Silicon carbide ceramic

Silicon carbide is made from silicon and carbon. It’s a hard, crystallized compound. SiC is the chemical name for Silicon Carbide. Since late 19th-century, Silicon Carbide has been a key material in the production of cutting and grinding tools such as sandpaper and wheels. Silicon carbide has been utilized in recent years as a refractory coating and heating element of industrial furnaces. It is also used to protect parts of rocket engines and pumps, as well semiconductor substrates for light-emitting devices.

Silicon carbide semiconductor
The third generation of semiconductor materials made from silicon carbide are after the first generation elemental semiconductors (Si and Ge) as well as the second generation compound semiconductors. The characteristics of silicon carbide as a semiconductor material have a large band gap. They are strong in radiation resistance and chemical stability. Due to its high temperature resistance, high frequency and resistance to pressure it has been used extensively in the power electronics field.

SiC can be found in many polycrystalline structures called polymorphisms. 4H SiC is currently the best choice for power device manufacturing. There are single crystal 4H–SiC wafers available with diameters from 3 to 6 inches.

Silicon carbide vs. Si
SiC offers a ten-fold increase in dielectric breakdown strength, band gap, and thermal conductivity compared to Si. SiC can be used at higher temperatures and can resist higher levels of breakdown voltage.

Preparation and use of single SiC SiC-rich crystal
Silicon carbide substrates can be prepared using PVT, solution or HTCVD. The world’s most popular method for preparing silicon carbide single crystals is the PVT technique. SiC single crystal growth involves three steps: Acheson, Lely and modified Lely.

SiC crystals can also be grown using sublimation methods, such as the Lely method. You place the SiC powder between a graphite crucible, porous graphite tube, and it is sublimated. It then gets grown in an inert gas (argon), at an ambient temperature of 2500. It is possible to form Flake SiC Crystals.

But, as the Lely method relies on spontaneous nucleation, it’s difficult to manage the crystal shape of SiC crystals grown by this method. Also, crystal size can be very limited. There was an improvement to the Lely method: The physical gas transport method (or PVT). It has the advantage that SiC seed crystal can control the crystal structure of the grown crystal. This overcomes some of the weaknesses of Lay method for spontaneous nucleation. The single crystal SiC crystal can then be obtained. A larger SiC single-crystalline can also be grown.

Silicon carbide ceramic
The process of reactive bonding which is used to make silicon carbide ceramics was created by Edward G. Acheson (1891). The Acheson process is where pure silica and coke react with an electric furnace. It can be heated to temperatures of between 2200 deg. and 2480 degC (or 4000 deg. SiC ceramics exhibit excellent high-temperature bearing strength and dimension stability. Their high thermal conductivity makes them resistant to heat shock. High thermal conductivity is used to prevent extreme temperatures differences between layers. This can be a source of thermal expansion stress. SiC makes a great kiln-furniture to help other ceramics through the firing process.

Silicon carbide Price
Price is affected by many things, such as the demand and supply in the market and industry trends. Economic activity. Unexpected events.
For the most recent SiC price please send an inquiry to receive a quotation. (

Silicon carbide Supplier
Technology Co. Ltd. (), is a trusted SiC manufacturer , and siC supplier . It has over twelve years’ experience. All of our products are available for shipment worldwide.

Send an inquiry if you need high-quality silicon caride. (

Application and Preparation of Nano Silicon Oxide

Nano Silicon dioxide: Application 1. The appropriate quantity of nano-SiO2 added to ceramic products will not only reduce the brittleness but can also improve their toughness by several, if not dozens, of times. It also increases the degree of finish and ceramic products are also fired at lower temperatures. Thus, it may increase the ceramic product’s quality by many levels. 2. Manufacture of cots. You can make semi-conductive photocopier cots. You can make tires. Green tyres are the biggest use. Nano-SiO2 modified tire rubber side rubber is also available for the production of colored tires. For reinforcing silicon rubber in preparation of film and gasket. 3. The reinforcement of plastics is done with conventional SiO2, while nano-SiO2 acts as an agent and has new properties. Because nano-SiO2 is light-transmitting with small particles, it can reduce the size of plastics. The addition of nano-SiO2 to polystyrene films can improve transparency, strength, toughness and waterproof properties. It also improves anti-aging and water resistance.

Prepared Nano Silicon Oxide

By using silica tetrachloride (a raw material) and silicon tetrachloridegas at high temperatures, smokey SiO2 could be prepared. Another effective way to make nano-sized SiO2 is laser-activated chemical vapordeposition (ILCVD). This chemical precipitation technique is for loose SiO2 powder that has been fine dispersed by silicate acidification. It is easy to source raw materials and requires little investment. Rmcplant (aka. Rmcplant is an advanced material. With over 12 years’ experience, Rmcplant is an established global supplier of chemical material. We are proud of the Silicon oxide we produce. We can help you if your price is lower
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Multiple Applications of Molybdenum Telluride

Molybdenum-Teuride Catalyst Today, over 99 percent of hydrogen oxide is generated from energy-intensive and polluting sources. Today, more than 99 percent of hydrogen is produced from energy-intensive, polluting sources. After 5000 cycles, the activity and selectivity for molybdenum Telluride Nanocrystals does not drop. The active attenuation was slight, but there wasn’t any obvious selective attenuation. The molybdenum and telluride nanocrystals showed good catalytic stability.

Molybdenum Telluride for Communication

Thin films made of molybdenum informuride can be “attached directly” to standard silicon wafers. These are used to detect and produce infrared light from substrates compatible with their wavelengths. The goal of universal electro-optical conversions integrated in ubiquitous silicon-based integrated systems and high-speed optical connections may now be more feasible. A way has been found to utilize complex materials to cross the gaps and override the limitations of silicon light emission and wavelength. Their paper, “Molybdenum-telluride Based light emitting diodes & Photodetectors to Silicon photonic circuits” contains a lot more information. The fundamental problem with silicon is that despite its many amazing mechanical and electrical properties, it doesn’t meet the optical requirements. The visible wavelengths are the most common for semiconductors, while silicon is able to absorb light. The silicon waveguide integrated photodetector and light source was created using a P–N junction of molybdenum Telluride (MoTe2) semiconductors. These are two-dimensional, ultra-thin semiconductors that make up the group of transition metal disulfide chemicals. Molybdenum-telluride, which emits infrared light and can therefore not be absorbed into silicon’s infrared spectrum, is also visible. This makes it suitable for use in on-chip communications.

Molybdenum Telluride

: Medical Applications Nanomaterials, due to their distinctive characteristics have been the focal point of research in recent years. Biomedicine has seen researchers develop a variety of nanomaterials capable of combining the three functions of treatment, diagnosis, and tumor targeting. This study demonstrated that functionalized molybdenum tellinguride nanocrystals were capable of treating tumors by loading them with chemotherapeutic agents. High photothermal efficiency, good cell killing capability and excellent cell death under near-infrared irradiation make molybdenum tellinguride nanocrystals very attractive. A high amount of molybdenum nanocrystals was observed in tumors. They also showed strong tumor cauterization. The results of in vitro and in vivo experiments showed that the nano agent had tumor targeting function, high photothermal conversion efficiency, and successfully realized accurate tumor diagnosis and combined photothermal/chemotherapy treatment. To avoid toxic side effects and body retention, it is also easy to eliminate the body. Rmcplant (aka. Rmcplant is an advanced material. With over 12 years’ experience, Rmcplant is an established global supplier of chemical materials. We produce [( telluride molybdenum] that is high in purity, small particles and very low in impurities. We can help you if your requirements are lower.
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Silicon Carbide, Why Let a Person Love and Hate

What’s Silicon Carbide? Silicon carbide (also known as emery) is made up of quartz, petroleum coke or coal coke and wood chips. There are rare minerals found in Silicon Carbide. The most common and most economically-friendly silicon carbide can be found in contemporary C,N,B and other high-tech, non-oxide, high-tech, refractory material raw materials. This type is also known as gold, steel sand and refractory. China’s industrial production of Silicon Carbide is currently divided into green and black silicon carbide. These are both hexagonal crystals having a specific gravity 3.203.25 and a microhardness 2.8403.320 kg/mm2.

Silicon Carbide

: History and Development American Acheson fused Diamond experiment discovered silicon carbide. He mistakenly thought he had found a diamond combination in his laboratory. Acheson then studied 1893 industrial melting silicon carbide methods. We often refer to Acheson furnace as being in use today. First detected in meteorites was silicon carbide in 1905. The first silicon carbide crystalled was made in 1907. Boston was the site of the inaugural World Silicon Carbide Conference, which took place in 1958 for scientific exchange. The research findings of CREE led to the establishment of a production line for silicon carbide. Suppliers began selling silicon carbide in 1987. Application of silicon carbide

Silicon carbide can be used as an abrasive. It can be used such as grinding wheels, whetstones, grinding heads, sand tiles; as a metallurgical deoxidizer, high temperature resist material, and high purity single crystal. It can also be used to produce silicon carbide fibre.

Rmcplant (aka. Rmcplant is an advanced material. With over 12 years’ experience, Rmcplant is an established global supplier of chemical materials and manufacturer. High purity, small particles size, and low impurity are all hallmarks of the Silicon caride that our company produces. We can help you if the price is lower.
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Why silicon nitride is an important structural ceramic material

What’s silicon nitride? Silicon nitride This important structural ceramic material has high hardness and wear resistance. The atomic crystal resists high temperature oxidation. It can also resist cold or hot shocks. It can also be heated up to 1000°C in air. Then it is cooled quickly and heated intelligently until the material does not crack. This is because silicon nitride clays possess such great properties that they are often used to produce bearings, blades for turbines, seal rings and permanent molds. For example, silicon nitride ceramics are resistant to high temperatures but not easily heat transferred and are used for heating the surfaces of engine components. This can help improve middle distillate engines’ quality and also save on fuel and energy. China, Japan, America, Japan, and others have all developed middle distillate engine technology.

Silicon nitride production process
The two main production methods for silicon nitride ceramics are reaction sintering (or hot pressing) sintering. According to the standard production process for ceramic products, reaction sintering produces silicon powder. Next, the furnace performs pre-nitriding at 11501200. The machine tool can then be used to machine the products after they have reached a desired strength. The product becomes silicon nitride by further nitriding, which is done at 13501450 over 1836 hours. The product volume and size are stable because of this method. A hot pressing method involves combining silicon nitride powder and small quantities of additives like MgO or Al2O3, Al2O3, AlF2, MgF2, or Fe2O3. At a temperature between 16001700 and 19.6 MPa, products from hot pressing can be denser. They are more stable than products made with reaction sintering.

Primary Silicon nitride applications
Si3N4 SIC refractories are used in combination with sic for blast oven stack. Other parts include SI3N4BN materials and BN for horizontal continuous casting separator ring. This ceramic material is acceptable and has a flat structure. The requirements of continuous cast mean that it cannot be wetted using liquid steel. Silicon nitride ceramic materials are also very stable, resistant to strong oxidation, and have excellent dimensional accuracy. Silicon nitride can be formed an oxide protective coating in the air and is therefore a good covalent compound. It cannot be reduced below 1200. Protective film created at 1200 to 1600 can stop further oxidation. It will also not be affected by any molten metals, alloys, or other metals like aluminum, lead and tin. However, it is susceptible to being damaged by molten solution like magnesium, nickel-chromium allie, and stainless steel.

Prices for silicon nitride
Prices will depend on how small and pure silicon nitride particles are. The purchase volume may also have an effect on cost. Large quantities of high quality silicon nitride are more expensive. On our official website, you can see the price of silicon nitride.

Silicon nitride supplier
The Advanc3dmaterials Advanced Material Nano Technology Co. Ltd. Luoyang City is located in China’s Henan Province. (Advanc3dmaterials). This company supplies and manufactures high-quality chemical material worldwide. This company is a trusted supplier and manufacturer of high quality chemical materials and nanotechnology products with more than 12 years experience, such as silicon nitride. It also offers sulfide and graphite powders. We are happy to provide high-quality silicon nitride at a reasonable price. Get in touch Ask any question.

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Silicon Sulfide SiS2 Powder CAS 13759-10-9

Product Name: Silicon Sulfide
Silicon Sulfide formular: SiS2
Silicon Sulfide molecular weight: 92.21
Silicon Sulfide density: 1.853 g/cm3
Silicon Sulfide melting point: 1090℃
Silicon Sulfide boiling point: 1130 ℃
Silicon Sulfide CAS NO. : 13759-10-9
Silicon Sulfide details:
Silicon sulfide, the molecular formula is SiS2. White fibrous orthorhombic or tetragonal crystals are stable at normal temperature and pressure and decomposed into SiO2 and H2S in the presence of moisture. It burns when heated in the air. 

About Silicon Sulfide SiS2 Powder:
Silicon sulfide is an inorganic compound with the molecular formula Sis2.Sis2 = 92.21, colorless acicular crystal.The relative density is 2.02, the melting point is 1090℃, and it sublimates in nitrogen at 1250℃. Insoluble in benzene; Soluble in dilute base. Hydrolysis and ammonolysis occurred with water, ethanol and liquid ammonia, respectively. Reaction with alkali metal sulfides to form thiosilicates.Like silicon dioxide, the material is polymerized, but it uses a one-dimensional structure that is distinct from the usual silicon dioxide form.
Like other silicosulfide compounds, such as bis (trimethylsilyl) sulfides, SiS2 is easy to decompose to release hydrogen sulfide. In liquid ammonia, it has been reported to form imide Si(NH)2 and NH4SH, but recent reports have identified the crystallization (NH4)2[SIS3 (NH3)]·2NH3 as a product containing the tetrahedral orthosilicate anion, SIS3 (NH3).
Tetraethyl orthosilicate and H2S were synthesized by reaction with ethanol. With a large volume of tert-butyl alcohol, alcoholysis to obtain tri (tert-butyl) silicon mercaptan:
3 (CH3)3COH + Sis2 →[(CH3)3CO] 3Sish + H2S
Reaction with sodium sulfide, magnesium sulfide and aluminum sulfide to give sulphosilicate. Feel free to send an inquiry to get the latest price if you would like to buy Silicon Sulfide SiS2 Powder in bulk.

How is Silicon Sulfide SiS2 Powder produced?
1. Put aluminum powder and excess sulfur into the crucible and burn it to get aluminum sulfide. The aluminum sulfide is crushed and mixed with slightly excessive silica sand. Place the mixture in a shingle, then place the shingle in a quartz tube, and heat the quartz tube while injecting a small amount of dry nitrogen. The reaction starts at 1100℃, and the sublimated Sis2 adheres to the low-temperature region of the tube at 1200 ~ 1300℃. When purified, it is sublimated again in nitrogen or vacuum. Tetragonal Sis2 can be prepared by heating the mixture of silicon and sulfur at 5×103MPa and 700℃.
2. Decompose hydrocarbon self-based silicon by heating to generate silicon disulfide and sulfide at 250 ~ 300℃.If sulfur is added, it decomposes at a lower temperature. Si-disulfide and ethylthioane (C2H5-S2-C2H5, C2H5-S3-C2H5) are produced by mixing 96g sulfur with 39g Si(SC2H5)4 and heating it at 200℃ for 10min. The latter is dissolved in benzene and filtered to prevent it from mixing with moisture.
Applications of Silicon Sulfide SiS2 Powder:
Silicon sulfide is a medium water and acid soluble source of silicon used for compatibility with sulfates. Sulfate is a sulfate or ester formed by replacing one or two hydrogens with a metal.

Storage Condition of Silicon Sulfide SiS2 Powder:
The damp reunion will affect SiS2 powder dispersion performance and using effects, therefore, Silicon Sulfide SiS2 Powder should be sealed in vacuum packing and stored in a cool and dry room, the Silicon Sulfide SiS2 Powder can not be exposure to air. In addition, the Silicon Sulfide SiS2 Powdershould be avoided under stress.

Packing & Shipping of Silicon Sulfide SiS2 Powder:
We have many different kinds of packing which depend on the Silicon Sulfide SiS2 Powder quantity.
Silicon Sulfide SiS2 Powder packing:vacuum packing, 100g, 500g or 1kg/bag, 25kg/barrel, or as your request.
Silicon Sulfide SiS2 Powder shipping: could be shipped out by sea, by air, by express, as soon as possible once payment receipt.
Silicon Sulfide SiS2 Powder CAS 13759-10-9插图

Silicon Sulfide Properties

Other Namessilicon(IV) sulfide, silicon disulfide, silicon(IV) sulphide, SiS2 powder
CAS No.13759-10-9
Compound FormulaSiS2
Molecular Weight92.22
AppearanceWhite Powder
Melting Point1090
Boiling PointN/A
Density1.85-2.02 g/cm3
Solubility in H2ODecomposes
Exact Mass91.921068

Silicon Sulfide Health & Safety Information

Signal WordDanger
Hazard StatementsH261-H300-H315-H319-H335
Hazard CodesF, T
Risk CodesN/A
Safety StatementsN/A
Transport InformationUN3134 4.3+6.1/PG II
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Silicon Nanoparticles Nano Si Powder CAS 7440-21-3

About Silicon Nanoparticles Nano Si Powder:
Silicon nanoparticles (SiNPs) are biologically compatible, metal-free quantum dots that exhibit size and surface tailorable photoluminescence. Silicon nanoparticles are composed of pure amorphous nano silicon dioxide. The particle diameter is less than 5 nanometers, and the particle range is narrow. Nano silicon powder is a new generation of optoelectronic semiconductor materials with wide gap energy semiconductors and is also a high-power light source material.
Silicon nanoparticles are known for being absorbent and abrasive, whereas mesoporous silicon nanoparticles have important applications in drug delivery and nanomedicine. Silicon nanoparticles have attracted great attention in the past decades because of their intriguing physical properties, active surface state, distinctive photoluminescence and biocompatibility.

How is Silicon Nanoparticles Nano Si Powder produced?
Some methods used to synthesize silicon nanoparticles are reverse microemulsion and flame synthesis and widely used sol-gel. In a reverse microemulsion, surfactant molecules dissolved in an organic solvent form spherical micelles. In the presence of water, the polar head groups organize themselves to form water-containing microcavities, usually called reverse micelles.
When synthesizing silicon nanoparticles, the addition of silicon alkoxide and catalyst to the medium containing reverse micelles can be carefully controlled to make the nanoparticles grow in the microcavity. The main disadvantages of the reverse micro emulsification method are the high cost and difficulty in removing the surfactant in the final product.
Besides, by reacting 1 kg of sulphuric acid 3M with 190 g of Olivine at 90°C in a stirred reactor 65 g of nano-silicon is produced. The features of the silicon produced are a specific surface area of 100-500 m²/g, a mean particle size of 5-20 nm and a specific surface area in micropores of 20- 200 m²/g.

Technical Parameter of Silicon Nanoparticles Nano Si Powder:

Product NameMFPurityParticle SizeCrystal FormSSAColor
Silicon NanoparticlesSi99%50nm, 100nmPolycrystalline22m2/gOchre


Application of Silicon Nanoparticles Nano Si Powder:

1. Lithium battery anode material
Silicon nanoparticles made of nano Si powder is used in the anode material of rechargeable lithium battery, or the surface of nano silicon powder is coated with graphite as the anode material of rechargeable lithium battery, which improves the electric capacity of a rechargeable lithium battery by more than 10 Capacity and a number of charge and discharge cycles.
2. Nano-silicon semiconductor light-emitting materials
Silicon/silicon oxide nanostructures designed on a silicon substrate, which can achieve photoluminescence and forward or reverse bias in all major wavelength bands (including 1.54 and 1.62µm) from near-ultraviolet to near-infrared Low threshold voltage electroluminescence.
3. Aluminum castable
Adding Si powder can significantly reduce the creep rate of high-aluminum casting castings in high-temperature furnaces, prevent cracks and spalling of the furnace lining due to shrinkage and creep, and improve service life. 
4. Tire cord fabric compound
Adding silicon nanoparticles to the tire cord fabric compound can increase the 300% constant tensile stress of vulcanizate, tensile properties, tear strength, reduce Mooney viscosity, and have a certain reinforcing effect on the compound.
Adding silicon nanoparticles to the coating system can improve the anti-aging, scrub resistance, and anti-staining properties of the coating, and finally extend the service life of the coating.

Packing & Shipping of Silicon Nanoparticles Nano Si Powder:
We have many different kinds of packing which depends on the silicon nanoparticles quantity.
Silicon nanoparticles nano Si powder packing: vacuum packing, 1kg/bag, 25kg/barrel, or as your request.
Silicon nanoparticles nano Si powder shipping: could be shipped out by sea , by air, by express as soon as possible once payment receipt.
Silicon Nanoparticles Nano Si Powder CAS 7440-21-3插图

Silicon Nanoparticles Properties

Other NamesSilicon Nanopowder, silicon nanocrystals, silicon nano-particles,
nanosilicon, silicon nano-powder, nano-silicon
CAS No.7440-21-3
Compound FormulaSi
Molecular Weight28.08
AppearanceYellow Brown Powder
Melting Point2900 °C
Boiling PointN/A
Bulk Density1414 g/cm3
Trun Density2330 g/cm3
Solubility in H2ON/A
Poisson’s Ratio0.064-0.28
Vickers HardnessN/A
Thermal Expansion(25 °C) 2.6 µm·m-1·K-1
Young’s Modulus51-80 GPa

Silicon Nanoparticles Health & Safety Information

Signal WordWarning
Hazard StatementsH228
Flash PointNot applicable
Hazard CodesF
Risk Codes11
Safety Statements16-33-36
RTECS NumberVW0400000
Transport InformationUN 1346 4.1/PG 3
WGK Germany2
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Silicon Aluminum Alloy Si-Al Powder

About Silicon Aluminum Alloy Si-Al Powder:
High-silicon aluminum alloy powder is a binary alloy composed of silicon and aluminum and is metal-based thermal management material. The high-silicon aluminum alloy material can maintain the excellent performance of silicon and aluminum, and the content of silicon and aluminum is quite rich. The preparation technology of silicon powder is mature and the cost is low. At the same time, this material does not pollute the environment and is harmless to the human body. Why is Silicon added to Aluminium?
When it is added to aluminum, the silicon makes the metal alloy more fluid without breaking the metal down at high temperatures. The silicon actually lowers the aluminum’s melting point. The aluminum will not experience hot tearing as there is no brittleness.
The density of high-silicon aluminum alloy is between 2.4~2.7 g/cm³, and the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) is between 7-20ppm/℃. Increasing the silicon content can significantly reduce the density and thermal expansion coefficient of the alloy material. At the same time, the high-silicon aluminum alloy also has good thermal conductivity, high specific strength and stiffness, good plating performance with gold, silver, copper, nickel, weldable with the substrate, easy precision machining and other superior performance, is an Electronic packaging material with broad application prospects, especially in high-tech fields such as aerospace, space technology, and portable electronic devices. Rmcplant is a trusted global Silicon Aluminum Alloy Si-Al Powder supplier. Feel free to send an inquiry about the latest price of Silicon Aluminum Alloy at any time.

How is Silicon Aluminum Alloy Si-Al Powder Produced?
Preparation method of silicon and aluminum alloy:
(1) no pressure infiltration method
In the role of carbon steel permeability aid in the air, make the aluminum alloy melt into the silicon particle prefabricated parts, so as to prepare a composite material method;
(2) pressure infiltration method
By applying an external force, liquid aluminum metal penetrates into the preform of silicon particles to promote the penetration, wetting and recombination of silicon particles and liquid aluminum metal. The usual steps are to prepare the prefabricated silicon particle reinforcements and then cast the permeable composites.
(3) vacuum hot pressing method
A sintering process in which pressure forming and pressure sintering is carried out simultaneously under vacuum conditions;
(4) powder metallurgy method
A method of making a certain proportion of aluminum powder, silicon powder and binder by dry pressing, injection and other methods to make powder mixing molding, and sintering in a protective atmosphere, so as to obtain a dense material;
(5) rapid solidification method
Also known as rapid solidification, the solidification degree and solidification speed can be increased by increasing the solidification cooling rate, so as to achieve the purpose of refining the microstructure of the alloy.

Application of Silicon Aluminum Alloy Si-Al Powder:
1) High-power integrated circuit packaging: high-silicon aluminum alloy provides effective heat dissipation;
2) Carrier: It can be used as a local heat sink to make the components more closely arranged;
3) Optical frame: high-silicon aluminum alloy provides low thermal expansion coefficient, high rigidity and machinability;
4) Heat sink parts: high silicon aluminum alloy provides effective heat dissipation and structural support.
Application of Silicon Aluminum Alloy Si-Al Powder in auto parts:
High-silicon aluminum alloy material (with a silicon content of 20%-35%) has excellent tribological properties and can be used as an advanced lightweight wear-resistant material in various transportation vehicles and various types of power machinery, machine tools, special fasteners And tools have been widely used.
High-silicon aluminum alloy has a series of advantages such as small specific weight, lightweight, good thermal conductivity, low thermal expansion coefficient, volume stability, good wear resistance, good corrosion resistance, etc., and is widely used as cylinder sleeves, pistons, rotors of automobile engines, Brake discs and other materials.

Storage Condition of Silicon Aluminum Alloy Si-Al Powder:
The damp reunion will affect Si-Al powder dispersion performance and using effects, therefore, silicon aluminum alloy powder should be sealed in vacuum packing and stored in cool and dry room, the silicon aluminum alloy can not be exposure to air. In addition, the silicon aluminum alloy powder should be avoided under stress.

Packing & Shipping of Silicon Aluminum Alloy Si-Al Powder:
We have many different kinds of packing which depend on the silicon aluminum alloy Si-Al powder quantity.
Silicon aluminum alloy Si-Al powder packing: vacuum packing, 100g, 500g or 1kg/bag, 25kg/barrel, or as your request.
Silicon aluminum alloy Si-Al powder shipping: could be shipped out by sea, by air, by express as soon as possible once payment receipt.
Silicon Aluminum Alloy Si-Al Powder插图

Silicon Alumium Alloy Powder Properties

Other NamesAlSi, SiAl, Si:Al, silicon aluminum, Si-Al Powder
CAS No.11145-27-0
Compound FormulaSi-Al
Molecular WeightN/A
AppearanceGray to Black Powder
Melting Point600-760℃
Boiling PointN/A
Density2.7 g/cm3
Solubility in H2OInsoluble
Monoisotopic Mass54.958 g/mol

Silicon Alumium Alloy Powder Health & Safety Information

Signal WordN/A
Hazard StatementsN/A
Hazard CodesN/A
Risk CodesN/A
Safety StatementsN/A
Transport InformationNONH for all modes of transport
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