The Melting Point of Copper Chloride

Copper Chloride Solutions are moderate to highly concentrated liquid copper compounds that are useful in a wide range of applications where solubilized copper chloride is needed. These solutions are packaged in 55 gallon drums and smaller units and may be used for petrochemical cracking and automotive catalysts, water treatment, plating, textiles, research and optic, laser and crystal applications.

The melting point of copper chloride is a measure of the temperature at which the copper atoms in an ionic compound begin to separate from each other and form two distinct ions. Copper chloride (CuCl2) is an inorganic compound with the chemical formula CuCl2. It occurs naturally as the anhydrous mineral tolbachite and dehydrated eriochalcite. In its anhydrous form, it is a yellowish-brown solid which slowly absorbs moisture to form a green-blue dihydrate. It is corrosive to aluminium and the copper(II) oxidation state is +2.

In aqueous solution, it forms several complexes with various types of ligands. These complexes are often coloured by the combination of their chromophores. Aqueous copper(II) chloride is moderately oxidizing and will oxidize zinc, magnesium and aluminium to tetrachlorocuprate ions. It is also a weak reductant, reacting with organometallic compounds such as methyllithium to form the Gilman and Grignard reagents.

When exposed to the air, copper(II) chloride slowly releases toxic hydrogen chloride gas, and can irritate skin and eyes. It is also a strong oxidizer and will oxidize some metals, including aluminium. Inhalation of copper(II) chloride can cause coughing, and swallowing may result in vomiting. It is a suspected carcinogen and has been shown to cause liver damage in experimental animals.