What are the applications of aluminum nitride ceramic materials?

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Aluminum nitride This material is considered the ideal packaging material for new generations of semiconductor substrates, electronic devices and other highly integrated products. Aluminum nitride is also used in crucibles to melt non-ferrous materials and semiconductor materials, such as gallium arenide. They can also be used for high-temperature parts and insulation, or as thermocouple protection tubes. This inorganic material has a broad range of applications. The substrate material is aluminum nitride
Substrate materials used for electronic packaging must have high electrical resistance, good thermal conductivity and a low dielectric constant. The substrate for packaging should also be able to match silicon wafers thermally, have a high flatness surface, be easy to mold, have easy metallization and processing, as well as low cost. Due to their high thermal conductivity, good high-frequency properties, good insulation properties and stable chemical properties of ceramics, they have become the most widely used substrate materials. Commonly used ceramic substrate materials include beryllium oxide, aluminum oxide, aluminum nitride, etc. Aluminum oxide ceramic substrates have a low thermal conductivity, and their thermal expansion coefficient is not comparable to that of silica. Beryllium dioxide has excellent properties but its powder can cause pronounced effects. Poison, aluminum nitride, ceramics with high thermal conductivity. They also have excellent thermal shock resistance and good mechanical properties, making them the ideal substrate.
Transparent ceramic materials
Transparency of ceramics refers to electromagnetic waves passing through the material within a particular electromagnetic frequency range. If electromagnetic waves within the infrared range can penetrate a sheet of ceramic, then the sheet is infrared-transparent ceramic. Pure aluminum-nitride ceramics, which are transparent and colorless crystals with good optical properties, can be used for heat-resistant coatings on high-temperature optical windows and fairings. Therefore, aluminum nitride The military uses ceramics in a variety of ways.

Applications of Aluminum Nitride in Machinery Industry
Aluminum nitride can be used to make wear-resistant components. Due to its high price, aluminum nitride can only replace severely worn parts. The oxidation and wear resistance of some metal or nonmetal surfaces can be improved by coating them with aluminum nitride. Aluminum nitride coatings can be used for anti-corrosion purposes, including the linings in containers and processing equipment that are corrosive.
Aluminum nitride high-temperature structure material
Aluminum nitride exhibits good corrosion resistance in ceramics both at high and low temperatures. Only at 2450degC will it decompose. As a high-temperature material, it can be used in crucibles and molds. Aluminum nitride can resist dissolution and is not affected by copper, aluminium, silver or other substances. It is also resistant to high temperatures. It can be used as a container, high-temperature protection layer and thermocouple protector tubes. For high-end semiconductor equipment like aluminum nitride electrostatic chucks, corrosive gases are used. Aluminum nitride, which is stable for molten sodium salts like gallium arsenide can be used instead of glass in order to synthesize high-purity semiconductors.
Aluminum Nitride Composite
Epoxy/aluminum Nitride Composite Material: As packaging material, this material needs to be able to dissipate heat and have good thermal properties. This requirement is getting more and more stringent. The epoxy resin has good mechanical and chemical stability. It is also easy to cure. However, it has a low thermal conductivity. Nano aluminum nitride, a powder with high thermal conductivity, can be added to epoxy resin in order to improve its thermal conductivity.
Titanium Nitride is used to create N/AlN composite materials. Titanium Nitride has excellent properties including high melting temperature, high hardness and electrical and thermal conductivity on the same scale as metal. It also exhibits corrosion resistance. A small amount titanium nitride added to the aluminum nitride matrix. According to conductive-percolation theory, when the amount of doping reaches certain thresholds, a path of conductivity is formed in crystal. This allows the volume resistance of aluminum nitride to be reduced by 24 orders of magnitude. Moreover, composite ceramic materials made from these two materials are characterized by high hardness, wear resistance and can also serve as high-grade materials for abrasives.

(aka. Technology Co. Ltd. has over 12 years experience as a supplier of high-quality chemical materials and nanomaterials. The Aluminum Nitride Please note that the products produced by our company are of high purity and have low impurity content. Please. Contact Us if necessary.