The Property And Preparation of Boron Nitride Powder

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Boron nitride The powder is white and is composed of nitrogen atoms. The chemical composition of the powder is 43.6% nitrogen and 56.4% boron. There are four different types: hexagonal Boron Nitride (HBN), Rhombohedral Boron Nitride (RBN), Cubic boron Nitride (CBN) or wurtzite Nitro Boron (WBN).

What property does boron nitride have?

Boron Nitride Powder is resistant against chemical corrosion. It is also not affected by water or mineral acids. The boron and nitrogen bond is broken by hot concentrated alkali. The air temperature above 1200degC causes the nitride to begin oxidizing. Its melting point, 3000degC. When it’s slightly below 3000degC it begins to sublime. And it begins decomposing at around 2700degC under vacuum. Boron Nitride Powder is only slightly soluble in acidic water and insoluble in cold.
Carbon materials are inferior in terms of most properties to boron carbide. For hexagonal Boron Nitride: Low friction coefficient, good stability at high temperatures, good thermal shock resistant, high strength and thermal conductivity.

What are the different methods of preparation for boron nitride?

The boron-nitride is commonly produced as a powder with a structure similar to graphite, also known as white graphite. The second is diamond type. Similar to the conversion of graphite to a diamond, graphite boron-nitride powder can be converted into diamond type boron-nitride by high temperature and pressure.

High Temperature and High Pressure Synthesis
Wentorf produced cubic BN first in 1957. The cubic boron nitride can be directly converted from pure hexagonal boron nitride, HBN, when the pressure and temperature are high enough. Later, it was found that the use catalysts could greatly reduce both the transition pressure and temperature. The high cost of preparation and the complexity of equipment limit its industrial use.

Chemical vapor synthesis
Sokolowski was the first to use pulsed-plasma technology in 1979 for the preparation of cubic boron (CBN), at low temperature, and under low pressure. Equipment is simple, and the process can be easily realized.

Technology for carbothermic synthesis
The method is based on using boric acid, a raw material, as an additive to silicon carbide. Ammonia nitriding then produces boron oxide. The resultant product has a high purity, and is a valuable material for composite materials.

Ion beamsputtering
The mixed product is made using particle beam deposition. It is possible to achieve a product with a morphology that is controlled, even though this method contains fewer impurities.

Tech Co., Ltd. is a professional boron nitride We have over 12 years’ experience in research and development of chemical products. You can contact us for high-quality boron powder. Contact us Send an inquiry.