The Properties And Application of Silicon nitride

What is Silicon Nitride (HTML0)?
Inorganic silicon nitride has the chemical formula Si3N4. It is an important ceramic structural material, exhibiting high hardness, lubricity and wear resistance. Atomic crystals are also present. Moreover, the material can withstand both cold and heat. It will not break if you heat it to over 1000 degrees Celsius in the air. Then, cool it quickly and then heat it rapidly. Because of its excellent properties, silicon nitride is often used in the manufacture of bearings. turbine blades. mechanical seal rings. permanent molds. Silicon nitride is a ceramic that resists high temperatures, but also transfers heat poorly. It can therefore be used as the heating surface of engine components to improve quality, reduce fuel consumption, and increase thermal efficiency.
Silicon Nitride Application:

Silicon nitride ceramics have excellent properties including high thermal resistance, high oxidation resistant and high product accuracy. Silicon nitride has good chemical resistance because it is a covalent, high-bonding compound that can form a protective oxide film in the atmosphere. It cannot be oxidized under 1200degC. The formation of a film between 1200 and 1600degC will prevent further corrosion.

Silicon nitride is a ceramic material that can be used to make high-temperature components for engineering, advanced refractories for the metallurgical sector, sealing components and corrosion-resistant components in the chemical sector, cutting and tooling in the machining field, etc.

It can be used to bond materials in different proportions.

Silicon nitride is also used in solar cells. It is possible to use the silicon-nitride coating after the PECVD process. Not only can it be used as a film that reduces the reflection of light incident, but the hydrogen atoms in the reaction products enter the silicon-nitride and silicon wafer during the deposition. The ratio between silicon nitride and silicon atoms does not always follow a 4:3 ratio, but can vary within a specific range depending on different processing conditions. Different atomic proportions will have different properties.

Silicon nitride is widely used for its excellent electrical, thermal, and mechanical properties.

Tech Co., Ltd. () has over 12 years’ experience in chemical product development and research. Contact us to send an inquiry if you are interested in high-quality Silicon nitride.

Silicon nitride synthesis method and forming processing

Silicon nitride The chemical formula is: The chemical formula of urea is as follows:
3Si(s) + 2N2(g) -Si3N4(s)

This can be done with diimine.
SiCl4(l) + 6NH3(g) -Si(NH)2(s) + 4NH4Cl(s) (at 0 degC)
3Si(NH)2(s) -Si3N4(s) +N2(g) + 3H2(g) (at 1000 degC)

Use the carbothermal reduction to synthesize at 1400-1450degC in an atmosphere of nitrogen:
3SiO2(s) + 6 C(s) + 2N2(g) -Si3N4(s) + 6 CO(g)

In the 1950s the method of nitriding a silicon elemental powder was discovered. This method is also the only one that allows for mass production. The silicon nitride powder will be impure if the quality of the raw silicon material is poor.
It’s important to note that the diamine method of silicon nitride production is only relevant in terms of commercial production. Currently, the diamine-decomposition method has only a limited importance. The commercial production method for silicon nitride comes second after the nitriding process.
The most cost-effective and easiest way of manufacturing silicon nitride is through the carbothermal reaction.
Electronic grade silicon nitride The film is made by either chemical vapor deposited or plasma enhanced chemical-vapor deposition:

3SiH4(g) + 4NH3(g) -Si3N4(s) + 12H2(g) 3SiCl4(g) + 4NH3(g) -Si3N4(s) + 12 HCl(g) 3SiCl2H2(g) + 4NH3(g) -Si3N4 (s) + 6 HCl(g) + 6H2(g)

Two methods are available to deposit Silicon Nitride on a Semiconductor Substrate:
1. Use a tube furnace vertically or horizontally to use low-pressure, chemical vaporization technology at relatively high temperatures.
2. The plasma-enhanced deposition of chemical vapors is done under vacuum conditions at low temperatures.
The unit cell parameter of silicon nitride is different than that of elemental Silicon. Dependant on the deposition technique, the silicon nitride generated film can either generate tension, or stress. Adjusting the deposition parameter is a great way to reduce tension, especially when using plasma enhanced chemical vapor technology.
To obtain silicon nitride, the first step is to prepare silica using the sol-gel process. Next, the silica containing ultrafine carbon particles will be processed with the carbothermal method of reduction, followed by nitridation. The ultrafine carbon particles are formed by the decomposition glucose at temperatures between 1200 and 1350degC. The reactions which are part of the synthesis can be:

SiO2(s), C(s), SiO(g), CO(g), SiO(g), 2N2 (g), CO(g), Si3N4 (s), + 3CO2(g), or Si3N4 (+ 3CO2(g), or Si3N4+ 3CO2(g),

Processing silicon nitride block
Silicon nitride As a granular product, it is difficult to work with. It can’t be heated higher than its melting point (1850degC) because silicon nitride would decompose to silicon and nitrogen. Hot press sintering is no longer acceptable. By adding sintering or binding aids, the powdered silicon nitride can be bonded to form a solid material. Due to the necessity of adding binders or other sintering aids to the material, impurities will be introduced. Another method to produce purer bulk material is spark plasma sintering. The compacted powder will be pulsed within a short period of time (a few seconds). This method works at temperatures between 1500degC and 1700degC. The temperature at which you want to obtain compact and dense lumps of silicon nitride.

(aka. Technology Co. Ltd., a trusted global chemical supplier & manufacturer has over 12 years experience in providing super-high-quality chemicals & Nanomaterials. The silicon nitride Please note that the products produced by our company are of high purity and have low impurity. Please. Contact us if necessary.

Performance Characteristics And Applications of Silicon Nitride Ceramics

Silicon Nitride Ceramics:

Silicon nitride A synthetic superhard material, ceramics is made of a high-quality polymer. Ceramics have good lubricating qualities and a high degree of hardness.
The silicon nitride’s resistance to thermal shock, compared with other industrial materials ceramics, is also a distinctive feature. It is heated up to over 1000degC and then cooled rapidly, before being quickly heated again without splitting. Because of its excellent thermal shock resistance it is often used for high-temperature mechanical components, such as turbine blade mechanical sealing rings, welding moulds, etc.

Also, silicon nitride ceramics have excellent mechanical and workability properties. The hardness of silicon nitride common ceramics is less than diamond. Processing is usually based upon different processing technologies such as diamond wheels, grinding head, etc. Precision grinding, cutting, and drilling are all possible.

Silicon nitride ceramics applications:

Si3N4 Ceramic Material is an excellent material for high temperature engineering. Its application in this field can fully exploit its benefits.

The future direction of Si3N4 development is to: (1) make full use of Si3N4’s excellent characteristics; (2) when Si3N4 Powder is sintered, create some new fluxes and research the best components from existing fluxes.

Si3N4 ceramics used in automobile engines have created a unique situation for the creation of new structural materials that can withstand high temperatures. Automobiles are a multidisciplinary field that combines the best of many technologies. China has an ancient civilisation with a rich history. In the development of ceramics, it has achieved many brilliant things. China’s reform and opening process will one day make it to the top of the auto industry and lead the development of ceramics.

Tech Co., Ltd. is a professional silicon nitride Over 12 years in research and development of chemical products. You can contact us for high-quality Silicon Nitride. Contact us Send an inquiry.

Silicon nitride ceramics is a material with great application potential

The ceramic material silicon nitride is an inorganic ceramic that doesn’t shrink during the sintering process. Silicon nitride has a high strength, particularly hot-pressed silica nitride which is considered one of the strongest materials in the universe. It has properties such as high strength, low densities, and resistance to high temperatures.
A Si3N4 is a covalent bonding compound. The basic structural element is the [SiN4] Tetrahedron. The silicon is in the middle of the tetrahedron. Four nitrogen atoms surround it. They are located on the four vertices. The tetrahedrons have the same form as an atom. They are connected in a three-dimensional network.

Si3N4 ceramics used as structural materials: examples

It can be used for ball bearings because of its high rigidity, lightweight and low weight. It generates less energy, is more precision than metal, and can be used in high temperatures and with corrosive media. It has heat resistance and wear resistance. The ceramic Si3N4 steam nozzle showed no damage even after a few months of use in a boiler 650. Si3N4 can be used for ball bearings because of its high rigidity and lightweight. It generates less energy, is more precision than metal, and can be used in high temperatures and with corrosive media. The ceramic steam nozzle has heat resistance and wear resistance. It shows no damage even after a few month’s use in a boiler with a temperature of 650 degrees.

Si3N4 ceramics are widely used in a wide range of applications

Si3N4 ceramics’ performance and reliability are set to continue improving with the advancement of molding, sintering technology and processing. Si3N4 Ceramics have excellent comprehensive characteristics and abundant resources. They also have wear resistances, corrosion resistances, high-temperature resistants, oxidation resists, thermal shock resistants, and low specific gravities that are uncomparable to general metal materials. It can handle harsh environments that metal or polymer material cannot.
Si3N4 ceramics are classified as high-temperature structure ceramics due to their superior mechanical, thermal and chemical properties. The material that has the greatest potential for application.

(aka. Technology Co. Ltd., a trusted global chemical supplier and manufacturer of high-quality Nanomaterials with over 12 year’s experience, is a trusted source for super high quality chemicals. Our silicon nitride is of high purity and has a low impurity level. Contact us if you need to.

Silicon nitride and silicon nitride ceramics

Ceramics made from silicon nitride Silicon nitride Inorganic substance Si3N4 has the chemical formula. It is a ceramic material that is used in structural applications. It has a high degree of hardness, lubricity and wear resistance. It is an Atomic Crystal and it resists oxidation in high temperatures. It is also resistant to the effects of both heat and cold. It won’t be damaged if you heat it to over 1000degC and cool it quickly, then heat it rapidly. Because of its outstanding characteristics, silicon nitride can be used to make mechanical components like bearings, turbines blades, mechanical sealing rings, permanent molds, etc. When silicon nitride is used as the heating surface for engine parts, the ceramics are not only resistant to high temperatures and heat transfer but can also improve thermal efficiency.
Uses and applications for silicon nitride
Silicon nitride Has a unique grain pattern, high strength and toughness, as well as excellent thermal resistance. It is a good choice for applications requiring high dynamic stress, high thermal stress and high levels of reliability. This unique combination material properties provides advantages in applications that are exposed to harsh conditions, such as high-end ball and turbine bearings.
The main function
High mechanical strength, corrosion resistance and toughness, electrical insulation and thermal shock resistance
Useful Information
High-temperature parts, wear-resistant parts and components for semiconductor manufacturing equipment

What are the disadvantages of using and producing silicon nitride Ceramics?
Although silicon nitride has good properties, it also has the common property of ceramics–brittleness. Silicon nitride Ceramics are polycrystalline sintered bodies made up of crystal grains with ionic or covalent bonds. The chemical bond, which is highly directional, determines low grain density, low slip systems and low energy to crack. The fracture process is characterized by the addition of fracture surface energy and the absence of any other energy dissipation mechanisms. This results in defects like low strength and inadequate toughness. It is impossible to guarantee reliability due to the fatal weakness of brittleness. The silicon nitride research has always focused on increasing its toughness, and therefore its reliability.
Why is silicon nitride so expensive?
1. The price of powder is high.
Nitrogen and high-purity silicon are required for powder preparation. Temperature, time and pressure must be carefully controlled during the nitriding procedure. The powder prepared can be ground using high energy. The whole process requires high-tech equipment. For high-purity, Nanoparticle size and high-proportion of phase purity to be achieved, equipment, technology, and even quality management requirements are high.
2. The cost of ceramics made from silicon nitride is high.
1) High sintering costs. In general, there are three types of silicon nitride silnir sintering: pressureless sintering or pressure sintering. In terms of ceramics, the quality of each method increases in a sequential manner. All three methods have advantages. The higher quality ceramics are, the more expensive they will be.
2) High processing costs. Due to its high hardness, silicon nitride must be processed using diamond abrasives. For special shape processing, special equipment will be required. Because of this, silicon nitride-based products are more costly.

(aka. Technology Co. Ltd., a trusted global chemical supplier & manufacturer has over 12 years experience in providing super-high-quality chemicals and nanomaterials. The silicon nitride Please note that the products produced by our company are of high purity and have low impurity. Please. Contact us if necessary.

Silicon Nitride Ceramics Have Comprehensive Properties

What is silicon nitride?

Silicon nitride is an inorganic substance with the chemical formula Si3N4. It is an important structural ceramic material with high hardness, inherent lubricity, and wear resistance. It is an atomic crystal; it is resistant to oxidation at high temperatures.

Moreover, it can resist the impact of cold and heat. It will not be broken if it is heated to above 1000degC in the air, cooled rapidly and then heated rapidly. It is precisely because of the excellent characteristics of silicon nitride ceramic that people often use it to manufacture mechanical components such as bearings, turbine blades, mechanical seal rings, permanent molds, and so on. If silicon nitride ceramics, which are resistant to high temperatures and difficult to transfer heat, are used to make the heating surfaces of engine components, not only can the quality of the engine be improved, fuel savings, and thermal efficiency can be improved. China, the United States, Japan and other countries have developed such engines.

Comprehensive properties of silicon nitride

The characteristic of silicon nitride ceramics is the perfect combination of material properties. Silicon nitride is almost as light as silicon carbide (SiC), but its microstructure gives Si3N4 excellent thermal shock resistance, and its high fracture toughness makes it resistant to shocks and impacts.

The microstructure of silicon nitride consists of elongated crystals that are interlocked into microrods. One application where this combination of properties has proven to be particularly useful is the machining of gray cast iron or cast iron with ceramic blades.

Unlike hard metals or other cutting materials, the machining process can be carried out at maximum speed using silicon nitride blades without the use of cooling lubricants.

Due to the excellent chemical and physical properties of silicon nitride, Si3N4 ceramic components have replaced traditional materials. Applications of silicon nitride ceramics include sealing rings, bearings and sealing technology.

Silicon nitride has a decisive influence on the function, reliability and service life of these components. The combined bearing made of ceramic material and carbon or reinforced plastic is light in weight but very hard, so it is not susceptible to the influence of centrifugal force, and has very good emergency and dry running performance.

Tech Co., Ltd () is a professional nitride powder supplier with over 12 years experience in chemical products research and development. We accept payment via Credit Card, T/T, West Union and Paypal. will ship the goods to customers overseas through FedEx, DHL, by air, or by sea.

If you are looking for high quality Si3N4 powder, please feel free to contact us and send an inquiry.

What is silicon nitride used for?

Silicon Nitride has been discovered since the beginning of the 19th Century. However, it’s difficult to manufacture because of its covalent bonds. A type of engineering ceramic with excellent chemical and thermal stability, silicon nitride is high in strength and fracture toughness. The polycrystalline form of Silicon Nitride is a type of composite made of single crystals (silicon nitride) that are embedded in either amorphous, partially crystalline or crystalline glass phases. These properties are not dependent only on the inherent silicon nitride properties, but also on size and morphology, and volume fraction, and chemical properties, of the glass phase located at silicon-nitride grain borders. Si3N4 can be used for both traditional and more innovative applications. Si3N4 has many advantages, including its light weight, good wear resistance, excellent bending strength and durability. This makes Si3N4 an attractive alternative to conventional materials like stainless steel and tungsten carbide.
Automobile industry.
The automotive sector is one of the most important uses of sintered silicone nitride. For example, there are electric plugs in diesel engines that provide faster start-up, precombustion chambers to produce less emissions, lower start-up noise and better emissions, as well turbochargers and other components which reduce the engine’s lag. For spark ignition engines silicon nitride helps reduce wear rocker pads and turbocharger turbines reduce engine lag. Exhaust control valves increase acceleration.

An all-ceramic silicon nitride bearing does not just have ceramic components, it also has a ceramic hybrid bearing. For example, the ceramic ball and steel seat rings are made of silicone nitride. The silicon nitride clays offer superior shock resistance to other ceramics. Ball bearings constructed from silicon nitride ceramics have high-performance bearings. NASA’s main engine uses silicon-nitride bearings. Because silicon nitride balls bearings are more durable than metal, they have less contact with bearing tracks. This is a better alternative to traditional metal bearings. They can lower friction by as much as 80% and extend their service lives by 3-10 times. Silicium nitride is 79% lighter that tungsten caride balls. Silicon nitride bearings are used in automotive bearings of high quality, as well as industrial bearings. They can also be used for racing, cycling, skateboarding, skateboards, and roller skating. These bearings can be used in areas where metals cannot be used due to corrosion.

High-temperature material.
Since long, silicon nitride is used for high temperatures. Particularly, silicon nitride has been found to be one of the few ceramic materials that is capable of enduring severe thermal shocks as well as thermal gradients created by hydrogen / oxygen rocket engines. NASA scientists employed advanced rapid prototyping technology in order to produce one-inch combustion chamber nozzle (thruster), assemblies. Five cycles were run on the thruster with an oxygen / hydrogen propellant. The fifth cycle was a five-minute one-piece combustion chamber/nozzle (thruster) assembly.

Health profession.
There are many orthopedic applications for silicon nitride. It can be substituted for PEEK and titanium in spinal fusion devices. The materials’ strength, durability and reliability are enhanced by the micro-textured and hydrophilic surfaces of silicon. Some components of the material are antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral.

Tools for metal cutting and welding.
It is used in cutting tools because of its hardness, thermal stability, wear resistance and toughness. It is particularly recommended to high-speed cast iron machining. Sintered silicon Nitride can be used to machine cast iron, nickel-based alloys, hard steel, and other metals 25 times quicker than traditional materials, such as tungsten caride. Manufacturing output can be greatly affected by the quality of cutting tools. The face milling process of gray cast steel with silicon nitride blades, in comparison to traditional tungsten-carbide tools, doubles cutting speed and increases tool life by up to six blades per piece. This reduces the overall cost of the blade by 50 percent.

Electronic Industry.
Silicon nitride has been used to chemically barrier and insulate integrated circuits. This is done in order to electrically isolate specific structures, or for bulk micromachining as an inoperator. Silicon nitride is an excellent passivation material for microchips. It has a much better diffusion barrier than silicon dioxide to both water molecules and sodiumions, which are the main causes of corrosion and instability within microelectronics. It can be used in an analog chip capacitor as a dielectric to separate polysilicon layer.

Silicon nitride Price
Price is affected by many things, such as the demand and supply in the market and industry trends. Economic activity. Unexpected events.
For the most recent Silicon nitride price please send an inquiry to receive a quotation. (

Silicon nitride Supplier
Technology Co. Ltd. (), is a respected si3N4 manufacturer, and si3N4 provider. It has over twelve years’ experience. All of our products are available for shipment worldwide.

Feel free to email us to request high-quality SI3N4 Powder. (

What are Silicon Nitride Properties?

Silicon nitride can be considered an essential engineering clay. High temperatures give silicon nitride excellent mechanical properties. These include low density and high bending strength. They also have high fracture toughness. The material has excellent thermal characteristics, can withstand rapid, significant temperature changes and minimizes expansion and contraction. The chemical properties of silicon nitride are excellent, with good stability to most acids, bases, corrosive gases and liquid metals.
The results of rolling contact fatigue (RCF), tests on various ceramic-based materials that were subjected to high performance bearing loads have shown that only fully dense silicon nitride is capable of outperforming bearing steel. RCF has a ten-fold longer service life than high-performance steel bearings, thanks to its compact Si3N4 bearing. A high-speed rotating body may cause significant centrifugal stresses. Because it is a low-density metal, silicon nitride can be as light as aluminium. This material has an additional benefit. The low density Si3N4 helps to reduce the centrifugal stresses on the outer rings of the high speed rotating body. The high tensile strength and flexibility of silicon-nitride ceramics allows for resistance to elongation as well as excellent flexural strength that can withstand rupture or yield under higher lateral stresses. The full density Si3N4 is also extremely resistant to fracture toughness and modulus. This material can withstand severe operating conditions that could cause other ceramic materials such as cracking, deformation or collapse.

It is capable of displaying superior mechanical properties and thermal properties. This makes silicon nitride suitable for demanding industrial applications. Thermal conductivity refers to the material’s ability to conduct or transfer heat. The heat transfer coefficient plays a critical role in determining the suitability for industrial applications. Silicon nitride, due to its unique chemical structure and microstructure, has the same low thermal conductivity of metals.

These properties enable silicon-nitride’s ability to significantly lower thermal conductivity in extreme temperatures. The thermal expansion problem occurs when materials heat up and their volume and size change in small increments. This expansion is dependent on the temperature of the material. The ratio of thermal expansion coefficients is a measure of the material’s expansion per 1degC temperature increase. Because of the strong atomic bonds of Si3N4, this material has a low coefficient thermal expansion. It also experiences very little deformation when heated.

The superior thermal properties of silicon nitride make it less sensitive to high-speed applications. Silicon nitride, which has a moderate dielectric constant (the capacity of a substance or material to store electric energy in an electrical field), is preferred for many RF applications. It also has excellent strength and heat resistance.

This unique combination of properties has led to further research on silicon nitride’s use in structural ceramics for biomedical applications. In vitro and in vivo studies, as well as later studies involving the injection of silicon dioxide into animals, have established the biocompatibility. An in vitro study from 1999 further confirmed the biocompatibility claim of Si3N4 for functional human bone cell proliferation. These findings support silicon nitride being a promising biomedical material. Additionally to its biocompatibility silicon nitride has surface chemical characteristics that encourage bone formation (osteogenesis), as well as increased bone contact with implants.

Silicon nitride exhibits excellent stability because of its strong Atomic Bonds. This material is highly resistant to corrosion in acidic and alkaline environments at room temperatures. This is important when implanting silicon nitride in a humid and salty environment. This is due to the formation on the material of an oxide layer. When silicon nitride was subject to heat gases, molten metals, or other chemicals, the same resistance was observed. This is how materials resist corrosion.

Its unique microstructure that self-reinforces, its high strength, toughness and other excellent properties make silicon nitride a desirable structural component for many applications across a range of industries, including biomedical.

Technology Co. Ltd. is a trusted global supplier of chemical materials and manufacturer. With over 12-years experience in producing super high-quality chemicals & nanomaterials such as silicon powder (nitride powder), graphite dust, zinc sulfide, calcium nitride and 3D printing material, etc.
Send us an inquiry if you’re looking for high-quality siN powder. (