What is Zinc Sulfide

Zinc Sulfide:

Its chemical formula is ZnS. Its molecular weight, 134.72. It is created by interacting through ionic interactions with zinc ions, (Zn2+), and sulfur ions, (S2-). The sulfur ions form a regular tetrahedron in which the zinc ion sits in the middle. In contrast, the ion sulfur is found in the center of the tetrahedron. This structure can also be described as a face centered cubic crystal system where zinc and sulfur ions occupy respective vertex and face centered positions in the lattice.

Zinc Sulfide (also known as Zinc Sulfide) is an insoluble, white solid. It is not soluble with water but it is soluble with bases and acids. Zinc sulfide’s density is 3.98 g/cc, with a melting and boiling temperature of 1 350 degrees C. The light transmission range of zinc sulfide is between 200 and 400nm. Its chemical properties are stable but under certain circumstances it can also change. zinc Sulfide is oxidized by an oxidizing substance to produce zinc sulfate. In an environment that is alkaline, zinc sulfide will react with hydroxide molecules to produce zinc hydroxide.

Application – Zinc Sulfide

Zinc sulfide, also known as zinc sulfur, is a significant compound. The unique structure of its crystal and its chemical and physi-cal properties have made it widely useful in many fields. We will discuss the various applications of zinc sulfide.

1. Manufacturers of phosphor

Zinc Sulfide is a widely used phosphor, particularly in the production of fluorescent screens. It also has many applications for fluorescent lamps. Zinc sulfide, used in the manufacture of fluorescent screens, can be made into phosphors, which can then emit light to display an image when they are excited by external lights. In the manufacture of fluorescent lamps, zinc-sulfide also makes phosphors which emit visible light upon being excited by ultraviolet radiation.

2. Manufacturing of photoelectric conversion materials

Zinc Sulfide, a material important for photoelectric conversion, can also be used in the manufacture of solar cells. In solar cells zinc sulfide converts light energy into electrical power. The photoelectric efficiency of zinc sulfide, combined with its low cost, makes it a material that has wide applications.

3. Drug Manufacturing

Zinc Sulfide, because of its biological activity has certain applications in pharmaceutical production. Zinc sulfide is used in the manufacture of anti-malarials, like zinc sulfate, and zinc acetate. zincsulfide may also be used for the production of preservatives or fungicides.

4. Catalyst Manufacturing

Zinc sulfide can act as a catalyst for the creation of other compounds like zinc acetate, Acetone and methylisobutylketone. Zinc sulfur is a highly active and selective catalyst that can be used in the manufacturing process.

5. Optical device manufacturing

Due to its high transparency, zinc sulfur is used widely in optical devices. Zinc sulfide is used, for instance, in optical fiber communication to produce optical fiber preforms. Additionally, zinc sulfide may be used to make optical devices like optical Windows and lenses.

Production method of Zinc Sulfide ()

1. Method of chemical precipitation

The chemical precipitation method is the most common way to prepare zinc sulfide. The zinc sulfide was obtained by mixing zinc salt with sulfur salts in a liquid solution.

Solution for preparation: Dissolve a suitable amount of zinc salt and sulfur salt into water to create a solution.

Precipitation reaction : the above solution is heated in stirring conditions and a precipitating agent of appropriate amount is added to precipitate sulfur ions as well as zinc ions. This results in zinc sulfide.

Filtration : The reaction is filtered in order to obtain a filtrate that contains zinc-sulfide precipitation.

Cleaning: The filtered precipitation of zinc sulfide is cleaned with alcohol in order to remove impurities.

Drying: After washing the zinc sulfide it is precipitated then dried to get zinc sulfide.

Chemical precipitation is easy to do, inexpensive, and produces a product of high purity. The disadvantages of this method are that it requires a large number of detergents and precipitating agents. Also, the waste liquid generated must be further processed before being discharged, which can cause environmental pollution.

2. Synthesis of solid phases at high temperatures

Traditional methods for the preparation of zinc sulfide include high-temperature solid-phase synthesis. A solid reaction between zinc oxide or sulfur-containing elements and zinc at high temperature produced the powdered form of zinc sulfide.

Ingredients: To make raw materials, the appropriate amount of carbon powder, zinc oxide powder, and sulfur dioxide powder is mixed.

Pretreatment: Raw materials undergo a pretreatment at high temperature to ensure that all components react and generate zinc and sulfur vapour.

Synthesis: Zinc and sulfur vapors are produced at high temperatures.

The powdered zinc sulfide is collected and treated as required.

High-temperature, solid-phase synthesis is a relatively straightforward process that has many advantages, including high purity and good crystallinity. The method does require high-temperatures and a lot of carbon and sulfur powders, which can cause some environmental pollution.

3. Solventothermal Method

The solvothermal process is a method that has been developed to prepare zinc sulfide. The method is to dissolve zinc salts and sulfur salts in organic solvents under high pressure and temperature. This produces zinc sulfide by hydrothermal reactions.

Preparation Solution: Dissolve an appropriate amount of zinc salt and sulfur in organic solvent.

High temperature and pressure reaction: The above-mentioned solution is placed in the high-temperature reactor and under high pressure, the hydrothermal reactions are carried out to produce zinc powder.

Collection: The generated powder of zinc sulfide will be collected and treated.

The solvothermal technique has the advantage of a high purity product, good crystallinity as well as a relatively straightforward process. The solvothermal method allows the control of product properties by using different organic reagents and conditions. The method is not without its limitations. It requires high-temperature, pressure equipment. And the recovery and disposal process of organic solvents are expensive and require certain technology.

It is important to consider the advantages and limitations of different methods of production of zinc sulfide, and to select the appropriate methods according to actual conditions and needs. During the production, it is important to take into account environmental protection and safety. Adopting appropriate environmental protection technologies and measures will help reduce the harm caused to humans and the planet.

Prospect Market of Zinc Sulfide

1. phosphor market prospects

Zinc sulfur is widely used to manufacture phosphor. Phosphor can absorb light while emitting different colors. It is used widely in the display, lighting, photovoltaic, and other fields. Luminous materials are being used in more and more fields, including solar cells and biomedicine. Zinc sulfide has become an important material for phosphors, and the market is growing.

2. Photoelectric conversion materials: market outlook

Zinc sulfur is also widely used for the production of photoelectric materials. Solar cells, the most popular application of photoelectric materials, can convert light into electricity. The demand for solar panels is increasing as renewable energy becomes more important. The cost of photoelectric converter materials has also been steadily decreasing, as technology continues to improve.

3. Market prospects for drug manufacturing

Zinc Sulfide has also been used in the pharmaceutical industry. The pharmaceutical industry is a massive market. As people become more health-conscious, the demand for drugs increases. Zinc Sulfide can be used for antimalarial drug production and has a biological activity.

4. Prospects for the manufacturing of catalysts

Zinc sulfur is used for some catalyst production. Catalysts are substances that accelerate chemical reaction and have a variety of applications, including in the fields of environmental protection, pharmaceuticals, and chemical industries. As technology continues to develop, so do the demands for catalytic performance and selectivity. This provides more opportunities for using zinc sulfide as a catalyst.

5. The optical device market is expected to grow at a rapid rate.

Zinc sulfur is also widely employed in the manufacture of optical devices. The optical device has multiple applications, including communication, imaging and optical storage. It can modulate and transmit the light. As technology continues to develop, performance requirements for optical products are increasing. This provides more opportunities for zinc sulfide to be used in optical device production.

Zinc Sulfide powder Price:

Many factors influence the price of a product, such as the economic activity in the industry, the demand and supply on the market.

You can contact us for a quotation if you want to know the current price of zinc sulfide.

Zinc Sulfide Powder Supplier :

Technology Co. Ltd., () is an experienced global chemical material manufacturer and supplier with over 12 years’ experience. They provide super-high-quality chemicals, such as silicon powder, nitride-powder, graphite-powder, zinc-sulfide-powder, boron-powder, etc.

Contact us today to send a request for zinc sulfide.

The Property And Application of Zinc Sulfide

What property does zinc sulfide have?

Zinc sulfide This inorganic compound has a chemical composition of ZnS. It appears as a white, off-white, or light yellow powder. Zinc Sulfide is stable when in dry air. When in humid air over a period of time or with moisture, it gradually oxidizes to zinc sulfate. It is insoluble when mixed with water and soluble when mixed with acid.
Zinc Sulfide is usually obtained through the reaction of hydrogen sulfide with zinc salt solutions. When a small quantity of Cu,Mn,Ag is added to the crystal ZnS as an activater, it will emit different colors after illumination.

What are the applications of zinc sulfide?

The zinc sulfide compound semiconductors are important because they have outstanding physical characteristics, including a large band gap, high refractive indices and high light transmissibility in the visible spectrum. They also offer great potential for optics, electronic and optoelectronic applications.

Zinc Sulfide exhibits excellent electroluminescence and fluorescence effects. Nano-zinc has a unique effect. It has excellent properties in the areas of magnetism (electricity), optics, mechanics, and catalysis. It is for this reason that research into nano-zinc-sulfide caused a lot of controversy. In 1994 Bhargava reported on the surface passivation properties of nano ZnS:Mn-phosphor, which not only had an external quantum efficiencies of up to 18% at high temperatures but also a fluorescence life of five orders of magnitude shorter. The performance of ZnS has improved dramatically, opening up new possibilities for its use in materials.

Zinc Sulfide: Used as an analytical reagent for paint, paint manufacturing, white and opaque glasses, filling of rubber and plastic, and to prepare phosphor.

Tech Co., Ltd. is a professional Zinc Sulfide We have over 12 year experience in research and development of chemical products. You can contact us for high quality Zinc sulfide. Contact us Send an inquiry.

What is Zinc Sulfide Used in?

Zinc Sulfide Chemical compound that has a broad range of applications. It’s used in optical materials that transmit infrared light at 12 micrometers. It is also possible to shape the material into a lens, or an optical window. You can buy it in microcrystalline sheets, which are FLIR-grade. Although it’s opaque in nature and is milky-yellow, hot isostatic pressing can make the substance clearer and more water-soluble. It’s also used to make cathode radiation tubes.

Zinc sulfuride is a white pigment. It has a tetrahedral coordination geometric and can exist in two crystal forms, sphalerite (or wurtzite). This pigment can also be synthesized and used to create windows in infrared and visible optics.

Zinc can easily be transported in the form of a dissolved metallic compound and as airborne particles. The environment is exposed to zinc because of human activity. Zinc sulfide can attach to dust particles or soil particles when it is present in the air. These tiny particles end up in ground water, where they combine with organic material. The zinc particles will eventually move into ground water and combine with organic matter. It’s unlikely that they will become toxic to plants.

Apart from being a semiconductor zinc sulfide also exhibits phosphorescence capabilities. It is particularly suited to testing the physical-mathematical model of energy bands, which explains the temporal pattern of phosphorescence. Social media is a great way to share your information.

Zinc sulfuride is used extensively in chemical industries. You can use it in coatings and lubricants as well as in additives in plastics. It’s highly thermostable and good at dispersibility and wetting. This makes it ideal for optimizing the production of high-performance plastics. American Elements offers a superior quality zinc sulfide.

It is non-toxic when it comes to disposal. If you follow some basic guidelines, this chemical can be safely disposed. Zinc sulfuride can be neutralized using hydrogen peroxide. However, it should not go to waste with acids.

Most commonly, zinc sulfide can be used as a catalyst for batteries. Similar melting and boiling points are found in zinc sulfide. The metal is able to leach cadmium, zinc, and thallium at higher temperatures. The result is white.

Food additives should be used with care. Excessive zinc intake can hinder the body’s ability to absorb other minerals and cause damage. Zinc salts can cause problems for those who deliberately consume high amounts of zinc, such as patients on zinc-salt medications. The high zinc levels in insulin injectables can be attributed to the use of these medications.

ZnS, the chemical compound zinc sulfuride (Chemical Compound Zinc Sulfide), has a large bandgap. It is also an excellent semiconductor. Both its two forms, zinc mixe and wurtzite are stable at temperatures between 3 and 10 hundred degrees Celsius. ZnS has been used for semiconductor purposes as well as antimicrobial properties.

Technology Co. Ltd. has over 12 years of experience as a ZnS supplier and manufacturer. All of our products are available for shipment worldwide.

Send an inquiry if you need high-quality zinc sulfuride powder. (brad@ihpa.net)

Brief introduction of Zinc Sulfide

What Zinc Sulfide is? A white, off-white, or yellow powder of zinc sulfide. Zinc sulfide turns darker when exposed light is applied. Zinc sulfuride is stable in dry atmosphere. It will slowly oxidize to zinc sulfurate if left in humid conditions for too long. Zinc sulfuride is easily soluble and soluble with dilute inorganic acid. However, it is not soluble when dissolved in water. Its relative densities are 3.98 (a kind), (d25), and 4.102 (b kind).
Is Zinc Sulfide fluorescent, or phosphorescent?
Zinc sulfuride is one of most commonly used phosphorescent substances. Phosphorescence is a particular type of photoluminescence. Phosphorescent materials emit absorbed energy at the same time as fluorescent substances.
What are some properties of zinc sulfuride?
Zinc sulfuride is a white, or slightly yellow powder. It forms crystals in the presence of H2S gas. Its alpha form is a hexagonal colorless crystal with a density 3.99g/cm3 melting point at 1700degC. Its beta version is a cubic colorless crystal with a density o 4.102g/cm3. At 1020degC, it transforms into an alpha form. Zinc sulfide can be found in sphalerite. Insoluble when water is used. Soluble in acid. You can see the sun dimmed.
Zinc sulfuride can be transformed into zinc sulfide in humid conditions for a very long time. It is generally formed from the interaction of zinc salt solution with hydrogen sulfide. A small amount of Cu Mn, Ag can be added to activate the crystalline ZnS. It will emit different colors of fluorescence when illuminated. Zinc sulfuride can be used to make coatings or analytical reagents. It can also be used to create paint, opaque glass and rubber as well as plastic and phosphor.
Is zinc sulfide FCC or BCC?
Zincblende/sphalerite is based on an FCC lattice of anions whereas wurtzite is derived from an hcp array of anions. The cations are found in both structures and occupy one type of tetrahedral hole.
How to make zinc sulfide.
Method 1: Add ammonium to the zinc salt solution. You will get a white precipitate.
Method 2: Add ammonium to the zinc sulfate, and then pass in hydrogen to cause precipitation. After the precipitate has been filtered, it is dried in an isolation room. This will give you a clear white crystal zinc sulfide.
Why does zinc sulfide glow?
The color additive luminescent zink sulfide, which is zinc sulfur with a copper activator, is a zinc sulfide. Lumenescent zinc sulfide emits a yellow-green color when it is excited by sunlight or artificial light. It can produce a maximum of 530 nanometers.
Zinc Sulfide supplier
(aka. Technology Co. Ltd. (aka. Our company has developed a number of materials. Our company produces zinc sulfide of high purity and excellent quality. Send an email to us, or click on one of the requested products for an inquiry.

What is Zinc Sulfide ZnS Used For?

What is Zincsulfide ZnS Pulp? Zincsulfide An inorganic compound with chemical formula ZnS. Zinc Sulfide is a powder that can range in color from white to pale yellow to light-yellow. It turns darker when it is exposed to light. It is stable in dry conditions, but it slowly oxidizes into zinc sulfate when exposed to moisture or in moist air. Soluble in dilute inorganic acid, soluble in alkali, insoluble in water.

Zinc Sulfide SnS Structure
ZnS can be found in two types main crystals. The prominent example of the polycrystalline duality is typically one of these two. Each form has a tetrahedral coordination geometry. The stable cubic form, also known as sphalerite, is also called this. The mineral wurtzite is the hexagonal form. However, it can also be synthesized synthetically. At around 1020 degrees C, the transition between sphalerite and wurtzite is made. The tetragonal form of sphalerite is also known as a rare mineral called lithium manganese. It has the formula (Zn Hg) S.

For what is Zinc Sulfide Zinc SnS used?
Zinc sulfuride is used mainly in paint and plastics for chemical production. Zinc sulfide has become an important pigment in paint due to its white opaqueness and insolubleness in water, organic solvents and weak acid and weak base. Zinc sulfuride, which is the second most important pigment in America after titanium dioxide, still plays an important role in European industries.
Zinc sulfide has a melting point of 1650. The Mohs toughness of 98% of the commercial-grade zinc is 3.0. The refractive index, 2.37. Due to its high wear resistance and refractive index, zinc sulfide is a good choice for equipment, wax paper and metal plates with thin layers.
Zinc sulfuride is easy and simple to disperse. It is a neutral-white metal with excellent optical properties. It is commonly used as a component in thermosetting plastics and thermoplastic plastics.

Luminescent Material
Zinc sulfuride is a mixture of zinc sulfide and a few parts per million of a suitable activator. It exhibits strong phosphorescence, as described by Nikola Tesla, in 1893. This product can be used in many applications including X-ray screens, cathoderay tubes, and products that glow in darkness. The result is bright blue when silver is used as an activater. The maximum size is 450 nanometers. Manganese is used to produce an orange-red color with a maximum size of 590 nanometers. Copper glows brightly for long periods of time and gives off a familiar green glow. In electroluminescent panels, copper-doped zinc Sulfide (” ZnS + Cu “) can also be used. It can also produce phosphorescence from impurities that are exposed to blue and ultraviolet light.

Optical material
Zinc sulfuride can also serve as an infrared optical medium, transmitting at just 12 microns between visible wavelengths. It can be used as an optical window, or as a lens. It is manufactured by synthesizing hydrogen sulfur gas and zinc vapour on a microchip. This product is FLIR grade (forward looking infrared), in which zinc sulfide can be found in an opaque milky yellow color. Cleartran is a transparent material that can be transformed under high isostatic pressure (HIPed). IRTRAN-2 was the name of the early commercial form, but it has since been dropped.

Zinc sulfide can be called Sachtolith. Zinc sulfide can form lithopone when it is combined with barium-sulfate.

Fine ZnS is a high-efficiency photocatalyst which produces hydrogen gas under light. Sulfur vacancies can be used in the synthesis and transformation of zinc sulfide. This makes the ZnS gradually brown and increases light absorption.

Semiconductor characteristic
Both sphalerite, and wurtzite both have wide band-gap semiconductors. These are IIVI semiconductors typical that have structures similar to other semiconductors such as gallium arsenide. The band gap between the hexagonal and cubic forms of ZnS is approximately 3.91 EV at 300 Kelvin. ZnS is available in both n-type and P-type forms.

Zinc Sulfide ZnS powder Price
Price is affected by many factors, including supply and demand in a market, industry trends and economic activity.
Send us an inquiry if you’re looking for the latest Zinc sulfide price. (brad@ihpa.net)

Zinc Sulfide SnS Powder Supplier
Technology Co. Ltd. is a trusted global supplier and manufacturer of chemical materials. We have more than 12 years experience in producing super-high-quality chemicals.
Send us an inquiry if you are interested in ZnS powder of high quality. (brad@ihpa.net)