and other microorganisms in contact with them. It has been found by eight authoritative institutions in China that it has a comprehensive antibacterial activity against drug-resistant pathogenic bacteria such as drug-resistant Escherichia coli, drug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, drug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa, streptococcus pyogenes, drug-resistant Enterococcus and anaerobic bacteria. It has a bactericidal effect on the surface of burns and wounds, such as Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Candida albicans and other G+ and G- pathogenic bacteria. It also has a strong bactericidal effect on chlamydia trachomatis and gonorrhea, which cause sexually transmitted diseases. Rmcplant is a trusted global Silver Nanoparticles Nano Ag Powder supplier. Feel free to send an inquiry about the latest price of Silver Nanoparticles at any time.

Product Performance of Silver Nanoparticles Nano Ag Powder:

Due to its good electrical conductivity, silver nanoparticles occupy an extremely important position in the field of microelectronics. The surface effect and quantum size effect of nano Ag powder make it also have some special applications, such as surface-enhanced Raman applications, medical applications, etc.

Technical Parameter of Silver Nanoparticles Nano Ag Powder:

Product NameMFPurityParticle SizeBulk DensityMelting PointColor
Silver NanopartilesAg99%50nm, 100nm, 500nm2.7 g/cm3660℃Black


How is Silver Nanoparticles Nano Ag Powder Produced?
There are many methods for the preparation of nanosilver particles, so in recent years, people are constantly exploring new methods for preparing nanosilver particles, including physical crushing, vacuum condensation and mechanical ball milling. The chemical method has a reducing method, an electrochemical reduction method, a photo dent reduction method, a gas-liquid two-phase method, a hydrothermal method, a precipitation method, and the like. Because the preparation method of nanosilver particles will be very important for future practical use. The preparation method of nanosilver is gradually maturing, cost and production efficiency have reached the level of large-scale industrial production.
Applications of Silver Nanoparticles Nano Ag Powder :
Nanosilver has antibacterial properties and is widely used in daily life.What is Nano Silver Good For? The antibacterial properties of nanosilver have been successfully applied for a variety of health treatments including intravenous, urinary and tracheal catheters, endotracheal tubes, bone cements, oral cavity fillings, dietary supplements implant surgery and wound dressings.
High-end silver paste (glue)
Pulps for external electrodes of chip components, thick film integrated circuits, electrodes of solar panels, conductive silver glue for LED chip packaging, conductive silver paste for high-temperature sintering type and oligomer conductive silver paste, conductive ink for printing electronic devices, etc.
Conductive coating
High-grade layer for filter, silver layer for magnetic tube capacitor, low temperature sintered paste and dielectric paste.
The medical field
Antimicrobial medicine and medical instruments, antimicrobial plastics and rubber products, antimicrobial textiles and clothing shoes and socks, antimicrobial coatings, ceramics and glass, green antimicrobial coatings.
Green home appliances and furniture products
Anti-static, antiseptic coating, deodorant, antibacterial film for home appliances.
Catalytic materials
The catalyst for ethylene oxidation reaction supported silver catalyst for fuel cell.
New energy
Heat exchange material, electrode material for high-grade electronic components.
Electroplating industry
The silver coating material used for gold electroforming.
Nanosilver has antibacterial characteristics is applied to life, including baby products, tableware and bottles are used, Kusheng nano silver antibacterial tableware is a safe material, Bier baby bottles (Bier nanosilver PES puzzle bottle, Bier silver ion PES puzzle bottle, Bier PES combination puzzle bottle) contain nanosilver materials. Nanosilver is a safe material and is widely used.


Storage Condition of Silver Nanoparticles Nano Ag Powder:
The damp reunion will affect silver nanoparticles dispersion performance and using effects, therefore, nanosilver powder should be sealed in vacuum packing and stored in cool and dry room, the nickel nanoparticles can not be exposure to air. In addition, the Ag Nanoparticles should be avoided under stress.

Packing & Shipping of Silver Nanoparticles Nano Ag Powder:
We have many different kinds of packing which depend on the silver nanoparticles quantity.
Silver nanoparticles packing: vacuum packing, 1kg/bag, 25kg/barrel, or as your request.
Silver nanoparticles shipping: could be shipped out by sea, by air, by express as soon as possible once payment receipt.

Silver Nanoparticles Nano Ag Powder CAS 7440-22-4插图


Silver Nanoparticles Properties

Other NamesAgNPs, Ag NPs, Silver nanopowder, Silver nanocrystals, nano-silver
Silver nano-particles, Silver nano-powder, nanosilver
CAS No.7440-22-4
Compound FormulaAg
Molecular Weight107.87
AppearanceGray to Black Powder
Melting Point660 ℃
Boiling Point2162 ℃
Specific Surface Area5.37 m2/g
Solubility in H2ON/A
Thermal Expansion(25 °C) 18.9 µm·m-1·K-1

Silver Nanoparticles Health & Safety Information

Signal WordWarning
Hazard StatementsH400-H410
Hazard CodesXn, N
Risk Codes22-36/38-50/53
Safety Statements22-60-61
Transport InformationUN 3077 9 / PGIII
Inquiry us

What is Nano Silver Good For?

Why is nano-silver good for you? The benefits of using nano-silver in various industries such as pharmaceuticals, healthcare, and consumer goods.
These nanoparticles can be very tiny particles, with sizes from 1 to 100 nanometers. Nanosilver is composed of Silver nanoparticles. These nanoparticles are useful as antibacterial or antifungal agents in the industry, water treatment, consumer goods, as well as for cleaning clothing, cosmetics and food containers. In some filter systems to purify groundwater, silver nanoparticles can also be used.

What does silver colloid consist of?
Coloidal silver and silver solution both contain silver nanoparticles that are suspended in liquid bases.

Are you allowed to eat colloidal Silver?
When taken orally, silver accumulates in the body. The silver can build up in your body for many months, causing your skin, eyes and internal organs to turn bluish. It’s called “argyria” by doctors. It is permanent.
Only in very rare circumstances, colloidal silver may cause seizures and other serious side effects.
It is possible for colloidal silver to interact with certain prescription drugs such as penicillamine, Depen, Quinolone Antibiotics and tetracycline.

Colloidal Silver is good to your health.
The ability to kill bacteria through the destruction of proteins makes colloidal silver useful for wound dressings. However, silver is neither a useful mineral nor has any known functions in the body. The skin can turn permanently blue if it is taken orally. Brain function issues can also be caused by oral silver.
While colloidal silver has been proven effective in treating infections, hay fever and skin conditions among other ailments, it is not supported by any scientific research. It is currently not possible to prove the effectiveness of colloidal sodium in treating COVID-19. The use of colloidal silver in the treatment of COVID-19 is not recommended.
The scientific evidence is not in support of the treatment with colloidal Silver dietary supplements for any type of disease.

Colloidal Silver Price
Price is affected by many things, such as the demand and supply in the market and industry trends. Economic activity and market sentiment are also important.
Send us an inquiry if you’re interested in the latest solution price. (

Colloidal Silver Supplier
Technology Co. Ltd. (), is a trustworthy silver solution manufacturer as well as silver solution supplier. It has over twelve years’ experience. All of our products are available for shipment worldwide.

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Development History and Application of Colloidal Gold

Colloidal Gold development history It is possible to trace the origins of gold nanoparticles back to the 16th Century. nanogold emerged from the scientific community after Paracelsus invented “drinking golden” for mental disorders. Faraday studied Dalton’s theory and used gold chloride in 1857 to reduce the solution. He also discovered that adding electrolytes can make it turn from ruby to blue, then finally agglutinate, but adding gelatin could prevent the change. Edward from Chicago discovered that nanogold solutions could help patients recover and improve their health. Faulk combined rabbit anti-salmonella and nano-gold antiserum in immunogold staining, which was the first to use this combination. This technology led to nano-gold immunolabeling technology.

Colloidal Gold

1.The detection of cancer can be done with gold nanoparticles

Science Daily reported that nanoparticles of gold can be used to detect early cancers. Injecting nanogold into a patient can make cancer cells stick to the body and reflect certain wavelengths of light. 2.Gold nanoparticles may be used in chemotherapy for cancer Both normal and immune cells can be damaged by conventional chemotherapy. stated that gold nanoparticles could improve the effectiveness of chemotherapy as well as reduce side effects. The gold nanoparticles have a high absorption rate and can therefore be coated with chemotherapy drugs to be delivered directly to the cancer cells. You can heat nanogold that has been infrared heated to kill cancer cells. This means that chemotherapy using nanogold can be used to effectively kill cancer cells, without affecting normal cells. It is possible to make 3.Nanogold into an injectable These USES can be combined with nano-gold injections. has reported that nano-gold can be used to balance the electrolyte level of the cells. It also improves the immunity. It is small and will reach the cells quickly because it’s easily absorbed by the body. You can use it to restore immune system, reduce inflammation and pain, nerve pain, brain function, and blood circulation. Rmcplant (aka. Advanced material by Rmcplant . With over 12 years of experience, Rmcplant is an established global supplier and manufacturer for chemical materials. High quality Collloidal Gold products are produced by our company. We can help you if the price is lower.
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