Livermorium Properties

Livermorium is a synthetic element with atomic number 116. It is a member of the p-block group 16 and was first produced in 2000 by scientists at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, Russia and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) in the United States. It was formerly known as ununhexium (Uuh) before the name Livermorium was adopted by IUPAC in May 2012.

The melting point of livermorium is 637-780 °C. It is a silver-white metal. It is highly radioactive, with the half-life of its most stable isotope, 293Livermorium, being about 60 milliseconds. It decays via alpha decay to flerovium.

Its properties are expected to be similar to those of its lighter homologue, polonium, as a metalloid. It is also expected to have some of the chemical properties of the chalcogens, oxygen, sulfur, selenium, and tellurium, being a post-transition metal.

Livermorium is a very rare element that has only been created in the laboratory. It has no known uses and is not commercially available.

Livermorium was produced in July 2000 by the fusion of calcium-48 (element 20) with curium-248 (element 96). This was a collaboration between scientists at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Russia and at LLNL led by Yuri Oganessian and Ken Moody. It is only made in a few atoms at a time and has no known practical applications. The name is a tribute to the city of Livermore, California where LLNL is located.