Applications of Silver Dichromate

silver dichromate is a colorless, insoluble compound that decomposes with hot water and has an anion charge of -2. It is a versatile and widely used chemical with important applications in chemistry, biology and medicine.

Microcrystallization of silver dichromate

An improved method for the microcrystallization of silver dichromate is presented, which enables continuous suspension of forming crystals in their “mother liquor” by rotation of a stoppered test tube while in a horizontal position during cooling. This technique is extremely effective for producing crystals of optimum size and perfection in very difficult cases, and holds promise generally in similar applications.

Photocatalytic activity of as-prepared Ag2CrO4 nanoparticles

The photocatalytic activity of the as-prepared Ag2CrO4 and Ag2Cr2O7 nanostructures was studied by performing photooxidation of methyl orange (MO). XPS spectra indicated the high purity of these as-prepared Ag2CrO4 nanotepheric compounds. These compounds are potentially useful in the catalytic oxidation of benzylic and allylic alcohols by refluxing benzene, which requires an active oxygen atom to reduce the reaction product.

Nano silver is a kind of new antibacterial agent, which has strong bacteriostatic and bactericidal action

What is nanosilver? Nano silver is used as a particle size to make nano metallic silver elemental. The nano silver particle size is generally 25 nanometers. It is extremely small in size and has a large surface area. Because of this, it can have significant quantum size effects and quantum tunneling effects. It also has super activity and permeability. It is hundreds of thousands times more bactericidal then ordinary silver. Nano-scale metallic silver has a surface electronic characteristic that allows it to form ligands with hydrophobic, amino, and other electron-absorbing group on bacteria protein molecules. This enhances the antibacterial effects. Nano silver is an innovative antibacterial agent. It has a strong antibacterial effect and broad spectrum.
What role does nano-silver play?
Silver nanoparticles can be made from silver nanoparticles. These particles can be used in industrial applications, water treatment, as well as consumer products like clothing and cosmetics. Silver nanoparticles are a silver element with a nanometer size. Nano silver is a form of powder-silver element. The particle size is typically between 25-50nm. The size of silver nanoparticles directly affects their properties. It was discovered that smaller particles have stronger bactericidal performances.
Nano-silver can kill bacteria
Silver is an antiseptic which has been proven to kill bacteria and fungi as well as viruses. Positively charged silver (Ag+)22,22 is responsible for the antibacterial effect. Silver ions have many modes of action to target microorganisms.
The nanoparticles of silver cannot be seen by the naked eye. Nano silver antibacterial solution is made by introducing a small amount of nano-silver into deionized drinking water. It is extremely small in particle size, 500 to 1000 times smaller that a cell. Because it is so easily absorbed and excreted, all bacteria, viruses, and fungi are quickly and efficiently trapped. It is not the same as ordinary antibiotics. While antibiotics can kill some bacteria, they cannot kill viruses. Nano silver can kill over 650 bacteria and viruses. It should be considered the body’s second immune defense system.
Is nano-silver healthy?
Silver found in the environment can be considered safe because it is a compound. Although the environmental and health hazards of silver nanoparticles remain poorly understood, colloidal silver can be deemed unsafe to consume.
Nano silver can be used to kill bacteria. It causes no skin irritation and has no toxic effect on cells. This opens up new opportunities for the widespread use of nano-silver as an antibacterial agent. It is the latest generation in natural antibacterial agents.
Is nano-silver dangerous?
Nano silver can cause minor irritation to the eyes and skin. It is also mildly allergenic to the skin. Silver nanoparticles inhaled can cause damage to the lungs, liver, and spleen. Studies have shown that silver particles can be genotoxic for mammalian cells.
Application of silver nanoparticles
1. One antibiotic can kill approximately six pathogens. Nano silver can kill hundreds.
2. Nano silver can kill up to 650 bacteria in just minutes. Because of their unique bactericidal mechanisms, silver nanoparticles are able to kill pathogenic bacteria in a matter of minutes.
3. Silver nanoparticles are super-permeability and can penetrate 2mm under skin for sterilization.
4. Promote wound healing and repair of damaged cells, decrease scar formation, muscle growth, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory.
5. The patented technology that produces silver nanoparticles is protected by a protective layer. This allows for gradual release in the human body and an antibacterial effect that is durable and long-lasting.
6. Nano silver is a non antibacterial fungicide. This means that nano silver can kill any pathogenic microorganisms. 10nm silver nanoparticles have an antibacterial mechanism that can kill bacteria fast and directly. The next generation of drug resistant bacteria can prevent the recurrence that is caused by drug resistance.
Nano silver powder Supplier
(aka. Technology Co. Ltd. (aka. Our company has developed a number of materials. Our Nano silver powder is high in purity, small particle size, and high impurity. To find out the current price of Nano-silver, please send us an email.
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Nano silver solution broad-spectrum sterilization

For thousands of years silver has been used to make jewelry and human utensils. According to science, silver can be sterilized and disinfected. Silver’s antibacterial effects are due to the absorption of silverions by microorganisms. The microorganisms responsible for breathing are those that are attracted to silver ions. The enzyme will stop working after being destroyed. Nano-silver uses cutting-edge technology to create nano-sized silver. The quantum leap in the bactericidal power of silver in nano-state has been made possible by nano-technology. Nano-silver is very potent in killing bacteria. More than 700 types can be killed by broad-spectrum sterilization, which does not require any drug resistance. This is a new generation of natural antibacterial agents that is safe, effective, and causes no irritation.
Silver ions not only have the function of destroying bacterial proteins, but also have a super function-sterilization, and relatively little harm to heavy metal silver. Silver ions can be destroyed by small amounts of bacteria when there is a small amount.
The sterilization principles of super-nano silver
Principle 1: Super nano-silver-nanotechnology processing silver particles, its activity becomes stronger, and silver ions are released after contact with water, and the active silver ions can enter the cell wall of bacteria freely, causing the cell wall to rupture and the cytoplasm to flow out of the bacteria to die instantly;
Principle 2: The silver ions attract the negatively charged microbial cellular cells and then combine with the functional groups of the catalytic systems to cause the bacteria to stop respiration, metabolism, and reproduction. To sterilize the organism until death.
Silver can kill bacteria using these two mechanisms (including super bacteria) and it will not give rise to drug resistance.
Tech Co., Ltd. is a supplier of professional nanosilver. We have over 12 years of experience in chemical product development and research. We accept credit cards, T/T and Paypal payments. We will ship goods overseas via FedEx, DHL and by air or sea to our customers.
Contact Us to Request High Quality Nano Silver.

How strong is nano Silver antibacterial?

What is nanosilver? Nano Silver is a metallic Silver material with a nanometer scale. The silver nanoparticles have a size of 25 nanometers. It has strong inhibition and killing action on many pathogenic microorganisms including Escherichia colonia, Neisseria gonorrhoeae and chlamydia trichomatis. The socks are made of nanometer-sized silver and combed coton fiber and have an excellent antibacterial and deodorant properties.
What are the characteristics and uses of nano-silver
Because of their outstanding electrical conductivity, silver nanoparticles play a significant role in microelectronics. They have several special applications because of their quantum size effect and surface effect. This includes surface-enhanced Raman, medical and other applications.
Nano silver is powdered sterling silver. The particle size is usually between 25-50nm and less than 100nm. The size of silver nanoparticles directly influences their properties. It was discovered that smaller particles have stronger bactericidal performances.
How effective is Nano-silver antibacterial?
The nanometer is currently the smallest unit after the micron. A nanometer (or nanometer) is the smallest unit of measurement after the micron. Nano silver is the use cutting-edge nanotechnology will Silver nano, nanotechnology can sterilize silver nanoparticles in a quantum leap. They can kill over 650 types of bacteria in just minutes.
Broad-spectrum antibacterial
Silver nanoparticles enter directly the thallus. They bind to the oxygen metabolism enzyme -SH and suffocate it to death. This can kill most of the bacteria and fungi that come into contact with them. Eight authoritative Chinese institutions found that it is effective against drug resistant pathogens. This includes drug-resistant Escherichia Coli, drug resistent Staphylococcus aureus as well as drug-resistant Streptococcus Pyogenes and drug-resistant Enterococcus. It can kill common bacteria found on burns such as Staphylococcus aureus (Escherichiacoli), Pseudomonas aleruginosa, Candida albicans, and other G+/G-pathogenic bacteria. It is also strong in preventing chlamydia and gonorrhea from causing sexually transmitted illnesses.
Nano silver is capable of killing hundreds of pathogen-causing microbes. A single antibiotic can kill approximately half a dozen bacteria, but nano silver can kill many more. Kill bacteria, viruses, trichomonas and branch/chlamydia.
Potent bactericidal
In just minutes, Ag was able to kill over 650 kinds of bacteria. After binding to the pathogen’s cell wall/membrane, silver nanoparticles could quickly enter the organism and bind rapidly with the sulfuryl group (-SH), which is responsible for the oxygen metabolism enzyme. They then inactivate it, inhibit its respiration, and kill the pathogen. The silver nanoparticles’ unique bactericidal mechanism allows them to kill pathogenic bacteria in a short time at low concentrations.
Permeability is a strong characteristic
The super-permeability of silver nanoparticles can penetrate to the subcutaneous 2mm sterilization. This sterilization is good for common bacteria, stubborn bacteria, and deep tissue infections.
The restoration
Nano-silver has the ability to promote wound healing, repair and regenerate damaged cells, reduce saprophytic muscles, activate and promote tissue growth, speed up wound healing and decrease scarring.
Antibacterial durable
Nano silver particles made from patented technology can slowly be released into the human body, thanks to a protective film.
There is no resistance
You can use silver nanoparticles to kill pathogenic microorganisms.
Nano silver Supplier
(aka. Technology Co. Ltd. (aka. Our company has developed a number of materials. Our Nano silver powder is high in purity, small particle size, and contains very little impurity. Get the most recent Nano silver price To send an inquiry, please send us an e-mail or click on one of the products.

Colloidal Silver Bulk

colloidal silver bulk is a high grade dietary supplement that has been used successfully to support the body’s immune system for over thirty years. It is gentle, easy-to-drink, and highly effective for supporting the body’s natural defences against colds and flu.

It has an excellent safety profile when taken as directed and is not known to interfere with medication or cause side effects. It is suitable for the whole family and has a growing worldwide consumer following.

The only way to know what you are getting in a colloidal silver product is to test it for yourself!

Our colloidal silver is made in a GMP-compliant lab using specialized equipment that yields extremely small, nano-sized silver particles. Unlike ions that can react with other compounds in the gut and form silver chloride–becoming much less effective, stable silver particles remain intact and work by attacking germs directly.

A study published in 2019 found that nano silver was as effective as steroids and immune-suppressing drugs for reducing inflammation and skin infections like eczema and psoriasis. It can also be used to combat other skin conditions such as acne and contact dermatitis.

In some people, too much silver can accumulate in the tissues over months or years and cause a blue-gray tint to the skin, eyes, organs and nails that is called argyria. This condition does not usually cause serious health problems but can be painful and may last permanently.

We recommend only taking a very low dosage of colloidal silver and never taking it while you are on antibiotics or thyroid medication. These medicines can make colloidal silver more or less effective and may cause negative side effects if taken in high doses.

Silver Nanoparticles Nano Ag Powder CAS 7440-22-4

About Silver Nanoparticles Nano Ag Powder:
Nano Silver is a metal Silver with a particle size of nanoscale. Nanosilver is a powdered silver elemental, particle size is less than 100nm, generally between 25-50nm. The properties of silver nanoparticles are directly related to their particle size. It was found that the smaller the particle size of silver nanoparticles, the stronger the bactericidal performance.
The size of the nanosilver is mostly about 25 nanometers, which has strong inhibition and killing effect on dozens of pathogenic microorganisms such as Escherichia coli, Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis, and will not produce drug resistance. Silver nanoparticles play an important role in the field of microelectronics because of their excellent electrical conductivity. Due to the surface effect and quantum size effect, silver nanoparticles also have some special applications, such as surface-enhanced Raman applications and medical applications. Is Nano Silver dangerous? Silver nanoparticles may be absorbed through the lungs, intestine, and through the skin into circulation and thus may reach such organs as the liver, kidney, spleen, brain, heart and testes. Nanosilver may cause mild eyes and skin irritations. It can also act as a mild skin allergen.
Nano-silver particles directly enter the bacteria and combine with the oxygen metabolism enzyme (-SH) to suffocate the bacteria and kill most of the bacteria, fungi, molds, spores and other microorganisms in contact with them. It has been found by eight authoritative institutions in China that it has a comprehensive antibacterial activity against drug-resistant pathogenic bacteria such as drug-resistant Escherichia coli, drug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, drug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa, streptococcus pyogenes, drug-resistant Enterococcus and anaerobic bacteria. It has a bactericidal effect on the surface of burns and wounds, such as Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Candida albicans and other G+ and G- pathogenic bacteria. It also has a strong bactericidal effect on chlamydia trachomatis and gonorrhea, which cause sexually transmitted diseases. Rmcplant is a trusted global Silver Nanoparticles Nano Ag Powder supplier. Feel free to send an inquiry about the latest price of Silver Nanoparticles at any time.

Product Performance of Silver Nanoparticles Nano Ag Powder:

Due to its good electrical conductivity, silver nanoparticles occupy an extremely important position in the field of microelectronics. The surface effect and quantum size effect of nano Ag powder make it also have some special applications, such as surface-enhanced Raman applications, medical applications, etc.

Technical Parameter of Silver Nanoparticles Nano Ag Powder:

Product NameMFPurityParticle SizeBulk DensityMelting PointColor
Silver NanopartilesAg99%50nm, 100nm, 500nm2.7 g/cm3660℃Black


How is Silver Nanoparticles Nano Ag Powder Produced?
There are many methods for the preparation of nanosilver particles, so in recent years, people are constantly exploring new methods for preparing nanosilver particles, including physical crushing, vacuum condensation and mechanical ball milling. The chemical method has a reducing method, an electrochemical reduction method, a photo dent reduction method, a gas-liquid two-phase method, a hydrothermal method, a precipitation method, and the like. Because the preparation method of nanosilver particles will be very important for future practical use. The preparation method of nanosilver is gradually maturing, cost and production efficiency have reached the level of large-scale industrial production.
Applications of Silver Nanoparticles Nano Ag Powder :
Nanosilver has antibacterial properties and is widely used in daily life.What is Nano Silver Good For? The antibacterial properties of nanosilver have been successfully applied for a variety of health treatments including intravenous, urinary and tracheal catheters, endotracheal tubes, bone cements, oral cavity fillings, dietary supplements implant surgery and wound dressings.
High-end silver paste (glue)
Pulps for external electrodes of chip components, thick film integrated circuits, electrodes of solar panels, conductive silver glue for LED chip packaging, conductive silver paste for high-temperature sintering type and oligomer conductive silver paste, conductive ink for printing electronic devices, etc.
Conductive coating
High-grade layer for filter, silver layer for magnetic tube capacitor, low temperature sintered paste and dielectric paste.
The medical field
Antimicrobial medicine and medical instruments, antimicrobial plastics and rubber products, antimicrobial textiles and clothing shoes and socks, antimicrobial coatings, ceramics and glass, green antimicrobial coatings.
Green home appliances and furniture products
Anti-static, antiseptic coating, deodorant, antibacterial film for home appliances.
Catalytic materials
The catalyst for ethylene oxidation reaction supported silver catalyst for fuel cell.
New energy
Heat exchange material, electrode material for high-grade electronic components.
Electroplating industry
The silver coating material used for gold electroforming.
Nanosilver has antibacterial characteristics is applied to life, including baby products, tableware and bottles are used, Kusheng nano silver antibacterial tableware is a safe material, Bier baby bottles (Bier nanosilver PES puzzle bottle, Bier silver ion PES puzzle bottle, Bier PES combination puzzle bottle) contain nanosilver materials. Nanosilver is a safe material and is widely used.


Storage Condition of Silver Nanoparticles Nano Ag Powder:
The damp reunion will affect silver nanoparticles dispersion performance and using effects, therefore, nanosilver powder should be sealed in vacuum packing and stored in cool and dry room, the nickel nanoparticles can not be exposure to air. In addition, the Ag Nanoparticles should be avoided under stress.

Packing & Shipping of Silver Nanoparticles Nano Ag Powder:
We have many different kinds of packing which depend on the silver nanoparticles quantity.
Silver nanoparticles packing: vacuum packing, 1kg/bag, 25kg/barrel, or as your request.
Silver nanoparticles shipping: could be shipped out by sea, by air, by express as soon as possible once payment receipt.

Silver Nanoparticles Nano Ag Powder CAS 7440-22-4插图


Silver Nanoparticles Properties

Other NamesAgNPs, Ag NPs, Silver nanopowder, Silver nanocrystals, nano-silver
Silver nano-particles, Silver nano-powder, nanosilver
CAS No.7440-22-4
Compound FormulaAg
Molecular Weight107.87
AppearanceGray to Black Powder
Melting Point660 ℃
Boiling Point2162 ℃
Specific Surface Area5.37 m2/g
Solubility in H2ON/A
Thermal Expansion(25 °C) 18.9 µm·m-1·K-1

Silver Nanoparticles Health & Safety Information

Signal WordWarning
Hazard StatementsH400-H410
Hazard CodesXn, N
Risk Codes22-36/38-50/53
Safety Statements22-60-61
Transport InformationUN 3077 9 / PGIII
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What is Nano Silver Good For?

Why is nano-silver good for you? The benefits of using nano-silver in various industries such as pharmaceuticals, healthcare, and consumer goods.
These nanoparticles can be very tiny particles, with sizes from 1 to 100 nanometers. Nanosilver is composed of Silver nanoparticles. These nanoparticles are useful as antibacterial or antifungal agents in the industry, water treatment, consumer goods, as well as for cleaning clothing, cosmetics and food containers. In some filter systems to purify groundwater, silver nanoparticles can also be used.

What does silver colloid consist of?
Coloidal silver and silver solution both contain silver nanoparticles that are suspended in liquid bases.

Are you allowed to eat colloidal Silver?
When taken orally, silver accumulates in the body. The silver can build up in your body for many months, causing your skin, eyes and internal organs to turn bluish. It’s called “argyria” by doctors. It is permanent.
Only in very rare circumstances, colloidal silver may cause seizures and other serious side effects.
It is possible for colloidal silver to interact with certain prescription drugs such as penicillamine, Depen, Quinolone Antibiotics and tetracycline.

Colloidal Silver is good to your health.
The ability to kill bacteria through the destruction of proteins makes colloidal silver useful for wound dressings. However, silver is neither a useful mineral nor has any known functions in the body. The skin can turn permanently blue if it is taken orally. Brain function issues can also be caused by oral silver.
While colloidal silver has been proven effective in treating infections, hay fever and skin conditions among other ailments, it is not supported by any scientific research. It is currently not possible to prove the effectiveness of colloidal sodium in treating COVID-19. The use of colloidal silver in the treatment of COVID-19 is not recommended.
The scientific evidence is not in support of the treatment with colloidal Silver dietary supplements for any type of disease.

Colloidal Silver Price
Price is affected by many things, such as the demand and supply in the market and industry trends. Economic activity and market sentiment are also important.
Send us an inquiry if you’re interested in the latest solution price. (

Colloidal Silver Supplier
Technology Co. Ltd. (), is a trustworthy silver solution manufacturer as well as silver solution supplier. It has over twelve years’ experience. All of our products are available for shipment worldwide.

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Silver Telluride Ag2Te Powder CAS 12002-99-2

About Silver Telluride Ag2Te Powder:
The chemical formula of silver telluride Ag2Te.Molecular weight 343.34.Grey cubic crystal or powder.Melting point 955℃, relative density 8.5.Soluble in nitric acid, ammonia and potassium cyanide solution, insoluble in water.

Silver telluride is a telluride compound of silver, also known as silver disilver telluride or silver telluride (I). It forms a monoclinic crystal. Broadly, silver telluride may be used to denote AgTe(silver (II) telluride, a metastable compound) or Ag5Te3. Silver telluride (I) occurs naturally as hard manganese ore, while (II) silver telluride is known as queen ore. Silver telluride is a semiconductor that can be doped with N-type and P-type. Stoichiometric Ag2Te has N-type conductivity. When heated, silver is lost from the material. Non-stoichiometric silver telluride exhibits remarkable magnetoresistance.

Silver telluride is fairly stable in air and insoluble in water, dilute acids other than nitric acid, and potassium cyanide solutions; When it is heated to 300 ~ 600℃, some of it decomposes to produce “wool silver”. Rmcplant is a trusted global Silver Telluride Ag2Te Powder supplier. Feel free to send an inquiry about the latest price of Silver Telluride at any time.

Product Performance of Silver Telluride Ag2Te Powder :

Silver telluride is a chemical with the chemical formula Ag2Te. It is quite stable in air, insoluble in dilute acid and potassium cyanide solutions other than water and nitric acid.

Technical Parameter of Silver Telluride Ag2Te Powder :

Product NameMFPurityParticle SizeMolecular WeightDensityColor
Silver TellurideAg2Te99.99%-100 mesh343.348.5 g/cm3Gray Black


How is Silver Telluride Ag2Te Powder Produced?
Silver telluride process: Produced by the interaction of silver with tellurium at high temperatures (to volatilize excess tellurium) and in a flow of hydrogen gas.

Silver telluride is obtained by heating silver and tellurium together in a vacuum container until reddish. Or from the reaction of tellurium with a hot solution of silver nitrate. In addition, the H₂ TE and soluble silver salt solution reaction can also make silver telluride.
Applications of Silver Telluride Ag2Te Powder:
The utility model relates to a vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser containing silver telluride/silver zinc telluride core-shell quantum dots and a preparation method thereof. The vertical cavity surface emitting laser comprises a quartz substrate arranged upward in sequence, a lower high mirror, a silica layer containing silver telluride/silver zinc telluride core-shell quantum dots and an upper high mirror.

Single crystal Ag2Te nanowires with uniform dispersion were synthesized. A series of X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) characterization showed that the Ag2Te sample has a controllable morphology, good crystallinity and high purity nanostructure, the diameter of which is about 200nm, the length of which can reach tens of microns. More importantly, the associated electrical properties of a single Ag2Te nanowire. It is found that the I-V curves of the samples are symmetric and non-linear at room temperature by in-situ electric field assembly and voltammetry measurement. During the heating process, the I-T curve is accompanied by the phase transition, and the current also changes greatly. These experimental results lay a good foundation for further research on the electrical transport performance of nanostructured devices in the future.

Storage Condition of Silver Telluride Ag2Te Powder :
The damp reunion will affect Ag2Te powder dispersion performance and using effects, therefore, silver telluride Ag2Te powder should be sealed in vacuum packing and stored in cool and dry room, the silver telluride can not be exposure to air. In addition, the Ag2Te powder should be avoided under stress.

Packing & Shipping of Silver Telluride Ag2Te Powder :
We have many different kinds of packing which depend on the silver telluride Ag2Te powder quantity.
Silver telluride Ag2Te powder packing: vacuum packing, 100g, 500g or 1kg/bag, 25kg/barrel, or as your request.
Silver telluride Ag2Te powder shipping: could be shipped out by sea, by air, by express as soon as possible once payment receipt.

Silver Telluride Ag2Te Powder CAS 12002-99-2插图


Silver Telluride Properties

Other Namessilver(I) telluride, silver(1+) telluride, disilver telluride,
Ag2Te powder
CAS No.12002-99-2
Compound FormulaAg2Te
Molecular Weight343.34
AppearanceBlack Powder
Melting Point955℃
Boiling PointN/A
Density8.5 g/cm3
Solubility in H2ON/A
Exact Mass345.716072

Silver Telluride Health & Safety Information

Signal WordN/A
Hazard StatementsN/A
Hazard CodesN/A
Risk CodesN/A
Safety StatementsN/A
Transport InformationNONH for all modes of transport
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