Boride Powder and its application

What is Borides Powder? Boride Poudre The boron is combined with metals or non-metals. It is usually a mesenchymal material and does follow valence rules. Except for zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), gallium (Ga), indium (In), thallium (Tl), germanium (Ge), tin (Sn), lead (Pb), bismuth (Bi).
Borides powder can be formed from other metals. These crystals are hard and have melting points. They are chemically inert and cannot be dissolvable by hot concentrated acid. They can be combined directly with elements, or by reducing oxides and active metals. They can be used as superconducting, refractory and abrasive materials.
Boron, a light metal, forms Borides Powder with the transition metals. The compounds with high melting point are formed from elements in groups IVA and VA. The structural properties of the boron element determine the boride crystal structure. Borides Powder’s chemical stability gradually decreases as it moves from IVA towards VIA. Borides Powders TiB2, ZrB2, or HfB2 are the most stable.
Boride Powder crystal structure
Between boron atoms, a lattice of borides is formed. This lattice contains structural units that are single bonds or double bonds as well as networks and spatial frames. The more boron is present in the boride, the more complex the structure unit.
In general, the more complex an atom’s structure is, the less likely that it will be hydrolyzed. Its resistance to oxidation or nitridation increases.
In transition metal Borides Powder the chemical bond is between the metal and the boron. This electronic bond transforms the boron into a positively-charged ion.

Borides Powder: Preparation methods
Borides Powders are made in a number of ways.
1.The reaction formula between metal and boron at high temperature is
Reducing metal oxide and boric acid with carbon is
Aluminum (silicon, Magnesium) Thermal method. Aluminium or silicon, magnesium reduces the oxides to generate metals and boron.
MeO + B2O3 + AI (Si,Mg )—MeB+Al oxide
Reducing metal oxides by boron carburide and carbon
Reduce refractory metal oxides by using boron
Borides Powder: Use and nature
Boride has high conductivity as well as high melting points, hardness and stability. Boride’s thermal stability is also good because it has high thermal conductivity. The oxidation resistance at high temperatures of boride metal is based upon group IVB. Boride has the highest oxidation resistance.
Borides Powder do not react with humid air and dilute hydrochloric acids, but they do dissolve in nitric. Borides Powders are a mixture of metals and plastics. They have high conductivity, and a positive coefficient of thermal resistance. Borides Powders Ti, Zr, Hf, and Zr have better conductivity than the metals.
The creep resistance is excellent, which makes it a good choice for materials used in gas turbines or rockets. They can also resist corrosion and heat shock, while maintaining strength. Borides Powder, carbides and Nitrides based alloys or Cermets can be used in the manufacture of rocket structural components.

(aka. Technology Co. Ltd., a global chemical supplier and manufacturer with more than 12 years of experience in the production of super-high-quality chemicals & Nanomaterials. Borides Powder is produced by our company with a high level of purity, small particle size and impurity. Please. Contact us if necessary.

The Applications of Magnesium Diboride Powder

Magnesium Diboride Powder: Overview
Magnesium diboride An inorganic compound with molecular formula MgB2. It is an insoluble, dark gray solid. It is an hexagonal crystal structure ionic compound. It is an intercalation compounds with alternating layers boron and magnesium. Because of its superconductivity at 39.5 K (-234degC), this compound is interesting. MgB2 has a composition that is significantly different to most low-temperature superconductors based on transition metals.
Although scientists have known magnesium diboride since the 1950s, they have not yet studied its superconductivity. It is the property of this material to conduct electricity flawlessly without resistance when it is chilled to absolute zero. In January 2001, all this changed. Jun Akimitsu from Tokyo’s Aoyama Gakuin University revealed that he and his group had found that magnesium diboride was superconducting at a temperature of 39 Kelvin (-389 F), which is nearly the same as the current metal. It is twice as hot as the conductor. This news prompted experimenters from all over the globe to try and duplicate the Japanese discovery.
Magnesium Diboride MGB2 Powder CAS12007-25-9
What are the possible uses for Magnesium Diboride Powder
Superconducting magnets, power transmission line and sensitive magnetic fields detectors are some of the potential uses for magnesium diboride.
Magnesium Diboride is a novel material that has received attention. The research is mainly focused on the properties superconducting and synthetic elements that are used in industrial synthesis and sintering properties. It also examines the electrical conductivity of liquid aluminum at room temperature and the corrosion resistance of fluoride. However, there are very few studies.
MgB2 can be sintered and densified more easily than TiB2, while its electrical conductivity is almost equal to that of aluminum electrolytic catalysts. MgB2 as well as its composite materials could be used widely for aluminum electrolysis cathodes.
Different from incomplete combustion of elemental bore through a thick glass oxide layer that prevents oxygen diffusion, magnesium diboride burns completely with oxygen or in an oxidant mixture. Magnesium boride has been suggested as a fuel to ramjet engines. MgB2 can also be used in enhanced explosives, propellants, and for similar reasons.
The main supplier of Magnesium Diboride Powder
Tech Co., Ltd. () is a professional Boride powder Over 12 years’ experience in chemical product development and research. We accept credit cards, T/T and West Union payments. We will ship goods overseas via FedEx, DHL and by air or sea to our customers.
You can find high-quality powdered boron carbide here Please contact us Send an inquiry

What is Magnesium Diboride Powder?

What is it? Magnesium Diboride Pulp ? Magnesium Diboride is an organic compound that has the molecular structure MgB2. It is an insoluble, dark gray solid. It is an hexagonal crystal structure ionic compound. It is an intercalation compounds with alternating layers boron and magnesium. Because of its superconductivity at 39.5 K (-234degC), this compound is interesting. MgB2 has a composition that is significantly different to most low-temperature superconductors based on transition metals.
The key features of Magnesium Diboride Powder
Magnesium Diboride becomes a superconductor at temperatures close to 40K (-233degC). It has a transition temperature of almost twice that of other superconductors and its actual temperature of 20-30K. Liquid neon gas, liquid hydrogen or a closed-cycle fridge can reach this temperature. These methods are much simpler and less expensive than using liquid helium to cool the niobium alloys (4K). Magnesium Boride retains superconductivity in the presence of magnetic fields or currents, even though it has been doped with carbon or any other impurities.
Magnesium Boride Property
Other Titles magnesium boride powder, MgB2, MgB2 powder,
agnesium diboride
No. 12007-25-9
Combination Formula MgB2
Molecular Weight 45.927
Appearance Gray to Black Powder
Melting Point 830 degC
Boiling Point N/A
Density 2.57 g/cm3
Solubility of H2O N/A
Exact Mass 46.003653
Monoisotopic 46.003653
Magnesium Diboride MGB2 Powder CAS12007-25-9
Magnesium Diboride Powder’s applications
Superconducting magnets, power transmission line and sensitive magnetic fields detectors are some of the potential uses for magnesium diboride.
Magnesium Diboride is a novel material that has received attention. The research is mainly focused on the properties superconducting and synthetic elements that are used in industrial synthesis and sintering properties. It also examines the electrical conductivity of liquid aluminum at room temperature and the corrosion resistance of fluoride. However, there are very few studies.
MgB2 can be sintered and densified more easily than TiB2 and has an electrical conductivity that is comparable to aluminum electrolytic cathodes. MgB2 as well as its composite materials could be used widely for aluminum electrolysis cathodes.
Different from incomplete combustion of elemental bore through a thick glass oxide layer that prevents oxygen diffusion, magnesium diboride burns completely with oxygen or in an oxidant mixture. Magnesium boride has been suggested as a fuel to ramjet engines. MgB2 can also be used in enhanced explosives, propellants, and for similar reasons.
The supplier Magnesium Diboride Powder
Tech Co., Ltd. () is a professional boride powder Over 12 years’ experience in chemical product development and research. We accept credit cards, T/T and West Union payments. We will ship goods overseas via FedEx, DHL and by air or sea to our customers.
You can find high-quality powdered boron carbide here Please contact us Send an inquiry

Vanadium Boride Powder Packing and Shipping

vanadium boride (VB2) Powder Packing and Shipping

VB2 is a hexagonal crystal with a melting point of 2980 degrees Celsius, a large oxidation temperature, high hardness and can be used in areas such as conductive ceramic material. VB2 has been demonstrated to possess a Gaver’s hardness of 27.2 +- 1.5 GPa, high thermal stability in the air and the highest resistivity value (41 mOcm) for transition metal borides at room temperature.

VB2 is one of the rare boron-rich materials, which exhibits simultaneously the properties of hard and refractory ceramics along with excellent electric conductivity. It also possesses the properties of a high strength and good chemical stability, which makes it ideal for engineering applications. Moreover, VB2 exhibits high electrical and thermal conductivity, which is beneficial for many applications such as surface and thermal protection systems, cutting tools, refractory crucibles, impact-resistant armours and plasma arc electrodes [1-3].