The Bayer Process-The Main Production Method of Alumina

Alumina Bauxite is also known as a stable aluminium oxide in the fields of mining, ceramics and materials sciences. The rapid development of our country’s electrolytic aluminium, ceramics industries, medicine, electronics and machinery will increase the demand for alumina.
There are many ways to extract alumina from ore. These include the Bayer method and other methods such as soda-lime sintering. The Bayer Process was the primary method for producing aluminum, with its output accounting for approximately 95% of total global alumina output. Although the acid method made huge progress in the 1970s it was not used by industry.

Bayer Process: A new way to produce alumina

The Austrian Bayer K.J.Bayer invented it in 1888. The principle is that caustic (NaOH solution) is used to warm alumina and dissolve it in bauxite, resulting in sodium aluminate. After the solution (red mud) is separated, the temperature of the mixture is lowered and aluminum hydroxide added as a crystal seed. After long stirring, the sodium-aluminate solution is separated to aluminum hydroxide. Then, it’s washed off and calcined in a temperature range of 950-1200. The alumina is obtained. Mother liquor is the solution that remains after precipitation.

Because gibbsite and diaspore are different in their crystalline structure, they will dissolve at different temperatures. The gibbsite-type bauxite dissolves at temperatures between 125 and 140, and diaspore-type bauxite at 240260 with the addition of lime (37%).

Bayer process alumina: advantages and disadvantages

The Bayer Process is a modern process that has been characterized by:

1. Equipment of large scale and continuous operation
2. Automation of production processes;
3. Energy-saving techniques such as fluidized roasting, high-pressure enhanced disolution and high pressure enhanced dissolution;
4. Dry purification of flue gases and aluminum electrolysis is needed for production of sandy alumina. Bayer’s advantages

The economic effect of the Bayer Process is determined by the quality of the bauxite, mainly the SiO2 content in the ore, which is usually expressed by the aluminum-silicon ratio of the ore, that is, the weight ratio of the Al2O3 to the SiO2 content in the ore. Because in the dissolution process of the Bayer Process, SiO2 is transformed into sodalite-type hydrated sodium aluminosilicate (Na2O*Al2O3*1.7SiO2*nH2O), which is discharged along with the red mud. The Bayer Process will generate about 1 kg of Al2O3 for every kilogram of SiO2 present in the ore. This is followed by 0.8 kg of NaOH. The Bayer process has a worse economic effect the lower the aluminum-silicon ration of bauxite. The Bayer Process produced bauxite with an aluminum-silicon proportion greater than 8 until the late 70s. In order to make the most of the diminishing resources of gibbsite bauxite, research and development has focused on finding new ways to save energy and using other types of bauxite.

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What is γ-Alumina?

What exactly is g–Alumina? Alumina in g type crystal form is called g–alumina.
–type alumina does not dissolve in water, but it can be dissolved in an acidic or alkali solution. When heated to 1200°C, g-type aluminum is transformed into a type alumina. The porous substance g-type Alumina has a high level of activity, and a strong adsorption ability. It is porous with an inner surface area that can cover several hundred meters. These cylindrical pinkish or colorless industrial products have good resistance to high pressure.

g – Alumina Properties
The particle size of g-phase nano-alumina is smaller than that of 20nm, with uniform particle size distribution, high purity, excellent dispersion, high specific surface, high temperature-resistant inertia and high activity, so it belongs to active alumina, porosity, high hardness and good dimensional stability.
You can use it to strengthen and toughen many types of materials, including rubber, plastics, ceramics, refractories, etc., particularly in improving compactness and finish as well creep resistance, creep resistance, wear resistance, cold and heat fatigue and fracture toughness of polymers. It’s easy to dissolve in solvent water. You can mix it with ethanol, propanol and propylene glycol or isopropanol as well as ethylene glycol monobutylether, acetone and butanone. It’s often used in epoxy resin, plastics, and other materials.

What’s g-Alumina for?
Coatings: Wear-resistant coatings, porcelain film coatings, and plasma spraying.
Ceramics: Bioceramics, translucent ceramics, and alumina clays.
The petrochemical industry has catalysts, catalyst carriers and automotive exhaust purification materials.
Polishing materials: single crystal silicon wafer grinding and submicron / nanometer polishing materials.
Lighting: High pressure sodium transparent tube, long afterglow and rare earth tricolor, phosphors, and other phosphors.
Electronics: Single crystal and integrated circuit substrates, far-infrared material, and single crystal materials
Cosmetic Fillers:
Organic membrane materials.

Aluminum Oxide Price
Price is affected by many things, such as the demand and supply in the market and industry trends. Economic activity and market sentiment are also important.
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Aluminum Oxide Supplier
Technology Co. Ltd. (), is a trustworthy Al2o3 manufacturer, and Al2o3 supplier. We have over 12 years experience. All of our products can be shipped worldwide.

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Is alumina toxic to the human body?

Can alumina cause cancer in humans? Alumina is commonly found as bauxite or alumina on earth. When aluminum is exposed in the air, it forms alumina and then a thin layer of aluminum on its surface. This makes aluminum resistant to corrosion.
Alumina Is an insoluble compound made of aluminum that doesn’t cause any acute toxic effects. While long-term exposure can cause serious health effects and health risks, chronic exposure is rare in this industry.
This compound is not only irritating to the skin, but also has a mild chronic toxic effect.

For what purpose is alumina being used?
One of the most widely used ceramic materials in technical manufacturing is aluminum oxide or Alumina. It can be used to produce many components across numerous industries. The manufacturing process of alumina injection molding allows for the creation of customized components that can be used in different industries. There are two main purposes for this process:
Medical industry: The chemical properties and hardness of alumina makes it an ideal material for many medical applications including prosthetics, tissue enhancement and replacement bearings.
Protective equipment – The light weight and strength of alumina makes it an excellent material for building vehicle and car armors, and making bulletproof synthetic sapphire windows.
Electrical industry: The compound’s high melting point and boiling point make it an attractive choice when making high temperature furnace insulation or electric insulators. The microchip industry is another major user of Alumina.
Gemstone Industry: The formation of rubies and sapphires is made from alumina. This is how these precious gems can be made.
Applications: Because alumina has chemical inertia, it makes a great filler to bricks, plastics, and heavy pottery. This is a great economic alternative to industrial diamond.

Aluminium oxide nanoparticles
Alumina can be found in many shapes such as spherical or hexagonal flake and cube.
A nano-alumina consist of both fibers and rods. Nano alumina is distinguished from regular alumina by its higher elastic modulus, superior thermodynamic and chemical stability and unique optical characteristics.
Fibrous allumina is a high-performance class of inorganic fibres. Most of it is Al203. However, some fibers also include metal oxides such SiO2 (or B2O3). The benefits of this fiber include high strength, exceptional heat resistance and high temperature resistance to oxidation. It has a high tensile strength and can withstand higher temperatures. Long-term service temperatures are between 1450 and 1600 degrees. Because of its excellent surface activity, you can easily compound it with resin, metal or ceramic matrix, creating composites with outstanding properties that are widely applicable. It’s considered the highest-potential high-temperature material.

High purity of alumina
High purity alumina, a white powder crystallized in crystal form, is often divided into the following types: 4N (99.9% purity), 3N (10.99% purity) and 5N (19.999% purity).
High purity Alumina is highly sinterable, dispersible, and porosity.
4N high purity aluminum is used most often in rare earth tricolors phosphors as well as energy-saving lanterns and lamps.
5N high-purity alumina used in the manufacture of ceramic separator, sapphire glass and a lithium battery. The excellent mechanical strength, stability, and cleanability of sapphire crystal make it an ideal substrate to LED. High purity 5N Alumina has been in high demand due to the increased demand for energy-saving standards. Also, sapphire is used in the iPhone phone camera. This drives the demand for sapphire glasses in household electronics.
In ceramic separators of lithium batteries, 5N high purity aluminium is used. A nano-alumina coating on the surface can significantly improve safety and high temperature resistance of the lithium battery.
The high-purity alumina is well known for its excellent chemical, mechanical and thermal properties.

Aluminium oxide Price
Price is affected by many things, such as the demand and supply in the market and industry trends. Economic activity. Unexpected events.
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Aluminium oxide Supplier
Technology Co. Ltd. (), is a trustworthy al2o3 producer, and Al2o3 provider with more than 12-years experience. All of our products can be shipped worldwide.

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What is Alumina Nanoparticle used for?

The coating material for the diaphragm of a lithium battery is High purity micro alumina. This ceramic coating acts as heat resistance and insulation to protect the lithium battery from being short-circuited by high temperature or diaphragm melt.

Additional ingredients for lithium battery cathode materials:
Doped with lithium cobalt, lithium manganate, high-purity nanoalumina can increase thermal stability and cycle performance, prevent the formation of oxygen, the decomposition LiPF6 as well as reduce direct contact between LiCo02 (electrolyte) and LiCo02 to improve electrochemical specificity.

A porous material with high purity of g type nano-alumina has a surface area of many hundred of meters per gram. It also exhibits high activity and high adsorption capabilities. It’s a common adsorbent, catalyst, and carrier in petroleum refinery and the petrochemical sector.

Powder coating Anti-caking:
Summer can be prevented by nano-alumina. The use of nanometer aluminum trioxide in powder coatings is a great way to improve powder coatings’ fluffiness. It also has a good anti-caking property. This powder coating is stable in extreme temperatures or high humidity environments.

Hardening and wear-resistant coating for rubber or plastics:
Nano-alumina can increase the durability and resistance to scratches of the coating by up to 5-20%. It is much more effective than traditional coatings, with a 2-5x improvement in wear resistance. The paint can have a fine network structure that protects the polymer paint from scratching and wear. The scratch resistance of nanopaint is three times better than original paint. This paint is commonly used for automobile paints, such as the GM-Aluminum Trioxide. A nano-aluminum triooxide is able to significantly increase the hardness and can even reach as high as 6-7H. It does not affect the transparency of coating.

Plastics, rubber, adhesives, paint thermal conductivity:
One crystal Alumina thermal conductivity (30 nanometer alumina), high thermal conductivity, large-spherical filling. Surface treatment agents like coupling agents can be used to improve thermal conductivity. They are often used in order to increase compatibility with resin matrix fillers and other matrix materials.

High purity and uniform size of the nano-alumina particles make it a great choice for dispersion. If 10% of alumina is added into the sintered ceramics it increases the forming pressure, which may reduce the number pores. This can also increase the density of ceramic blanks.

Powder metalurgy:
The nano alumina used in metallurgy is small in size with a high specific surface area.

These alumina particles have uniform sphericity and can be used for polishing. Polishing zinc is fast, bright, and without scratches.

Aluminum Oxide Price
Price is affected by many things, such as the demand and supply in the market and industry trends. Economic activity and market sentiment are also important.
Send us an enquiry if you want to know the current al2o3 price. (

Aluminum Oxide Supplier
Technology Co. Ltd. (), is a trustworthy al2o3 producer, and Al2o3 provider with more than 12-years experience. All of our products can be shipped worldwide.

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Application of nano alumina powder in various fields

Coating material for lithium battery diaphragm : high-purity nano-alumina The ceramic coating is applied to the negative and positive electrode separators of the lithium batteries. It acts as insulation, heat resistance, and high temperature resistance to keep the battery safe from damage. The battery is melted and then short-circuited. Additives to the lithium battery cathode materials Doping high purity nano-alumina to make lithium cobaltate, LiMnA, and other lithium-containing compounds. It can increase thermal stability, enhance cycle performance and resist overcharge, inhibit the generation of oxygen, and avoid LiCo02. Direct contact with an electrolyte reduces electrochemical specific capacit, which allows for increased electrochemical specificity of LiCoO2.
Catalyst Carrier High-purity, g-type, nano-alumina has a porous structure with a high activity level and strong adsorption ability. It is an important adsorbent, catalyst, and catalyst carrier in petroleum refinery and the petrochemical sector.
Anti-caking powder coating The nano aluminum oxide is used to enhance the bulkiness of powder coats. It also has anti-caking properties. Powder coatings in high-temperature and high-humidity environments will have good storage properties.
Add 5-20% of nanoalumina powder to your coating. The coating will be 22 more scratch-resistant than a traditional one. 5 times. Nano-alumina can be used to create a network structure on the paint surface that protects the polymer paint layers from damage. The nano-paint’s anti-scratch properties are superior to the original. The paint’s strength is tripled and it is widely used in paint for cars and other purposes. The coating can be made harder by adding nano-alumina. A 20% increase can bring it to 6-7H. This does not affect the transparency.
Thermo conductivity: Plastics, rubbers. Adhesives, coatings. The thermal conductivity of alumina single crystal is 30, with a high thermal conductivity and large spherical-filling. Coupling agents, which are surface treatment agents that improve thermal conductivity without altering the mechanical properties of the matrix material, can be used to improve compatibility between the resin matrix, the filler, and the thermal conductivity.
Ceramic : Nano Alumina is high purity, uniform in particle size, and has good dispersibility. By adding about 10% of sintered clays to your mold, you can increase the molding pressure, reduce the number pores, and improve the density of ceramic green bodies. You can also increase the mechanical properties of alumina ceramics following sintering.
Powder metallurgy For metallurgy: Nano-alumina powder, small particle sizes, large specific area, high activity. Add 1-3% of nanoalumina to prevent matrix density and grain size increases. This will enhance hardness, electrical conductivity, mechanical properties, and enhanced melting point.
Polishing Alumina has uniform particles with high sphericity. It is an excellent material for precision polishing and metallographic polishing. It can be used to polish stainless steel mirrors, cast iron polishing and aluminum mirror polishing. Paint polishing. Resin polishing. Glass polishing.
Tech Co., Ltd. is a leading supplier of nano-alumina powder. We have over 12 years of combined experience in chemical products research, development, and manufacturing. We accept credit cards, T/T and Paypal payments. We will ship goods overseas via FedEx, DHL and by air or sea to our customers.
Send us an inquiry if you are interested in high quality nano-alumina powder.

The Seven Methods for Preparing Spherical Alumina

Spherical Alumina Spherical alumina is produced by high-temperature melting, high spherical rates, high alphaphase aluminum oxide content. This product has superior performance in rubber, plastic, and ceramic feedstock. Here is a summary of the methods for preparing spherical-grade alumina. Each method has its own characteristics.
Here are seven ways to prepare spherical aluminum:
1. Various sedimentation method
The precipitation process in homogeneous solutions is a crystal nuclear reaction. After that, the aggregation becomes greater and eventually from the solution from solution, it is usually unbalanced. But, if you lower the concentration of precipitant in homogeneous, even slowly Generation, then large numbers of microcrystals nuclei will be evenly produced. Finally, finely precipitated particle are uniformly dispersed throughout the entire solution, and a balance state is maintained over a longer period. Method for average prediction. Al2 (SO4)3, Al (NO3) 3 & urea are used as raw materials. Under the oil bath at 98 degrees C, the hydroxide produced by slow hydrolysis is precipitant. After calcination, the size and shape of the precursors can be adjusted by adjusting the proportion of SO422- with NO3-. Al2 (SO4) 3. The obtained colloid particles have a very good shape. This method was used in Al2(SO4) 3 and Urea as raw materials. The spherical (and hollow spherical) alumina powders were prepared under different conditions. A homogeneous precipitation process is possible if the precipitated particles obtained fall within the range for colloid particles. In addition to the conditions of SO42 – present, it is often difficult to finally form a glue of the globiosis in the gelation of sol particles to finally form a globiotype, so people think that this formation of sol-emulsion-condensation Gladle.
2. Sol-emulsion-gel method
This method is based on the sol-gel method. To obtain spherical powder particles from the oil phase, one uses the interface tension of both the oil and the water phases to form small spherical droplets. The aluminum hydrolysis process produced the spheroidized alu powder. In this case, 50% of the aluminum was removed, 40% of the acetonitrile and 9% of the dispersed water were retained. Using hydroxypropylcellulose as a dispersant to obtain a spherical g-alumina powder having a very good spherical degree.
3. Drip method
The droplet method is used for binding the alumina sol to the oil layer (usually using petroleum oil, mineral oil, or paraffin). The resulting spherical sol particle is then gelled in an alkaline ammonia solution. This method further enhances the sol-emulsion gel method.
4. Use templates
The template method controls the morphology during the production of spherical foodstock. The product is often hollow or has a nuclear-shell structure. The aluminum powder surface is used for simplifying the aluminum powder’s surface. While the template method can be used to prepare an air spherical ball sphere, it has limitations. The preparation steps are more involved and require more effort.
5. Gas solve decomposition method
The aerosol decomposition process is usually based upon an aluminum salt. It uses the properties of aluminum alcohol and high-temperaturepyrolysis to make aluminum salt. Next, it uses phase transition to alkoxide gasify, then contact with liquid water, then pick up high temperature or direct high temperatures, thereby achieving transitions of gas-liquid solid or gas-solid phase and finally, creating a spherical form of alumina powder. Complex experiments involving reaction moieties as well as atomizing moiety are key to this method.
6. Radio frequency induction plasma method
Radio frequency plasma treatment of alumina dust using radio frequency radiation. This plasma has high energy density and high heating power. It also allows for simple material processing. The powder is free from any electrodes and therefore not contaminated by electrode evaporation. It is possible for purity to be maintained. Additionally, irregularly shaped particles of alumina are sprayed into plasma torch with the feed gas. Plasma melts rapidly. Droplets will quickly solidify, creating spherical particle.
7. Jet
The essence and structure of spinal alumina are formed quickly by surface tension. You can divide it into spray heat, spray drying, and spray melting Law, depending on the characteristics of phase transformation. AlCl3, Al2 SO4) 3, Al (NO3) 3 solution form small droplets through atomization. The process also requires a high thermal decomposition temperature of around 900°C. The aluminum salt solution is first mixed with ammonia to form an alkali sol. After that, spray the alumina sol at between 150 and 240 C.
Tech Co., Ltd. () is a professional Spherical Alumina Over 12 years of chemical products research and product development experience. We accept credit cards, T/T and Paypal payments. We will ship goods overseas via FedEx, DHL and by air or sea to our customers.

What are the advantages of aluminum oxide?

What is using light weight aluminum oxide?
Clinical career
Due to its hardness, bioinertia as well as chemical homes, alumina is the preferred material for hip substitute bearings, such as prosthetics, bionic implants, prosthetic eye replacements, tissue supports, crowns, joints, bridges and also other oral implants. It is also utilized in research laboratory devices as well as tools, such as crucibles, heating systems and also various other laboratory home appliances.

Military and also safety devices
The toughness and light-weight homes of alumina assistance boost armors, such as breastplate, along with vehicle and also airplane shield, which is its largest market. Alumina is also used in artificial sapphire bulletproof home windows as well as ballistics.

Electrical as well as electronic market
Its high melting factor and boiling factor, as well as outstanding warmth resistance, make alumina a suitable material for making insulation as well as electrical insulators for high temperature level furnaces. Alumina movie is likewise an essential part of the integrated circuit industry. Several of its various other usages include ignition system insulators, microelectronic substrates and shielded radiators.

Treasure industry
Alumina is a beneficial element for the development of rubies and sapphires. Its crystalline kind corundum is the basic aspect of these precious treasures. The deep red shade of the ruby is credited to chromium pollutants, while the different colors of the sapphire come from traces of iron and also titanium.

Industrial application
Because alumina is chemically inert, it is utilized as a filler for plastics, blocks and various other hefty clay tools such as kilns. As a result of its high toughness and also solidity, it is often used as an abrasive for sandpaper. It is also an economic alternative to industrial rubies.
Alumina is also used in the manufacturing of pipe elements such as elbows, tees, straight pipes, hydrocyclones, reducers, nozzles and also shutoffs. Other applications include the production of various machining devices, reducing devices, thermocouple coats, wear-resistant pump impellers as well as baffles.

How strong is aluminum oxide?
Alumina has a Morse scale of 9, as well as the only natural materials that can scrape alumina are ruby and Mo stone.

Does light weight aluminum oxide react with water?
Alumina is almost insoluble in water.

What are the benefits of aluminum oxide?
Alumina is an exceptional electrical insulator, which can stand up to exceptionally high existing, and also its electrical resistance enhances with the increase of its purity. The higher the purity of alumina is, the higher the resistance is.
Alumina has a very high melting factor and solid mechanical strength. Nonetheless, when the temperature level goes beyond 1000 levels Celsius, its mechanical stamina decreases. Because of its excellent difference in thermal expansion coefficient, its thermal shock resistance is not extremely reliable when subjected to very heats.
Alumina has outstanding chemical security and high deterioration resistance.
Alumina is a little soluble in solid acids (such as hot sulfuric acid and also warm HCl as well as HF) and alkaline options, however insoluble in water. Pure alumina can stand up to chemical deterioration, which makes pure alumina become the primary option of design parts in many industrial applications. Its resistance to chemical corrosion has been confirmed to be due to its low solubility in these chemicals.
Alumina ceramics have the most affordable vapor as well as disintegration pressure.

Aluminum oxide cost
The rate is influenced by several variables including the supply as well as need in the market, market fads, financial task, market sentiment, and unanticipated occasions.
If you are searching for the latest Al2O3 rate, you can send us your questions for a quote. (

Where can I purchase aluminum oxide al2o3?
Modern Technology Co. Ltd. () is a trusted light weight aluminum oxide maker as well as light weight aluminum oxide supplier with over 12-year-experience. We deliver our items all over the globe.

If you are trying to find high-quality aluminum oxide powder, please do not hesitate to contact us and also send out an inquiry. (