The Use of Stearic Acid in Suppositories

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Stearic acid is an oleochemical that has a wide range of applications. It is a fatty acid that occurs naturally in animal and vegetable fats.

It is a common additive in food products, pharmaceuticals and topical applications. It is also used as a softener in rubber compounds. Suppositories are a medical device that is made from stearic acid and glycerin. Among its functions, suppositories are used to treat absorption, local conditions and other conditions.

The stearic acid is mixed with sodium carbonate in a glycerol solution. This mixture is dissolved in water and then separated by a steam bath. Once the solution is separated, the residue is placed in a beaker. In a second step, the residue is extracted with 75 mL hexanes. Glycerol is then distilled and mixed with polyethylene oxide. The resulting mass is settled at around 68-75 degrees Celsius.

Stearic acid is a fatty acid that occurs naturally as an ester of fatty alcohol. It is a waxy solid that is produced in several forms.

Stearic acid is also present as a glyceride in animal fats, such as tallow. Stearic acid can also be extracted from plants, such as palm oil. If it is sourced from plant sources, it can be used in food products, but it is not required.

As with any chemical, there is a risk of skin sensitization to stearic acid. To test for this, a 0.1 mL sample of a 10% stearic acid cosmetic formulation was tested for sensitization.

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