What is Silicon Nitride Si3N4 Powder?

Introduction to Silicon Nitride si3N4 Powder Silicon nitride This is an inorganic compound, with the chemical formula Si3N4. The relative molecular mass of this substance is 140.28. Gray, white, or off-white.

Physicochemical properties of Silicon Nitride Si3N4 Pulp
Si3N4 has high-temperature insoluble properties. It exhibits high-temperature creep resistance. Hexagonal system. Crystals are hexagonal. The Si3N4 density obtained using the reaction sintering process is 1.8-2.7% g/cm3, while that obtained via hot-pressing is 3.12-3.22g/cm3. Mohs hardness (99.5), Vickers hardness (2200) and microhardness (32220MPa) are all 99.5. The melting point of the metal is 1900 when it is under pressure. At atmospheric pressure, it typically decomposes around 1900. Specific heat capacity is 0.71J/g*K. The heat of forming is -751.57kJ/mol. Thermal conductivity is 2-155 W/(m*K). The linear expansion coefficient is 2.8~3.2×10-6/(20~1000).
Insoluble in water. Insoluble in water. The temperature at which oxygenation starts in the air is 1300-1400. The specific volume resistance of the air is 1.4×105 *m for 20 and 4×108*m for 500. The elastic modulus measures 2842046060MPa. The reaction sintering compressive strength is 490MPa. It reacts with dicalcium dialyzide at 1285 to form calcium diazide. At 600, it is reduced to a transition metal and released nitrogen oxides. The bending strength of the silicon halide is 147MPa. It can be made by heating silica powder in nitrogen, or reacting with ammonia to make silicon halide. The resistance is between 1015-1016O.cm. It can be used in high-temperature ceramic materials.
Other than hydrofluoric acid or hot phosphoric acid silicon nitride doesn’t react with any inorganic acids. It also has high corrosion resistance.
Silicon Nitride Si3N4 Powder Properties
Other names silicon (IV), nitride
CAS No. 12033-89-5
Formula compound Si3N4
Molecular Weight 140.28
Appearance From white powder to gray powder
Melting Point 1900degC
Boiling Point N/A
Density 2.2-3.5g/cm3
Solubility of H2O Insoluble
Exact Mass 139.943
Silicon Nitride Si3N4 Powder CAS 12033-89-5

Silicon Nitride Si3N4 Pulverization
High thermal stability, high oxidation resistance and high dimensional accuracy are some of the benefits of silicon nitride clay material. The covalent compound silicon nitride has a high bond strength and will form an oxygen film in the atmosphere, which gives it excellent chemical stability. Silicon nitride can not be oxidized below 1200. A protective film can also be formed between 1200 and 1600 to stop further oxidation. Silicon nitride does not become infiltrated, or corroded from aluminum, lead or tin, silver or brass, or any other molten metals and alloys. However, it is susceptible to corrosion by magnesium and nickel-chromium alliance, as well as other molten liquids.
Silicon nitride ceramic materials are suitable for use in high-temperature engineering components , Advanced refractory for the metallurgical sector , Corrosive-resistant components Sealing components in the chemical, machining, and cutting industries.
Silicon nitride is a strong bond material that forms with silicon carbide (alumina), thorium oxide, boron and nitride, among others.
Additionally, silicon nitride may be used in solar cells . After the silicon-nitride nitride is plated with the PECVD process, it can be used to reduce incident light reflections. In the deposition process for a silicon Nitride film, the hydrogen atom from the reaction product enters silicon nitride wafer and silicon nitride movie, serving as a passivation defect. The ratio of silicon nitrogen atoms to silicon nitride is not strictly 4:3, but can fluctuate depending on different technological conditions. Different atomic proportions correspond to different physical characteristics of the film.
You can also use it in Ultra-high temperatures gas turbines, aircraft engines and electric furnaces , etc.

Main Supplier of Silicon Nitride Powder Si3N4
Technology Co. Ltd. is a trusted global supplier and manufacturer of chemicals and nanomaterials. They have over 12 years experience in producing super high-quality chemicals.
High-quality products are what you want Silica nitride Si3N4 granules Please feel free and contact us to send an inquiry. (brad@ihpa.net)

What is Nano Silicon Powder?

Introduction to Nano Silicon Powder Silica Si powder (smoky grey superfine powder) is a dark, smokey-gray powder. The amount of carbon in it will affect the color. Silica powder’s whiteness is between 40 and 50. It has a bulk density around 200kg/m3, and a true density of 2.2g/cm3. Nano silicon powder This refers to crystalline silica particles smaller than 5 Nanometers (billionthsofa meter) in size.

Nano Silicon Powder has Physicochemical Property
Nano silicon powder This product has the following characteristics: high purity, small particle sizes, uniform distribution, large specific area, high surface activity and low loose densities. It is tasteless and non-toxic. Nano silicon powder A new generation of photoelectric materials has a wider gap semiconductor and is also a high power light source material.
Nano Silicon Powder Properties
Other Names Silicon Nanoparticles, Silicon Nanopowder, nanosilicon,
CAS No. 7440-21-3
Formula compound Si
Molecular Weight 28.08
Appearance Yellow Brown Powder
Melting Point 2900 degC
Boiling Point N/A
Density 2330g/cm3
Solubility of H2O N/A
Exact Mass N/A

Silicon Nanoparticles Nano Si Powder CAS 7440-21-3

Nano Silicon Powder preparation
There are three methods of preparing the ingredients. nano silicon powder Mechanical ball milling, chemical and vapor deposition, as well as plasma evaporation, condensation. The industrial production of silicon powder in western countries began earlier. There are specialized silicon products companies such as Chemicalbook of Japan and DuPont of the United States. The company can use plasma evaporation, condensation and other methods to produce high-quality nano silicon powder in different sizes. It is the most advanced production technology in the world.

Nano Silicon Powder: Applications
1. Can be used to produce nano silicon wire for rechargeable lithium-carbon anode materia, or the nano spherical surface of silicon powder coated with graphite. It can enhance the rechargeable battery’s electric capacity and charge-discharge cycle times by more than three times.
2. Can be used in high-temperature resistant coatings and other refractory materials. It reacts with organic matter as the raw material in organic silicon polymer substances.
3. The coating can be applied to form nano silicon particle films, which are widely used in solar power.
4. Mixing nano-spherical diamond powder and silicon under high pressure creates nano-sic – diamond composite materials. These materials can be used for cutting to increase strength and toughness.
5. Nano-silicon is a nano-silicon anode material for lithium ion batteries. It has a theoretically high specific capacity (4200mAh/g), which makes it much more efficient than carbon material.
6. The silicon nanoparticle substrate was used to design more than ten types silicon nanoparticle/siliconoxid nanostructures. These nanostructures achieved photoluminescence in major band from near ultraviolet to near-infrared as well as low threshold voltage electroluminescence. Forward or reverse bias was applied.

Nano Silicon Powder Supplier
Technology Co. Ltd. is a trusted global supplier of chemical material and manufacturer. They have over 12 years experience in producing super high-quality chemicals.
High-quality products are what you want Nano Silicon Powder Send us an inquiry and contact us.

What is Silicon Nitride?

What is it? Silicon Nitride ? Silicon nitride can be described as an inorganic substance that has the chemical formula Si3N4. It is an important structural ceramic material, with high hardness and wear resistance. It is also resistant to heat and cold shocks. It can be heated to over 1000°C in the air. If it is quickly cooled, it will not break. This is because of the exceptional properties of silicon-nitride ceramics. It is used often to produce mechanical components, such as bearings. The heat-receiving area of engine components can be made from silicon nitride clays, which are heat-resistant and hard to heat transfer. This will not only increase the quality of the engines but also save fuel. Similar engines have been created in China and Japan.
Silicon Nitride’s main features
The relative molecular weight is 140.28. You can choose from grey, white, or off-white. It is high temperature insoluble, has no melting points, and has strong high temperatures creep resistance. Reaction sintered silica nitride is softened at 1800°C. The crystals are hexahedral. Si3N4 prepared through reaction sintering methods has a density of 1.82.7g/cm3, while Si3N4 made by hot pressing methods has a density of 3.123.22g/cm3. Mohs hardness 9.9, Vickers hardness 2.20, and microhardness 3.123.22g/cm3 are the Mohs hardness. Melting point 1900 (under pressure). Normal pressure usually causes it to decompose at around 1900°C. Specific heat capacity 0.71J/g*K The heat of forming is -751.57kJ/mol. The thermal conductivity of the material is (2-155) W/(m*K). The coefficient of linear expansion is 2.8~3.2×10-6/(20~1000). It is not soluble when water is used. Soluble in hydrofluoric acids. The temperature at which oxygenation begins in the air is 1300-1400. The specific volume resistance of the air is 1.4×105 *m for 20degC, and 4×108 *m for 500degC. The elastic modulus measures 2842046060MPa. The reaction sintered results in a 490MPa compressive force. It reacts at 1285 with dicalcium dinitride, forming calcium silicide. The transition metal is then reduced to 600 and the nitrogen oxides released. It has a bending strength of 147MPa. It can be made by heating silicon powder with nitrogen or reacting silica halide in ammonia. The resistance is between 10 and 15 to 16 O.cm. Useful for high temperature ceramic raw materials.
Silicon Nitride Properties
Other Titles silicon (IV), nitride
No. 12033-89-5
Combination Formula Si3N4
Molecular Weight 140.28
Appearance White powder to gray powder
Melting Point 1900 degC
Boiling Point N/A
Density 2.2-3.5 g/cm3
Solubility of H2O Insoluble
Electrical Resistivity 11 to 12 10x O.m
Specific heat 800 J/kg K – 720 to 800 J
Poisson’s Ratio 0.24 to $0.27
Thermal Conductivity 12 to 31 W/m.-K
Thermal Expansion 2.5 to 3.0 um/m-K
Young’s Modulus 140 to 315 GPa
Exact 139.943 g/mol
Silicon Nitride Si3N4 Powder CAS 12033-89-5
Silicon Nitride’s applications
1. High thermal stability, high oxidation resistance, high dimensional accuracy and strong thermal stability are all characteristics of silicon nitride ceramic material. Silicon nitride, a covalent chemical compound with high bond strengths and the ability to form an oxide protective coating in the air, has excellent chemical stability. It is resistant to oxidization and can be infiltrated or damaged by many molten metals and alloys, including aluminum, lead, zinc, silver, nickel, and others. However, it is susceptible to molten liquids, such as magnesium and nickel-chromium alliance, as well as stainless steel. Silicon nitride ceramic materials are used for high temperature engineering components, advanced materials in metallurgical industries, corrosion-resistant parts and sealing components in the chemical industry, as well cutting tools and machining tools.
Because silicon nitride forms strong bonds with aluminum oxide, silicon carbide, silicon carbide, thorium dioxide, boron and thorium dioxide it can be used to modify different ratios.
2. Also, solar cells can be made from silicon nitride. After the silicon-nitride coating is applied using the PECVD method it can be used as an antireflection film to reduce reflections of incident light. During the deposition of the silicon silicon nitride movie, hydrogen atoms from the reaction product enter both the silicon film and the silicon wafer. This role was to prevent passivation. Here, the atomic ratio of silicon Nitride to silicon Nitride is not exactly 4:3. It fluctuates between different process conditions and different physical properties.
3. For ultra-high temperatures gas turbines, aircraft engines and electric furnaces.
Silicon Nitride is the main supplier
Tech Co., Ltd. () is a professional nitirde dust Over 12 years’ experience in chemical products development and research. We accept credit cards, T/T and West Union payments. We will ship goods overseas via FedEx, DHL and by air or sea to our customers.
You can find high-quality powdered boron carbide here Please contact us Send an inquiry

What is Silicon Boride Powder?

Introduction to Silicon Boride Powder Silicon Boride This lightweight ceramic compound is also known as boron silicide. It is composed of silicon andboron. There are three types of silicon triboride.
Silicon hexaboride is also known as hexaboron Silicide. It’s a glossy, black-gray powder. SiB6 is its chemical formula. The molecular weight of SiB6 is 92.95. The relative density of the material is 2.47 g/cm3. The melting point is 2200. It is roughly the same hardness as ruby or diamond. Conductivity can be achieved with silicon hexaboride. It is insoluble when water is used. It can be oxidized when heated in chlorine or water vapor.

Silicon Boride Powder’s Physicochemical Property
The SiB6 crystal structure includes interconnected icosahedrons, polyhedrons that have 20 faces and icosahedrons that have 26 faces. It also contains isolated silicon and bore atoms.
It is insoluble when it comes into contact with water, and is resistant to oxidation and thermal shock. It has high strength, stability, and resistance to thermal shock. It is more efficient than boron caride in grinding.
Surface oxidation is caused by SiB6 being heated in oxygen or air. SiB6 can then be eroded at high temperatures using boiling sulfuric and fluorine, chlorine, and bromine. Borides can be used as electrical conductors. Hexamborides are low in thermal expansion and have high thermal neutron cross sections.
Silicon Boride Powder Properties
Other Names SiB6 Powder, silicon hexaboride
No. 12008-29-6
Formula compound SiB6
Molecular Weight 92.95
Appearance From dark grey to black powder
Melting Point 1950
Boiling Point N/A
Density 2.43g/cm3
Solubility of H2O Insoluble
Exact Mass 93.04
Silicon Boride SiB6 Powder CAS 12008-29-6

Preparation methods for Silicon Boride Powder
The mixture of boron, silicon and water can be heated directly. Any excess silicon can then be removed with HNO3 and HF. Molten KOH can also be used to decompose the B3Si.

Silicon Boride Powder: Applications
1 Used to grind cemented carbide, standard abrasives, and other uses.
2 are used for engineering ceramic material and sandblasting, as well as manufacturing gas engine blades and special-shaped sintering parts.
3. It is used as an oxidant in refractories.

Main supplier of Silicon Boride powder
Technology Co. Ltd. is a trusted global supplier and manufacturer of chemical materials. We have more than 12 years experience in producing super high-quality chemicals.
High-quality products are what you want Silicon Boride Powder, Feel free to contact us by sending an inquiry. (brad@ihpa.net)

Silicon Nitride Powder Properties And Applications

Silicon nitride It is an organic substance having the chemical formula SI3N4. Silicon nitride can be used as a structural ceramic material. It has high hardness, lubricity, and wear resistance. Silicon nitride can be very strong, especially when hot-pressed. This is why it is one of the strongest materials in the universe.

Silicon Nitride Powder Properties

Silicon nitride does not interact with water. Instead, it is slowly hydrolyzed by strong acids to create ammonium salt and silica. It is also easily soluble in hydrofluoric and is incompatible with dilute acid. Strong alkali solutions can slowly corrode silica nitride. Molten alkali can transform silicon nitride quickly into silicate and ammonia.
Silicon nitride has a very high resistance to high temperatures. Its strength can be maintained at a temperature of 1200degC without deterioration. It won’t melt in heat and it will not decompose after heating. It is very resistant to chemical agents. Silicon nitride has remarkable chemical resistance. It can withstand most inorganic acids, caustic soda solution below 30%, and corrosion by many other organic acids.

Silicon Nitride Powder Applications

The high strength and high resistance of silicon nitride clays are some of its best attributes. It has the highest comprehensive mechanical properties among ceramic materials. It is the original ceramic used in thermomechanical components. This is a potential material. A candidate material.

Silicon nitride Ceramics are used in the chemical sector as wear-resistant, corrosion-resistant parts. They include ball valves and pump bodies, as well as combustion vaporizers and filters.

The silicon nitride clays used in the metallurgical sector are durable, low friction, and self-lubricating. It is stable to most alloy and metal solutions. It can therefore be used for the production of metal material processing tools, including dial mandels, extrusion, wire drawing and transfer dies as well as rollers, transfer dies and heating element fixtures.

It has excellent properties and is used to create bearings, turbine blades and mechanical seal rings. It can improve the quality and efficiency of diesel engines by using silicon nitride clays which are resistant at high temperatures and hard to transfer heat.

Tech Co., Ltd. () is a professional nitride powder Over 12 years experience in the development and research of chemical products. We accept credit cards, T/T and Paypal payments. We will ship goods overseas via FedEx, DHL and by air or sea to our customers.

You can contact us for high quality silicon Nitride powder. Get in touch Send an inquiry

Application and Market Analysis of Silicon Nitride Ceramics

Silicon Nitride Powder Property

Silicon nitride (Si3N4) A covalent bonding compound made of silicon and nitrate. It was first discovered in 1857. In 1955, it was made into a mass-produced ceramic material. Silicon nitride clays offer many benefits that other materials, including metals and polymers, like high resistance to heat (bending strength of 350MPa at 1200), resistance to acid and alkali corrosion, self-lubrication, etc. These ceramics can be found in many areas, including aerospace and national defense.

Preparation The use of Silicon Nitride Ceramics

To prepare silicon nitride clay material, it is necessary to first obtain silicon powder. Then, molding, sintering, and other processes are used to produce the required silicon nitride. There are three main ways to prepare the silicon nitride powder: liquid phase reaction, powder nitriding and self-propagating high temperatures synthesis.
There are three primary forming methods for silicon nitride ceramics: cold isostatic, dry, and tape pressing. Meanwhile, the major sintering processes include hot pressing sintering (hot isostatic pressing), spark plasma, and hot press sintering.

Silicon Nitride Ceramics Applications in Mechanical Industry

Silicon nitride Ceramics are most commonly used for valves and pipes in the mechanical sector.

When in use, silicon nitride bearing balls can reach speeds of 600000 revolutions/minute. They are primarily used in precision machine-tool spindles, high-speed motorized spindles, aircraft engines, automobile engine bearings, and other equipment bearings.

The advantages of silicon nitride ceramic bearings ball over steel balls are: high density, low temperature resistance, self-lubrication, corrosion resistance and low density. Ceramic balls are high-speed rotating bodies that produce centrifugal pressure. The low density silicon nitride lowers the stress placed on the outer rotating ring.

Dense Si3N4 ceramics have high fracture toughness, high modus, self-lubricity and self-lubricity. This allows them to withstand various wear conditions, as well as cracks and deformations of ceramics. These bearings will likely be used widely in many industries.

Silicon Nitride Market Analysis

American, European, Japanese and Japanese companies still control the high-end production of silicon nitride ceramics. Well-known foreign firms still control the international market share as well as leading forces in development direction. Most representative are Toshibx Seridan (Japan Kyocera), Toshibx Seridan (CoorsTek) and British Sailon.

The analysis period from 2020-2027 will see a global increase in silicon nitride market share at a compound annual rate of 5.8%, according to MARKETSANDMARKETS. The market is projected to grow from $1.4million in 2020 to $149 million by 2027.

Si3N4 Price

Price is affected by many things, such as the demand and supply in the market and industry trends. Economic activity. Unexpected events.
Send us an enquiry to get the best Si3N4 powder pricing. (brad@ihpa.net)

Si3N4 powder supplier

Technology Co. Ltd. (), is a respected Si3N4 supplier and manufacturer with more than 12 years’ experience. All of our products are available for shipment worldwide.

You can contact me if you’re looking for quality silicon nitride granules. Get in touch You can also send us an inquiry. (brad@ihpa.net)

What is Silicon Nitride Si3N4?

What is Silicon Nitride? Silicon Nitride Is an organic substance that has the chemical composition Si3N4. Gray, white, or grayish-white. The relative molecularweight is 140.28.
It is an important structural ceramic material and has high hardness. It is an atomic crystalline, has wear resistance and lubricity, and can also be used as an antioxidant at high temperatures. It does not react to hydrofluoric and hot phosphoric acids, and is strong resistant to corrosion. It is also resistant to cold and heat shock, heating in air to more that 1000, rapid cooling, then rapid heating.
It is often used to make mechanical components, such as bearings and gas turbine blades. It can improve the quality and efficiency of the engine by using silicon nitride clay that is resistant to high temperatures and difficult to heat transfer.

How to make silicon nitride clays?
There are two primary production methods for silicon nitride ceramics: reaction heating and hot pressing heating.
The reaction Sintering technique is used to produce the mixture of silicon powder/silicon powder and silicon nitride, according to the general manufacturing method for ceramic products. It is then pre-nitrided at 1150-1200 to achieve a certain strength. Then it can be machined using the machine tool. Then, it is further nitrided for 18-36h at 1350-1450 until it becomes silicon nitride. The product size and volume are stable because of this method.
The hot press sintering rules is that silicon oxide powder and a little amount of additives (such MgO, Al2O3, AlF2, AlF3, Fe2O3, etc. They are sintered and pressed at a pressure of 19.6MPa or 1600 to 1700. In general, hot pressing sintering produces a product with a higher density and greater performance than reaction sintering.

What’s silicon nitride ceramic for?
Silicon nitride clays are strong and resistant to high temperatures. The ceramic material silicon nitride ceramics has the highest comprehensive mechanical properties. It is also resistant to oxidation, wear, wear, and thermal shock. Silicon nitride clays are used in the mechanical sector as bearing balls and rollers, seats, tooling and new ceramic tools.
The chemical industry uses silicon nitride clays as wear-resistant, corrosion-resistant parts. This includes the ball valve, pump body and combustion carburetors as well as filters.
Silicon nitride ceramics, which are high-temperature resistant and have a low friction coefficient, provide self-lubricity in the gold mining industry. It is compatible with most metals and alloys. This makes it ideal for tooling in metal material processing.

Silicon Nitride Si3N4 Powder Price
Price is affected by many factors, including supply and demand, industry trends and economic activity.
You can email us to request a quote for the latest silicon-nitride Si3N4 si3N4 powder price . (brad@ihpa.net)

Silicon Nitride Si3N4 Powder Supplier
Technology Co. Ltd. is a trusted global supplier and manufacturer of chemical materials. We have more than 12 years experience in producing super-high-quality chemicals.
Send us an inquiry if you’re looking for Si3N4 powder of high quality. (brad@ihpa.net)

The Applications of Hafnium Disilicide Powder

What is it? Hafnium Powder ?
Hafnium Silicide is a silica of transition metals, which can also be used as an intermetallic compound.
The key features of Hafnium Disilicide Pulver
Hafnium silicide, HfSi2 dust (CAS 12401-56-8) has high melting points, high corrosion resistances, high oxidation resistants, and good electrical conductivity.
Applications for Hafnium Disilicide Pulver
1. Prepare an organic electronic luminescence device. It includes an anode with a light-emitting and cathode layers, as well as a packaging cover that is stacked in order. The packaging cover protects the light-emitting layers and the cathode of the anode. The packaging cover includes a silicon oxide layer and a barrier layers formed on the silicon carbonitride. The above-mentioned organic electronluminescent device has a very long life span. The invention provides a method to prepare the organic electrodeluminescent device.
2. Preparation of a silicone-germanium alloy-based thermoelectric device. The silicon-germanium alloy-based thermostatic element is composed a silicon-germanium thermoelectric layer and an electrode layer. A barrier layer lies between the silicon-germanium layer and the silicon nitride. The provided silicon-germanium-alloy-based thermoelectric element can withstand high-temperature accelerated long-term tests. Additionally, the provided preparation method is easy to use, reliable, low-cost, requires no special equipment and can be used for large-scale manufacturing.
3. A high temperature, oxidation resistant ceramic composite coating can be prepared. The composition of the composite film is as follows: the coating is composed of intermetallic compound, refractory carbide, and refractory metal. The thickness of the coating ranges from 10 to 50 millimeters. The refractory metallic is one or many of molybdenum and tantalum as well as zirconium, zirconium, and hafnium. The intermetallic compounds are composed of one or more refractory metals.
Hafnium Silicide HFSi2 Powder Properties
Other Titles hafnium disilicide, hfSi2
No. 12401-56-8
Combination Formula HfSi2
Molecular Weight 234.66
Appearance Powder
Melting Point N/A
Solubility of in water N/A
Density 7.6 g/cm3
Purity 99.00%
Particle size 5-10um
Boling Point N/A
Specific heat N/A
Thermal Conductivity N/A
Thermal Expansion N/A
Young’s Modulus N/A
Exact Mass 235.900402
Monoisotopic 235.900402
Hafnium Silicide HFSi2 Powder, CAS 12401-56-8
Hafnium Disilicide powder supplier
Tech Co., Ltd. () is a professional silicide protein Over 12 years’ experience in chemical product development and research. We accept credit cards, T/T and West Union payments. We will ship goods overseas via FedEx, DHL and by air or sea to our customers.
You can find high-quality powdered boron carbide here Please contact us Send an inquiry

What are the advantages of silicon nitride?

What exactly is silicon nitride Silicon Nitride Formula: Si3N4. Two crystal types of silicon nitride exist: A and B. A-Si3N4 forms are granular and p is an acicular.
Relative density for silicon nitride (SiN) is 3.18 Silicon nitride’s Morse hardness is 9. It has a low coefficient of thermal expansion, excellent chemical stability, and exceptional oxidation resistance. The material is decomposed into silicon and nitrogen at 1900. Silicon nitride has a very strong strength and is resistant to heat. It won’t melt at high temperatures, even if it is set to 1200F. The material will continue to be inert until the year 1900. It can resist corrosion of nearly all organic and inorganic acids. Silicon nitride is hard and has a low coefficient of thermal expansion. It also exhibits excellent thermal shock stability.

Silicon nitride properties
The product has high resistance to a large temperature range.
High strength for fractures
Good bending strength.
Crescendo and mechanical fatigue
Lightweight-low density.
You can expect high wear resistance and hardness as well impact and friction mode.
Superior resistance to thermal shock.
Thermoplastic expansion is low.
Insulator for electrical power.
High resistance to oxygenation
High resistance to chemical corrosion
Be strong.
High rigidity

What advantages does silicon nitride offer?
A low thermal expansion factor of silicon nitride makes it superior to other technical ceramics in terms of thermal shock resistance. It’s extremely durable, with a high melting point and excellent resistance against oxidation. It can therefore endure the toughest high temperature or high load situations.
Silicon nitride bearings are used in spacecraft’s main engines. They have been identified as being one of few ceramic materials that can resist severe thermal shocks or thermal gradients caused by oxygen and hydrogen rocket engines. This material has proven to be reliable and completely reliable through the whole space shuttle programme.

Why is silicon Nitride used?
It is used for heat engine materials and insulating materials.
Silicon nitride clays can be used for combustion chambers of gas turbines, as well as for pipeline and valves of electromagnetic pumps. They are useful in conveying liquid aluminum, permanent mould, and molten-steel separation rings.
It has a low friction coefficient, and it is often used for high-temperature bearings. The working temperature of silicon nitride can exceed 1200F. This is 2.5x higher than the working temperature of normal alloy bearings. Its work speed is also 10x faster than those of regular bearings.
A silicon nitride-ceramic with high electrical insulation and resistance to heat and cold can be used for an electric plug. It can significantly reduce engine start time, and allow the vehicle to begin quickly even in freezing weather.
High temperature resistance, good microwave permeability, high dielectric properties, as well as excellent heat strength make silicon nitride ceramics ideal for radar radomes in aircraft and missile radars.

Silicon Nitride Price
Price is affected by many things, such as the demand and supply in the market and industry trends. Economic activity and market sentiment are also important.
You can email us to request a quote for the current silica nitride price . (brad@ihpa.net)

Silicon Nitride Supplier
Technology Co. Ltd. (), is a respected si3N4 manufacturer, and si3N4 provider. It has over twelve years’ experience. All of our products are available for shipment worldwide.
Send us an inquiry if you’re looking for Si3N4 powder of high quality. (brad@ihpa.net)

What is Nano Silica?

What is Nano Silica? Silicon Dioxide Nanoparticles also known by silica nanoparticles and nano-silica appear in the form white powder.
According to the structure of nanometer silica particles, they can be divided into P and S types. P-type silica particles are distinguished by their large number of nanopores. Their porosity is 0.61 mL/g and have higher UV reflectivity than S type particles. They also have a very small surface area.
Nano silica features a light volume, fluffy bulk density, less than 0.15-0.2g/cm3, an area specific of more than 500m2/g, high chemical activity, and a large surface area.
The surface of nano silica contains an OH bond. This makes it a silicate acid group type. It has hydrophilic water absorption rates that exceed 5 times their own.
Silica nanoparticles have many uses. They are used as additives in rubber and plastic production, reinforced fillers for concrete, and as a platform for biomedical applications like drug delivery and therapeutic diagnosis.

What is Silica?
One of the elements found in the earth’s crust is silicon, also known as silicon. Its oxide forms include silicate (SiO4), and silicon dioxide [silica, SiO2].
It is common to use silicon in industry. The oxide form of silicon is often used in biomedical and industrial applications. SiNPs are rare because of their unique properties. These include ease of synthesis and surface modification, strong mechanical property, and relatively inert chemical structure. SiNPs have been used in biological materials for many decades.
Silica can be found in two forms, crystalline or amorphous. Although they share the same molecular structure, these two basic forms of silica have very different structural arrangements. Amorphous silica exhibits a more irregular lattice arrangement while crystalline silica displays a regular one. Crystalline silica can be found in many forms. Alpha-quartz is the most well-known, and can be transformed by heating to b –quartz, squamous, or quartzite. Porosils are porous crystalline silicon, which is also known as porous silica. All porosils come from synthetic materials.
Because of their rare properties (high surface area, high pore volume and adjustable pore size), silica and Mesoporous Silicon are excellent candidates for controlled drug delivery. Amorphous silicon can be classified into three groups: natural forms and byproducts of power stations or metallurgical processes. Amorphous silica has been considered a promising candidate to carry genes and perform molecular imaging. This is due to its highly adjustable biocompatibility as well as stability. It is used in dental fillers, dental implants, dietary supplements and catheters.

What uses is nanosilica?
The use of nano silica can modify the dispersion or plasticity in cement concrete to increase its impermeability, enhance impermeability, resist frost, reduce hydration heat, and prolong its service life.
It can be used as a vitrification agent, strengthening agent, adhesive, and glue of ceramics, enamels and glazes. It is also used as a high thermal binder in engineering-grade and refractories.
Use nanocomposite materials modifier as an inorganic adhesive at high temperature. Also used as an additive to inorganic composite materials for strengthening, molding and filling rubber/polymer material. Additionally, it can be used in a variety of resin engineering material; High-quality FRP packing that is corrosion-resistant.
It is used to cement seal oil wells and as reinforcement material under-ground engineering.
Use for special purposes, including lamp paint, lubricating oil, thickener or steel dehydrogenate and inner wall paint sensitive material. For solar cells and power cell energy storage.

Is nano-silica toxic?
Exposed to silica, particularly crystalline, has been extensively researched.
Studies have shown that workers are exposed to crystalline silicona at work, which can lead to silicosis. This is a fibrotic lung condition that can also be caused by other diseases such as lung cancer, emphysema, or tuberculosis.
Amorphous silica used to be considered less toxic than crystalline. Recent research has shown that SNPs that are amorphous have toxicity levels similar to crystalline particles. SiNPs’ physicochemical and crystallinity also produce different levels of toxicity in vitro as well as in vivo. Consider safety and possible adverse effects, especially those that may affect the immune system.

Nano silica powder Price
Price is affected by many factors, including supply and demand in a market, market trends, economic activity and unexpected events.
You can email us to request a quote for the most recent nanosilica powder price. (brad@ihpa.net)

Nano silica powder Supplier
Technology Co. Ltd. is a trusted global supplier and manufacturer of chemical materials. We have more than 12 years experience in producing super-high-quality chemicals.
You can contact us if you need high-quality, nano-silica Powder. (brad@ihpa.net)