Barium Hydroxide Octahydrate – Reagent, ACS

barium hydroxide octahydrate is a white crystalline compound which decomposes on heating to form the monohydrate and anhydrous barium oxide. It is readily soluble in water, alcohol and ether. It is a strong base in organic synthesis, and it is preferred over sodium hydroxide for the Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons reaction with sensitive aldehydes such as dimethyl enedioate and 4-iodopyridine (Synlett 1993). It also promotes Suzuki coupling with arylboronic acids in natural product synthesis.

Barium hydroxide is used in analytical chemistry for the titration of weak acids, as it forms clear aqueous solutions that are free from carbonate, unlike those of other alkali hydroxides, and therefore allow the use of indicators such as phenolphthalein or thymolphthalein. It is also used to precipitate ions from organic and inorganic solutions.

In 2013, researchers at JILA manipulated barium hydroxide molecules to control the temperature of their compounds, which could lead to new methods for controlling chemical reactions in the laboratory. This work was reported in the journal Science Advances.

Barium Hydroxide, Octahydrate, Reagent, ACS is a reagent grade material manufactured by Spectrum Chemical for the most demanding applications in the lab. ACS grade chemicals are regulated by the American Chemical Society and are guaranteed to meet the highest quality standards. It is also a key component in the preparation of high-temperature superconductors, such as YBa2Cu3O7-x, by fusing stoichiometric amounts of yttrium and copper nitrates with a stoichiometric amount of barium hydroxide in air. It has also been used in the centromeric heterochromatin banding technique and to synthesize BaTiO3. Air Sensitive. Store in cool, dry place with good ventilation.