The Applications of Aluminum Niitride

What is it? Aluminum Nitride ? Aluminum nitride or covalent bond compounds, chemical formula is AIN, is an atomic structure that is non-toxic, white, or off-white.
Aluminum Nitride has the following main features
AlN can be stored at temperatures up to 2200 degrees Celsius. The strength of AlN at room temperature is high. With increasing temperatures, it decreases slowly. It is an excellent thermal shock material because it has a low thermal conductivity and small thermal expansion coefficient. It is highly resistant to corrosion of molten metal and makes an excellent crucible material for casting aluminum, pure iron or aluminum alloy. Aluminum nitride, which is an excellent electrical insulator due to its good dielectric properties, is also promising as an electric component. The gallium arsenide coating with aluminum nitride protects it against ionization during annealing. Aluminum nitride also acts as a catalyst in the conversion of hexagonal to cubic boron nutride. At room temperature it reacts slowly with liquid water. Aluminum powder can be made in nitrogen atmosphere or ammonia at 8001000. It is white to gray-blue and can be used as a catalyst. It can also be produced by reaction of Al2O3C-N2 system at 16001750. The product is off-white. Or by the vapor phase reaction of aluminum chloride with ammonia. You can make the coating by using the AlCl3NH3 system vapor-phase deposition method.
Aluminum Nitride Properties
Other Titles Aluminium nitride
No. 24304-00-5
Combination Formula AlN
Molecular Weight 40.9882
Appearance Powder from pale yellow to white
Melting Point 2200 degC
Boiling Point 2517 degC (dec.)
Density 2.9 to 33% g/cm3
Solubility of H2O N/A
Electrical Resistivity 10 to 12 10x 10x O.m
Poisson’s Ratio 0.21 to $0.31
Specific heat 780 J/kg-K
Thermal Conductivity 80 to 200 W/mK
Thermal Expansion 4.2 to 5.4 um/mK
Young’s Modulus 330 GPa
Exact 40.9846
Monoisotopic 40.9846
AlN powder CAS 24304 00-5
Aluminum Niitride
The majority of current research is focused on developing a semiconductor-based light emitting device (gallium nutride or alloy aluminum gallium nanonitride) that can operate in ultraviolet light with a wavelength up to 250 nanometers. An inefficient diode can emit light up to 210nm [1] as reported in May 2006. An aluminum nitride single crystal has an energy difference of 6.2eV, measured by the reflection of UV rays. In theory, this energy gap allows waves with wavelengths of around 200 nanometers to pass through. However, commercial implementation presents many difficulties. Aluminum nitride has many uses in optoelectronics. This includes as dielectric layers for optical storage interfaces and electronic substrates. Also, it is used as chip carriers with high thermal conductivity and in military applications.
The properties of the aluminum nitride piezoelectric effects make epitaxial stretching of aluminum nutride crystals a good choice for surface acoustic-wave detectors. The detectors can be placed on silicon wafers. It is difficult to produce thin films reliably in these locations.
Aluminum nitride clays can be used for heat exchangers and high-temperature structural parts.
It can be used to resist corrosion of aluminum, iron, and other metals.
Aluminum Niitride’s main supplier
Tech Co., Ltd. () is a professional nitirde dust Over 12 years’ experience in chemical products development and research. We accept credit cards, T/T and West Union payments. We will ship goods overseas via FedEx, DHL and by air or sea to our customers.
You can find high-quality powdered boron carbide here Please contact us Send an inquiry

Preparation Scheme and Application of Amorphous Solid Germanium Oxide

Germanium Oxide: What Does It Do? Germanium oxide, also known as white powder, is made up of hexagonal, tetragonal, and amorphous crystals. The hexagonal morphology has a relative densitivity of 4.228 and its melting point is (1115+-4degC). The melting point for germanium oxide is (1086+-5degC). Germanium dioxide is not soluble in water or hydrochloric acids. However, it can dissolve in an alkaline solution to create germanate.

Germanium Oxide

Germanium oxide materials consist of two varieties: germanium monoxide (GEO) and germanium dioxide (GEO2). Germanium monooxide is a dark, needle-like crystal that sublimates at 710°C. One crystal form of germanium dioxide is a white, hexagonal, tetragonal crystal. It has a melting value of 1086°C with a density at 6.239g/cm3, but is not soluble in water. Germanium monoxide easily becomes germanium dioxide by heating in air. Disproportionment reactions can occur easily when the material is heated alone. Germanium monooxide dissolves easily in acids and strong alkali solutions. This product is known for its reducing capabilities. Germanium dioxide remains stable under heating and in the air. Although it is not easily dissolvable in acid, germanium dioxide can dissolve well in alkali to create germanate. Germanium dioxide may be produced by burning the metal germanium, germanium sulfuride or in the air or by oxidizing or dehydrating germanium with concentrated citric acid. Germanium monooxide is made by heating germanium dioxide and hydrogen to make it.

Germanium Oxide

Preparation Germanium tetrachloridehydrolysis: Mix 6.5-fold of distilled water with germanium tetrachloride. Let it stand overnight to produce germanium dioxide precipitation. After the time has expired, wash the lotion in cold water. Germanium oxide can then be dried at 200°C in order to make germanium dioxide products. Here is how to make germanium dioxide products: GeCl4 +2H2O=GeO2

Germanium Oxide

Germanium dioxide substances are used for preparations of metal germanium, other germanium compounds and as catalysts to prepare polyethylene Terephthalate resins. Rmcplant advanced materials Tech Co., Ltd. is a leading supplier of germanium powder. It has over 12 years of experience in chemical product research and development. We are happy to assist you in your search for the highest quality germanium dioxide powder.
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The Application of Natural Flake Graphite Powder

Natural flake graphite It is natural crystalline graphite that looks like fish phosphorus. It belongs to the hexagonal system and has layers. It exhibits good resistance to heat, electrical conductivity, heat conduction and lubrication.
Flake graphite can be found in complete crystals or thin flakes. It has good physical and chemical properties and excellent thermal conductivity.

Natural Flake Graphite Application

Flake graphite is used widely in advanced refractories in the metalurgical industry. Magnesia carbon bricks, crucibles and others. Stabilizers in the military industry for pyrotechnics, desulfurization accelerators, pencil leads, and carbon brushes for industry.

After intensive processing flake graphite can be made into graphite oil, which can then be used in lubricants and mold release agents as well as wire drawing agents and conductive coatings. It can also produce expanded graphite which can be used to make flexible graphite compounds and seals.

Flake graphite is used primarily as a functional filler for coatings.

Anti-corrosion material: The anti-rust primer is made of natural phosphorous flake Graphite and carbon Black, talcum Powder, and oil. It has excellent resistance to chemicals, solvents, and if chemical pigments, such as zinc yellow, are added to it, it will protect against rust.
Expandable graphite can be used as a fireproof material. This is a form of graphite interlaminar compound that has been produced by electrochemical or chemical treatment of natural graphite flake material. Expandable graphite expands quickly under heating (up to 300 times) which suffocates a flame. It also generates expansions which can help isolate the flame or stop it from spreading. It is incombustible, flexible, strong, and has a high surface energy.

Flake graphite may be used to make conductive coatings or as a carbon-based filler. Due to the large number of graphite flake added, the coating’s performance and ease of application will be reduced. There are measures taken to improve graphite’s conductivity and reduce the amount graphite flakes.

This short-cut fiber material is a solvent-free thick films conductive coating with functional filleders. It has characteristics such as anti-corrosive medium penetration and low curing residue stress. It is also resistant to matrix deformation and cracking. The coating can be used for long-term static electricity transmission. The inner wall of crude oil storage tank’s crude oil storage tanks can be coated with natural phosphorous flake graphite.
According to reports, electroless plating technology can be used to coat graphite dust with metals like nickel, silver, and copper. These fillers can then be used in conductive coatings of up to 30%. It not only has good conductivity but also provides corrosion resistance.

Tech Co., Ltd. () is a professional Elemental powder Over 12 years of chemical product development and research experience. We accept credit cards, T/T and Paypal payments. We will ship goods overseas via FedEx, DHL and by air or sea to our customers.

Feel free to contact me if you’re looking for graphite powder with high quality. Get in touch Send an inquiry

The properties and applications of Iron Oxide Fe3O4

What is Iron O2O4 ? Iron O3O4, a type inorganic substance, has the chemical formula Fe3O4, black crystals with magnetic, and is sometimes called magnetic iron oxide. It cannot be considered Fe(FeO2)2, iron oxide FeO2O3, or as a mixture of iron dioxide FeO and ironoxide Fe2O3, although it can be roughly regarded as a compound from ferrous oxide and ironoxide (FeO *Fe2O3). The substance is not soluble in water, alkali solution or ether. Iron Oxide Fe3O4 from natural sources is insoluble when in acid solutions. However, it can be easily oxidized to Iron Oxide Fe3O4 (Fe2O3) in humid conditions. It is often used as a polish and pigment, and in the manufacture audiotapes and other telecommunications equipment.

How is Iron Oxide, Fe3O4, Produced?
Schikorr reactions produce iron oxide Fe3O4. This reaction turns iron (II), OH (Fe(OH),2) into iron oxide, II, III (Fe3O4). Anaerobic conditions cause ferrous hydroxide(Fe(OH),2) to oxidize in water and form magnetite, as well as molecular hydrogen. This process is described in Schikorr’s reaction.
3Fe(OH)2-Fe3O4 + H2 + 2H2O
What is Fe2O3 and Fe3O4 different?
Fe2O3 vs Fe3O4 are two different minerals. Fe2O3 is paramagnetic and has only Fe2+ oxidation while Fe3O4 a ferromagnetic metal with both Fe2++ oxidation.
What are some properties of Iron Oxide Fe3O4?
Fe3O4 is ferrromagnetic and has a Curie Temperature of 858K. The Verwey transition is a phase transition that occurs at 120K. This transition is where there is a discontinuity between the structure, conductivity, and magnetic properties. While many explanations have been suggested, the effect is not yet fully understood.
Although it has an electrical resistivity that is higher than iron (96.1% nOm), Fe3O4’s electrical resistance (0.3 mOm m) is much lower than Fe2O3’s (approx. kOm). This can be explained by electron exchange between FeII and FeIII centres in Fe3O4.
Iron Oxide, Fe3O4
Iron Oxide Fe3O4, commonly known as iron black, magnetite and black iron dioxide, can be used for many purposes.
Black pigments are also known as Mars Black, and Iron (II or III) oxide.
It is used in Haber processes as a catalyst.
It is used to produce the water-gas shifting reaction.
MRI scanning employs Fe3O4 Nanoparticles to contrast them.
It prevents steel rusting.
It is an element in thermite and is used to cut steel.
It can also produce special coatings, high-grade magnetic separators and microwave absorption materials.

The Applications of Boron Carbide Powder

Overview of Boron Carbide powder Boron carbide It is low in density and strong, has good high temperature stability and chemical stability. It is therefore widely used in wear-resistant material, ceramic reinforcement phases and lightweight armor. Boron carbide has a lower cost of production than diamond and cubic-boron nitride. This makes it more popular. It is sometimes used in place of expensive diamonds for polishing and grinding, drilling, etc.
B4C powder features high purity, low particle size distribution and a large specific surface area. B4C powder can be described as a synthetic superhard materials with a hardness level of 9.46, a microhardness range of 56-6200Kg/mm2, an average of 252g/cm3, a melting point at 2250 degrees Celsius and a ratio of 2.52g/cm3.
Chemical properties, non-magnetic at high temperature and low temperatures, strong acid and strong alkali. Boron carbide has the ability to absorb neutrons, emits no harmful radiation and is not subject to secondary radiation pollution. It is less hard than diamond. Boron carbide, one of the most stable acids, is stable in all concentrated and dilute acid solutions. Boron carbonide is stable below 800°C in an ambient air environment. The boron dioxide, which is the result of oxidation at high temperatures, is lost in gas phase. This makes it unstable and oxidized into carbon dioxide and then boron trioxide.
Boron carbide absorbs a large amount of neutrons and does not form radioactive isotopes. It is a great neutron absorber for nuclear power stations. It is used to control nuclear fission’s rate. Nuclear reactors use Boron carbide. It can be made into controllable rods or powder, depending on the surface area.
Boron Carbide B4C Powder Cas 12069-32-8
What are the potential applications Boron Carbide powder?
Control nuclear fission. It can absorb a large amount of neutrons without creating radioactive isotopes. It is an excellent neutron absorber in nuclear power plants. It is mainly used to control the rate at which nuclear fission takes place. The majority of Boron is made into controllable rods for nuclear reactors. However, the surface area increases can sometimes make it into powder.
Abrasive: Boron Carbide has been used for many years as a coarse abrasive. The powder is difficult to form into artificial products because of its high melting temperature, but it can be melted into simple shapes. It can withstand high temperatures. Useful for polishing, drilling, grinding, and drilling hard materials, such as gems and cemented carbide.
Boron carbide is also a coating paint that can be used on warships and helicopters. It is light-weight and resistant to armor-piercing bullets. The hot-press coating forms an overall defense layer.
Nozzle: Boron carbide can be used to make a spray gun nozzle for the ordnance business. Boron carbide is very hard and wear-resistant. It does not react to acid or alkali and can withstand high temperature/low temperatures and high pressure. Boron carbide is used to make metalborides, smelt boron and boron alloys, special welding and other purposes.
Boron Carbide powder supplier
Tech Co., Ltd. () is a professional carbide powder Over 12 years’ experience in chemical product development and research. We accept credit cards, T/T and West Union payments. We will ship goods overseas via FedEx, DHL and by air or sea to our customers.
You can find high-quality powdered boron carbide here Please contact us Send an inquiry

The Applications of Molybdenum Silicide

What is it? Molybdenum Silicide ? Molybdenum Disilicide, an organic compound that has the chemical name MoSi2, can be described as a gray metallic solid. Although insoluble in most acids it is soluble in hydrofluoric acid and nitric. The radii of these two atoms do not differ much, and their electronegativities are very close. They also have properties that are similar to metals and ceramics. Molybdenum Disilicide can be used as an electrically conducting material. A passivation layer made of silicon dioxide can also be created on the surface at high temperatures to prevent further oxidation. It is used to make high temperature antioxidation coating materials, integrated electrode film, structural materials and reinforcing agents in composite materials.
Molybdenum Siicide:
MoSi2 (intermediate phase) is the most silicon-rich in the Mo–Si binary alloy system. It’s a Dalton type intermetallic compound of a fixed composition. This high-temperature material has great performance because of its dual properties of metal and ceramic. Excellent high temperature resistance to oxidation, it has a oxidation resistant temperature of 1600. This is equivalent in SiC. It also has a moderate density (6.24g/cm3), low thermal expansion coefficient (8.10-6K-1), good electrical conductivity, high brittle-ductile temperature (1000 ) and is below ceramic-like hardbrittleness. Above 1000, MoSi is soft and plastic-like metal. MoSi can be used in integrated circuits, heating elements and high temperature antioxidation coatings.
MoSi2 consists of silicon and molybdenum bonded with metal bonds. In MoSi2, silicon and molybdenum are bonded via covalent bonds. Molybdenum Disilicide is a gray tetragonal crystalline. It is insoluble within common mineral acids (including aqua regia), however, it can be dissolved in mixed acids of hydrofluoric and nitric acids. It can be used to heat elements in high-temperature (1700) environments due to its high resistance to high-temperature oxygenation.
An oxidizing atmosphere forms a protective layer on the dense quartz (SiO2) surface. This prevents continuous oxidation and deterioration of molybdenum disilicide. SiO2 fused to form protective films when temperatures exceed 1700°C. It loses its protective power due to the act of expanding its surface. The oxidant acts on the element and forms a protective film. It is important to note that this element can not be used for prolonged periods in temperatures between 400 and 700 degrees C due to its strong oxidation at lower temperatures.
Molybdenum Silicide Properties
Other Titles molybdenum disilicide (MoSi2 Powder)
No. 12136-78-6
Combination Formula MoSi2
Molecular Weight 152.11
Appearance Gray to Black Powder
Melting Point 1900-2050 degC
Boiling Point N/A
Density 6.23-6.31 g/cm3
Solubility of H2O N/A
Electrical Resistivity 0.0000270 – 0.0000370 ohm-cm
Specific heat 0.437 J/g-degC (23 degC)
Tensile Strength 185 MPa
Thermal Conductivity 66.2 W/m-K (23 degC)
Thermal Expansion N/A
Vickers Hardness 900-1200
Young’s Modulus N/A
Exact 153.859261
Molybdenum Silicon MoSi2 MoPowder CAS 12136-876-6
Molybdenum Silicide:
Molybdenum disilicide can be used in high-temperature anti-oxidation coatings, electric heating elements and integrated electrode films.
1. Energy chemical industry: Electric heating elements, high heat exchangers of nuclear reactor devices, gas burners. High temperature thermocouples with their protective tubes. Melting vessels and crucibles are used to melt sodium, lithium and lead.
2. MoSi2 and other reactive metal silicides, such as WSi2, TaSi2, Ti5Si3, WSi2, TaSi2, etc. are used in the microelectronics sector. are key candidate materials for large-scale integrated gate and interconnect film production.
3. Aerospace industry. It has been extensively and thoroughly researched and successfully applied as a high temperature antioxidation coating material. This material is especially useful for components of turbine engines such as blades or impellers.
4. Automobile industry: engine parts, turbocharger rotors and valve bodies for automobiles.
Molybdenum Silicide’s main supplier
Tech Co., Ltd. () is a professional silicide powder Over 12 years’ experience in chemical products development and research. We accept credit cards, T/T and West Union payments. We will ship goods overseas via FedEx, DHL and by air or sea to our customers.
You can find high-quality powdered boron carbide here Please contact us Send an inquiry

SrI2 Solubility and Applications

Strontium iodide is a water-soluble and deliquescent salt of strontium and iodine used in medicine as a potassium iodide substitute [2, 3]. In its purest form, SrI2 crystals are colorless, transparent, hexagonal in structure, and have a bitter saline taste. They are highly soluble in a moderately diluted solution of ethanol at room temperature and sparingly soluble in 0.6 part of water at 15degC.

SrI2 is an ionic compound with a specific gravity of 4.40 g/cm3. The density of the hexahydrate is 4.55 g/cm3, and the anhydrous version weighs in at about 3.5 g/cm3 [2, 3, 4]. It also happens to be one of the most luminous of all hydrated strontium compounds when illuminated by an UV light, although not without some trouble.

Most notable is that SrI2 is a very good candidate for a quantum well detector for gamma rays in the visible region, which makes it an ideal choice for scintillators. It is well suited for such applications because of its high optical outputs and ability to detect gamma rays over a broad energy range.

The best way to determine if SrI2 is the right material for your next scintillator application is to perform an extensive literature search to find out which products have the best price/quality ratios, a rigorous validation process and a solid business plan. This will help you to achieve your goals and stay competitive.

Important Applications of Amorphous Boron Powder in Different Fields

What is amorphousboron powder?

Amorphous boron dust Is a dark brown or black powder. Crystal boron is either black or dark brown powder. It is hardier than diamond, and it is also brittle. Boron is called boron. Its Arabic name means “flux”, which is what it was originally called.

Amorphous Boron Powder Properties

The elementalboron is a black or dark brownish powder. The formation of boron Trioxide Film is caused by internal boron being oxidized in oxygen. It reacts well with fluorine at room temperatures and is not affected by hydrochloric or hydrofluoric acid in aqueous solutions.
Amorphous Boron powder is not soluble in water. The powdered form of boron can also be dissolvable in boiling sulfuric acid or nitric acids.

Application of amorphous Boron powder

Amorphous boron is widely used in electronics, medicine, metallurgy and other areas.

Amorphous boron is used as a fine chemical product in metallurgy. It can also be used in aerospace, synthesis and other areas. It is often used as a deoxidizer and initiator of an automobile airbag or pilot of rocket launch fuel.

Crystalline boron, which is very hard, is often used in place of diamond when making cutting tools or drill bit. To prevent metal oxidation at high temperatures, a small amount is added to the metal smelter as a deoxidizer. On the other side, the mechanical properties can be improved.

Amorphous Boron powder will soon be a major energy material. This is why composite solid propellants have been closely studied. Boron is a solid fuel with a calorific worth that exceeds that of carbon. It also has twice the aluminum and magnesium calorific values. It has a volumetric calorific factor of almost three times that for hydrocarbon fuel and a density that is just slightly lower than that for aluminum. It has the highest volumetric culorific value. Boron is the best nonmetallic fuel for energy.

Tech Co., Ltd. () is a professional boride powder Over 12 years experience in the development and research of chemical products. We accept credit cards, T/T and Paypal payments. We will ship goods overseas via FedEx, DHL and by air or sea to our customers.

You can find high quality amorphous powder boron at a great price by contacting us. Get in touch Send an inquiry

Researches and application prospects of nano silicon powder

What is Nano silicon? Nano silicon The smallest diameter of crystal silicon particles is 5 nanometers. Nano silicon powder is high in purity and has small particles. It also has uniform distribution. This product is tasteless and non-toxic thanks to its high surface area, high activity and low bulk density. Nano silicon powder, a new generation optoelectronic materials, is a high-power source material and has a wide gap energie semiconductor.
Nano silicon research is undergoing new developments
(1) Change the amount of silicon-rich, the annealing conditions, and other factors to control the size or density of silicon nanocrystals. The critical temperature required for the formation of silicon nanocrystals has been suggested by the literature as being 1000oC. We have proved this through experiments. After annealing at 900oC, the high-resolution electron photo of silicon-rich silicone oxide has a silicon content of around 30%. It is obvious that silicon nanocrystals exist.
(2) First time observation of the electroluminescence in Au/(Ge/SiO2) superlattice/p–Si structures. High-resolution electron micrograph showing a four-period Ge/SiO2 supra lattice. The bright-line shows SiO2 having a thickness of 2.0nm. The Ge layer has a thickness at 2.4nm.
(3) A nanoSiO2/Si/SiO2 single-potential high-potential sandwich structure was created on the silicon substrate. It was first realized that visible electroluminescence from the Au/NDB/pSi structure could be achieved. It was found that the intensity and peak positions of electroluminescence oscillate synchroeously with changes in the thickness (W), of Nano-silicon. Further research and analysis have proven that the oscillation time is 1/2 of the de Broglie wavelength. This is explained by the electroluminescence theory proposed by our group.

(4) Er electroluminescence (with a wavelength 1.54mm) was first realized using the SiO2Si:Er film grown by magnetron-sputtering.
(5) First time, a UV-violet luminescence of 360nm at a low threshold voltage was achieved in heat-treated natural silicon oxide/pSi. It is the longest wavelength known to be produced by silicon-based ultravioletescence.
The applications prospects for Nano silicon
We have developed more than 10 types of silicon/siliconoxide nanostructures and realized the photoluminescence within the main wavelength band (including 1.54mm, 1.62mm, from the near ultraviolet to the near infrared) and the photoluminescence with the forward or reverse bias Low-threshold voltage electroluminescence. Our photoluminescence model and widely supported electroluminescence models provide the foundation for silicon-based optoelectronics integration. It has significant scientific significance and great application potential.
(aka. Technology Co. Ltd. (aka. Our Nano silicon is high in purity, fine particle size, and impurity. Please Please contact us if necessary.

What is the Application Field of Zirconia

What is zirconia, exactly?

Zirconium dioxide, which has the chemical formula ZrO2, the main oxide of zirconium is white, tasteless and odorless crystals. It is insoluble with water, hydrochloric Acid, and dilute-sulfuric acid. It is chemically inactive. It has high melting points, high resistivity and low thermal extension coefficients. These properties make it an important high temperature material, ceramic insulating materials and ceramic sunscreen.

Zirconia’s main application areas

Raw materials and compounds of metal zirconium

It is used for the production of metal zirconium or zirconium compound, as well as making refractory and crucible bricks and crucibles. Used mainly for piezoelectric ceramics, household ceramics and refractory material, precious metal smelting Zirconium blocks, zirconium tubes and crucibles. This is used for the production of steel and other non-ferrous materials, optical glass, and zirconium dioxide fibres. It’s also used in ceramic pigments, electrostatic coats and baking varnishes. It can be used to increase corrosion resistance in epoxy resin.


Zirconia fiber can be described as a polycrystalline refractory fibre material. ZrO2 has a higher service temp than other refractory fibres like mullite fiber and aluminum silicate fiber due to its high melting point, nonoxidation, and other excellent properties at high temperatures.

Zirconia can be used in an ultra-high-temperature oxidizing environment above 1500°C for up to two years. Its maximum service temperature is at 2200°C. ZrO2’s resistance to acid and alkali corrosion is superior to that of SiO2O3 and Al2O3. Insoluble in water; soluble in sulfuric and hydrofluoric acids; slightly soluble hydrochloric and nitric acids. It can be fused in alkali to create zirconate.

Tech Co., Ltd. is a professional supplier of zirconia with more than 12 years’ experience in chemical products development and research. We accept credit cards, T/T and Paypal payments. We will ship goods overseas via FedEx, DHL and by air or sea to our customers.

Contact Us to receive a quote if you are interested in high-quality Zirconia.