Tungsten Nanopowder

tungsten nanopowder is an important component in a wide array of industries and applications. This material offers unique properties, ranging from color and pigment to conducting nanofluids that are utilized in numerous fields of engineering.

Various forms of tungsten oxides are available for a variety of applications including metallurgy, chemical and physical vapor deposition and in some optical coatings. This material can be prepared in a range of purities, particle sizes and configurations.

Synthesis of Tungsten Oxide Micron-Level Powder by a Pyrolytic Process

Several techniques have been used to synthesize tungsten oxide (WO3) nanoparticles. These include pyrolysis, thermal decomposition and wet chemical processes.

tungsten nanopowder is manufactured using a highly controlled pyrolytic preparation method which involves a series of steps such as heating the precursors, adding oxygen and cooling the powder. The resulting nanoparticles are uniformly distributed with grain diameters of less than 1 nm.

Characterization of WO3 nanoparticles by X-ray diffraction

The crystal structure of WO3 has been characterized using a combination of X-ray diffraction and NMR spectroscopy. The crystalline structure has been compared to that of amorphous tungsten.

Inclusion ring formation at GB, interfaces and b-W crystallites was observed for the a-Wh110i and a-Wh111i orientated grains, while the a-W phase is completely reconstructed in 1/1. Moreover, a-W elastic constants were simulated in the observation plane using 16O(d,a) 14N and 12C(d,p) 13C reactions.

The re-pulverized W atoms release an O atom on surface re-pulverization, which decreases the tungsten sublayers’ thickness below 3 nm and favors b-W formation. This is accompanied by a decrease in a-W elastic constants and also a change in b-W lattice dimensions, as indicated by u-averaged a-W200 w-scans.