What is Silicon Nitride Si3N4?

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What is Silicon Nitride? Silicon Nitride Is an organic substance that has the chemical composition Si3N4. Gray, white, or grayish-white. The relative molecularweight is 140.28.
It is an important structural ceramic material and has high hardness. It is an atomic crystalline, has wear resistance and lubricity, and can also be used as an antioxidant at high temperatures. It does not react to hydrofluoric and hot phosphoric acids, and is strong resistant to corrosion. It is also resistant to cold and heat shock, heating in air to more that 1000, rapid cooling, then rapid heating.
It is often used to make mechanical components, such as bearings and gas turbine blades. It can improve the quality and efficiency of the engine by using silicon nitride clay that is resistant to high temperatures and difficult to heat transfer.

How to make silicon nitride clays?
There are two primary production methods for silicon nitride ceramics: reaction heating and hot pressing heating.
The reaction Sintering technique is used to produce the mixture of silicon powder/silicon powder and silicon nitride, according to the general manufacturing method for ceramic products. It is then pre-nitrided at 1150-1200 to achieve a certain strength. Then it can be machined using the machine tool. Then, it is further nitrided for 18-36h at 1350-1450 until it becomes silicon nitride. The product size and volume are stable because of this method.
The hot press sintering rules is that silicon oxide powder and a little amount of additives (such MgO, Al2O3, AlF2, AlF3, Fe2O3, etc. They are sintered and pressed at a pressure of 19.6MPa or 1600 to 1700. In general, hot pressing sintering produces a product with a higher density and greater performance than reaction sintering.

What’s silicon nitride ceramic for?
Silicon nitride clays are strong and resistant to high temperatures. The ceramic material silicon nitride ceramics has the highest comprehensive mechanical properties. It is also resistant to oxidation, wear, wear, and thermal shock. Silicon nitride clays are used in the mechanical sector as bearing balls and rollers, seats, tooling and new ceramic tools.
The chemical industry uses silicon nitride clays as wear-resistant, corrosion-resistant parts. This includes the ball valve, pump body and combustion carburetors as well as filters.
Silicon nitride ceramics, which are high-temperature resistant and have a low friction coefficient, provide self-lubricity in the gold mining industry. It is compatible with most metals and alloys. This makes it ideal for tooling in metal material processing.

Silicon Nitride Si3N4 Powder Price
Price is affected by many factors, including supply and demand, industry trends and economic activity.
You can email us to request a quote for the latest silicon-nitride Si3N4 si3N4 powder price . (brad@ihpa.net)

Silicon Nitride Si3N4 Powder Supplier
Technology Co. Ltd. is a trusted global supplier and manufacturer of chemical materials. We have more than 12 years experience in producing super-high-quality chemicals.
Send us an inquiry if you’re looking for Si3N4 powder of high quality. (brad@ihpa.net)