The Properties And Application of Gallium nitride

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What is Gallium Nitride (Galium Nitride)?
Inorganic gallium nitride has the chemical formula GaN. It is made up of gallium, nitrogen, and a combination. It is a direct-bandgap semiconductor that has been widely used in light emitting diodes (LEDs) since 1990. This compound has the same structure as wurtzite and is very hard. Gallium Nitride has an energy gap of about 3.4 electron-volts. This can be useful in high-speed and high-power optoelectronic devices. Gallium nitride is used, for instance, in violet lasers. You can use it without nonlinear semi-conductor pumped solid state lasers.

Professor Yuki Akasaki of Nagoya University in Japan along with Hiroshi Amao of Nagoya University as well as Shuji Nakamura of University of California Santa Barbara won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2014 for their invention of the blue led.
Applications of GaN

GaN series has low heat production rate and high electric breakdown field. These materials are crucial for developing high-temperature and high power electronic devices, as well high-frequency microwave devices.

GaN materials are ideal for light-emitting devices with short wavelengths. GaN, and its alloys, cover the spectrum from red through to ultraviolet.

GaN is the hottest area of research in semiconductors. This is a new semiconductor material used for microelectronics and optoelectronics. Along with semiconductor materials, such as SIC or diamond, it’s known as the next generation of Ge and Si.

Semiconductor material, second-generation GaAs compound semiconductor materials, and third-generation semiconductor materials. It has a large bandgap and a strong atomic structure. It also has high thermal conductivity (nearly uncorroded by acid) as well as good radiation resistance. It’s used in photoelectronics and devices that require high temperatures and power.

Tech Co., Ltd. () has over 12 years’ experience in chemical product development and research. If you’re looking for high-quality galium nitride please contact Contact us Send an inquiry.